Course Syllabus: 8th Grade Math 2013-2014

Mr. Curtis


Phone: (360) 855-3520

During the school year we will be studying the following Common Core State Standards.

8th Grade Common Core Strands

1.  8.NS The Number System
2.  8.EE Expressions and Equations
3.  8.F Functions
4.  8.G Geometry
5.  8.SP Statistics and Probability

Required Supplies/Materials:

Three ring binder—this is the regular school binder and should have a section for math.

College ruled notebook paper

2 Pencils and Red Pen—each student must have a pencil and correcting pen every day.

Spiral Notebook or Composition Notebook – dedicated to math

o  AGENDA—needs to be purchased at the office on the first day of school.

Basic Calculator—a basic calculator with a square root button is sufficient. CELL PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED!

Suggested for Math (but not required):

o  Graph paper

Headphones for use with laptops

o  Colored Pencils

Clear protractor or angle ruler

o  Pencil pouch—to hold pencils, pens, calculators, etc.

**Required materials MUST be brought to school EVERY day!!**

Description of Curriculum and Supplements

We will primarily be using the Math Connects: Course 3, by Glenco McGraw-Hill. However, since this text is not aligned with the new Common Core State Standards, we will be supplementing heavily from a variety of sources including Khan Academy and Engage NY.

Grading Policy

Students will be allowed to demonstrate, in many different ways, how well they comprehend the mathematics they are learning.

Assessments (50%)

Assessments include tests, quizzes (both content and notebook), and Minute Math (a quick assessment typically given in the first few minutes of class and based on previously learned material).

Homework Assignments (20%)

Students should expect to have 20-30 minutes of homework every day. Homework assignments include, but are not limited to, textbook assignments, Khan Academy (for participating students) and worksheets.

In-Class Activities (15%)

I plan to have in-class activities one to two times each week. These activities will be collaborative in nature. In-class activities include, but are not limited to:

o  Station Activities

o  Performance Tasks, and

o  Mini-presentations.

Projects (15%)

There will be a Khan Academy Review Project due at the end of each quarter. .


Late/Absent Work Policy

·  Absent--Students who are absent are expected to complete the assignments, activities (or equivalent), and tests they miss. Missing class, even if excused, could prevent a student from being successful. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO SCHEDULE A TIME TO MAKE UP WORK THAT WAS COMPLETED DURING CLASS (Tests, Activities, etc.), AND MAKE UP ALL ASSIGNED HOMEWORK. Completed assignments should have “ABSENT” written at the top of the paper and be placed in your classroom folder for grading.

·  Late Work—Every effort should be made to complete assignments on time. In math, many concepts build on one another, so if you don’t complete one assignment you may not understand the next one. Late work will be accepted until the end of a unit. ALL LATE WORK MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE A UNIT TEST IS GIVEN! Write “LATE” at the top of the paper.

Text books

Students are expected to bring their textbooks to class when required. Students with damaged or lost books will be issued a fine up to $80.

Classroom Procedures

General procedures will be posted around the room. All students are expected to follow these procedures.

Discipline Policy

There are three behavior types that will not be tolerated in my class:

1.  Disrespect:

o  Examples include using profanity, preventing other students from learning, throwing things, bullying, stealing, not following direct instructions, etc.

o  Students who show disrespect to others (especially preventing others from learning) will be isolated from others within the classroom for minor events, or referred to the office for administrative action for severe or repetitive cases.

2.  Irresponsibility:

o  Examples include not showing up with the required materials, not following classroom procedures, etc.

o  Students are expected to show up to class ready to learn and with the required materials.

3.  Lack of effort:

o  Examples include not completing homework on time, not working in-class when asked to do so, not participating in group activities.

o  Students are expected to show up to class ready to learn. If a student refuses to participate in class activities, they will be removed from class and face possible administrative action.

Depending upon the seriousness of an event, a student may be referred to the office immediately and given an infraction. Please see the Student Handbook for a complete list of infraction types and their consequences.

Extra Help?

Please check my classroom webpage daily for extra help, assignments, helpful links, etc.

From the Cascade Middle School Webpage (, click on Staff Directory, and the scroll down and click on Curtis, Edward.

Please SIGN AND RETURN this page to Mr. Curtis, 8th Grade Math

Eighth Grade Math Parent/Guardian Signature and Information Page

1.  I have read and agree to the expectations of this syllabus.

2.  We have internet and my child can complete both Khan Academy (KA) homework Assignments and a quarterly KA project from home:

Yes ______No______

I plan to provide in-class time for students to work with KA. The minimum age for using KA without parental permission is 13. Even if you don’t have internet at home, please answer question 3 so your child can benefit from this amazing resource.

3.  My child is (check one):

o  at least 13 years old, please sign him/her up for KA.

o  under 13, so please give the email below to KA so they can contact me and let me sign up my child. (you will be sent an email to sign your child up).

o  under 13, and I do not have an email address. Please consider my signature below as permission to sign my child up with KA as your child.

Student Name ______Period ______Date ______

Parent Signature______Date ______

Please check the box of your preferred method to be contacted.

Parent Name / Phone Number / Email
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