Data collection format for information about Solid Waste Management (SWM) in Urban Local (ULBs) in West Bengal
S.No / Name of ULB: / Date of Reporting:1. / Total waste generated (estimated) in MT / (measured on the basis of population and various non-residential establishments accounted for in the Municipal area)
2. / Budgeted and actual expenditure in conservancy (sweeping, waste collection, transport, treatment and disposal combined) / Budgeted (Rs. Lakh)
Actual (Rs. Lakh)
3. / (i) Total waste collected in MT / (measured on the basis of no. of carriage vehicles used, axle load and trips to dumping sites)
(ii) What is the fate of waste not collected?
4. / No. of street sweepings and collection in a day
5 / Staff employed in managing solid waste
(i)no.of staff at Supervisory Level like Sanitary Inspector Block etc.
(ii)door to door collectors, street sweepers, persons engaged in sorting/ compacting, transportation personnel, sanitary inspectors etc. apart from contingency) / Regular (Rs. Lakh)
Year / No. of staff / Salaries & overheads (Rs. Lakh)
Door to door collection
Street Sweeper
Contractual (Rs. Lakh)
Year / No. of staff / Salaries & overheads (Rs. Lakh)
6. / Safeguards / Safety equipment
Item / If existing/ issued
Safety gloves
Medical/ first aid kit
Protective gear (eye glasses, apron/ overall, head cover)
Other safeguards
Item / If existing
Formal training in safe collection and handling of gear
Insurance for workers
Social protection/ rehabilitation (for workers from communities traditionally understood to have been involved in scavenging, who may be subject to certain forms of discrimination)
7. / Rolling stock utilised in solid waste management at present (can be cross checked with asset register) /
- Wheel barrows
- Cycle rickshaws
- Tractors
- Trucks/ tempo with capacity less than 5 MT
- Trucks/ tempo with capacity more than 5 MT
- Trash compactor truck/ unit
- Mechanical sweepers
Item / Year of purchase / Whether active/ defunct
8. / Door to door collection schedule (where in use).Whether segregation at house hold level (2 coloured bin – system) is practiced. / On a map of the municipal area, kindly indicate:
-various collection zones involving door-to-door collection,
-‘walks‘ (routes covered by door to door waste collectors where employed – may include wheelbarrows/ cycle rickshaws and other non-motorised forms of hauling equipment), along with timings
-Points of primary accumulation (community bins/ local/ neighborhood dumping sites)
[Use supplementary tables to indicate timings if required.]
9. / No.of trips from Secondary transfer station to dumping ground
10 / Transport schedule / On a map of the municipal area, kindly indicate:
-various collection zones incolving pick-up from primary accumulation sites,
-routes taken by various motorised transportation for hauling waste to disposal site, along with timings
-Points of transfer stations (if any)
[Use supplementary tables to indicate timings if required.]
11 / Details of primary and secondary transfer stations
12 / Waste characteristics (preferably sampled through a mass of 1 MT over a period of six months spanning rainy season) / Organic
Nature / Percentage of total
Plant/ vegetative matter
Food waste
Other compostible material (paper, carboard, packing made of recyclable material, leather, wood shavings)
Earth/ dust
Nature / Percentage of total
Construction & demolition
Metals including sharps, scrap and glassware
Plastics, resins and other synthetic material
Liquids, paints, varnishes etc.
Wastes classified as hazardous/ needing special treatment
Nature / Percentage of total
Slaughter house waste (offal, carcasses, blood products) & dead animals & birds
Tannery & dyeing waste
Medical waste (remains, surgical by-products etc.)
Healthcare consumables/ disposables
Cyber waste
13 / Treatment & disposal facilities (indicate both current as well as proposed sites for development) / Landfill sites
Location / Whether lined / Capacity (MT/ day) & age
Incineration facilities
Location (direction,distance,prevailing wind pattern) / Fuel source (electrical/ coal/ composite) / Capacity / Age
Original /
Composting/ rendering plants
Location / Capacity handled (MT/ day) / Capacity rejected (MT/ day)
Other waste to energy, recycling or reclamation plant
Location / Capacity handled (MT/ day) / Capacity rejected (MT/ day)
14 / A brief account and overview of the process followed from collection to disposal; who does what, when & how
15 / Expenditure structure in the last three financial years / Item / Rs. In lakh
Sinking/ amortisation on all fixed assets (landfill site, community bin sites, transfer stations etc.)
Depreciation/ sinking on all rolling stock
Manpower (see salaries & oveheads on staff above)
Fuel & consumables
Repairs and overhauling to rolling stock
A&OE/ establishment charges for municipal staff not directly involved with SWM)
16 / Involvement of private sector parties (existing / proposed) / Activity / Yes/ No / Nature of involvement / Commercial terms
Door-to-door collection & primary segregation
Transport to transfer point or disposal site
Operating/ maintaining the disposal site or facility
17 / Annual revenues in Rs. lakh / From citizens
Item / If existing / If yes, how much?
User charges/ month
Conservancy tax levied as surcharge to property tax
Conservancy costs factored into property tax rental value rates
No levy of revenue (direct/ indirect)
From other parties (Rs. Lakh)
Item / If existing / If yes, how much?
Royalty for salvage of materials
License for operations of collection, transport treatment and/or disposal
Lease of assets
Capital/ revenue grants received for SWM in last three years (Rs. lakh)
Year / CSS / State BG/ SFC grant / EAP/ ECB debt
18 / Perceived operational issues (including issues with operating conditions) with respect to SWM in the area / Views of Chairperson
Views of Sanitary Inspector
19 / Has there been any awareness generation program adopted so far? If yes, how have they been implemented?
20 / Socio - economic status
21 / Handling details of bio - medical waste
22 / Handling details of waste from floating population if it is a pilgrimage / business / tourist town
Change Management Unit /
Technical Assistance Support Unit (PMU-2)
Kolkata Urban Services for the Poor / Page 1 of 7