Doniphan-Trumbull Public School

September School Board Meeting

Date: September 14, 2016 Regular Board Meeting follows Budget Hearing and Tax Setting Hearing

Location: 302 W. Plum St., Board of Education Room Agenda: Regular Meeting

To: Board of Education Members and General Public From: Kirk Russell, Superintendent

6. Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:10_ p.m.

7. Determination of Legality of the Regular Meeting, Announcement of Open Meetings Act and Roll Call

8. Consent Agenda

Recommended Action: “to approve by consent the items identified by asterisk and receive information and reports as listed and marked with asterisk.”

*8a. Approval or Amendment of Agenda

Recommended Action: “to approve the September 14th 2016 agenda as presented.”

There have been no additional items added to the agenda since the agenda was distributed to the Board of Education.

*8b. Approval of the Minutes

Recommended Action: “to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2016 Regular Board Meeting and August 29, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes Attachment C).

*9-B-1 Recommended Action: “to approve September Doniphan-Trumbull School General Fund claims totaling $_60,034.37___; Food Service claims totaling $ 17,055.31_ and Building Fund Claims totaling $_0.00_ and QCPUF Fund Claim totaling

$ 0.00 (Attachment E )

9. Open Forum

10. Principal & Athletic Director Report’s

a. Mr. Breckner

b. Mrs. Niles

c. Mr. Engel

d. Mr. Head

11. Old Business

11. A. Reports


11. B. Action Items

11-B-1 BOE Goals & Facility Prioritization-(Attachment D)

12. A. Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Russell

13. New Business

13-A Reports

No action is anticipated on any of the items listed under this section. However, should the Board of Education wish to initiate an action to clarify or facilitate one or more issues pertaining to the topic, they may do so at this meeting.

13-A-1 Option Enrollment Report- (Attachment E)

13 B Action Items

13-B-1 Recommended Action: Following the reading of the “2016-2017 Tax Request

Resolution for Doniphan-Trumbull School District #40-0126 in its entirety: “to adopt the

resolution as stated in Attachment __A-3_ to include the published tax request and

corresponding property tax levy of $ 5,463,057.52 and $ 0.69000 respectively for the

2016-2017 fiscal year for General Fund purposes and the published tax request and

corresponding property tax levy of $ 870,922.21 and $ 0.11000 respectively for the 2016-

2017 fiscal year for the Special Building Fund purposes and published tax request and

corresponding property tax levy of $ 213,771.72 and $ 0.027000 respectively for the

2016-2017 fiscal year for Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund K-12 purposes.

(Attachment A-4)

14. Statistical (Financial) Report

14 A Reports:

*14-A-1 Doniphan-Trumbull School’s Treasurer’s Report. (Attachment F )

14. B Action Items:

*14-B-1 Recommended Action: “to approve September Doniphan-Trumbull School General Fund claims totaling $_60,034.37___; Food Service claims totaling $ 17,055.31_ and Building Fund Claims totaling $_0.00_ and QCPUF Fund Claim totaling

$ 0.00 (Attachment G )

15. Next Board of Education Regular Meeting: _October ??, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m._____

16. President Sullivan adjourned the meeting at P.M.