The Department of North Dakota inducted Marlys Aubol as President June 30, 2013, in Williston, North Dakota. Lyla Semenko, Past Department President, officiated at the installation of the newly elected officers. The installation was a special event for Marlys with her husband Royce and their family in attendance. Marlys’ Department President pin was a gift from Past Department President Minnie Flynn of Dunseith. Marlys accepted the gavel from Linda Juntunen, now a Past Department President.
Marlys’ theme and pin derived from a gift presented to her by District 3 President Sandy Smith when Marlys was traveling the state as President-elect and Membership Chairman. The gift was inexpensive, but the idea - priceless. The theme “Serving Veterans With Our Hearts” and the pin (resembling a stylized American flag in the shape of a heart) relates to the American Legion Auxiliary’s mission of supporting the American Legion in meeting the needs of service members, veterans and their families and increasing patriotism through honoring those who put their lives on the line for our country.
“Serving Veterans from the Heart” led to the fundraising idea of change, as in money, from the heart collection cans featuring Marlys’ pin. Donations collected will be divided between Flickertail Girls State, Gladys Ray Homeless Shelter in Fargo and the Veterans Home in Lisbon. Past Department President Linda Juntunen collected $18,145.00 for her projects with her theme and collection cans. Additionally, Marlys has asked members to fill her vehicle with heart pillows for the Veterans Administration Hospital in Fargo.
This year has brought many changes at Department level. Myrna Ronholm, first as Department Treasurer and then as Department Secretary with service of 24 years, retired. That meant moving the Department office from Jamestown to Grand Forks where newly elected Department Secretary Catherine (Cat) Olson lives. Volunteers arrived two days before the Executive Board meeting July 12 and 13 to pack. The days were filled with laughter, remembrances and lots of hard work. Marlys stayed and met the movers on Monday and Cat greeted the movers in Grand Forks.
Department hasfurther entered into the computer age. Department of North Dakota is on Facebook, has an updated website managed by Secretary Cat and each Department Officer, Department Chairperson, and District President has department emails. Unit members may sign up for email notifications such as illness and death notices as well as other National, Department and Unit ALA events. Units may choose to use ALAMIS for membership. Secretary Cat has new memberships computerized and is in the process of scanning membership forms of all active members. Of course, communications are still being sent by mail so every member is reached. The Message, Department’s newspaper, has a new format thanks to the information age.
A department delegation of 14 attended National Convention in Houston, Texas August 23 through August 29. Facebook pictures looked like attendees were having too much fun, but District 4 President and page Elsie Goldsmith’s article in the Napoleon Homestead reported on the sessions attended and the information learned. Sandy Smith, District 3 President, who served as a page gave many items for the Department President’s scrapbook. Department President Marlys was thrilled to walk in the parade with 2012’s National American Legion Baseball’s All-Academic Team Captain Gareth Hanson from Enderlin, North Dakota.
To accomplish the promotion of ALA goals for the 2013-2014 administrative year, President Marlys, the Department Officers and Department Chairmen developed plans of work that were published in The Message and in the September mailing to units.
Americanism Chairman, Debbie Slais encouraged helping American Legion Posts and participation in 10 for 10 for Education as a way of showing Americanism since thesmallest unit can participate and contribute to the community. This year’s Americanism Essay Contest theme was “How can I show pride in being an American.”
Marcy Schmidt as Auxiliary Emergency Fund Chairman created PowerPoint presentations for units to access at She explained the purpose and mission of the Emergency Fund and challenged units to increase donations by ten percent.
Children and Youth Chairman Sandra Peterman encouraged units to improve conditions for all youth, particularly youth of veteran and military families by keeping them involved in Auxiliary, Legion and community programs. She reminded units that April is Children and Youth Month and to plan ahead to do something special for children in the unit’s community. Sandra suggested using the “POD System” to report Girls State as a part of Children and Youth.
Marlene Boyer, Community Service Chairman, reminded units that community service is a daily event for most members; recording those volunteer hours and donations can be a daunting task, but it is very important since wherever activities are offered veterans are being touched.
Constitution, Bylaws and Legislative Chairman Sandy Smith provided guidelines for writing Unit Standing Rules and explained that in having Unit Constitutions and Bylaws in line with National and Department Constitutions the ALA organization is kept uniform yet individual by developing Unit Standing Rules.
Dana Thoreson, Girls State Committee Chairman, reported 131 attendees for 2013. New flyers were available in September for 2014 and had information and a video for recruitment as well as registration. By completing Flickertail Girls State a half North Dakota high school credit was automatically registered thanks to Kirsten Baesler, North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction, who with her team has been working to support Girls State and Boys State.
Junior Activities Chairman Robbin Witkowski asked youth members to teach others through their actions at school and in the community. Adult members were reminded that youth are the future of the American Legion Auxiliary and the USA. Robbin wants to get youth involved from the first meeting of the year to see the big picture of what ALA does and why ALA reaches out and gives a helping hand to veterans and military personnel.
LaVonne Matthews, Leadership Chairman, urged members to develop and prepare knowledgeable leaders of all ages to promote the success of this great organization. She further noted the opportunities to serve from the unit level and up using PODs to work smarter not harder.
National Security Chairman Linda Juntunen noted that the goal of the National Security Program is to support activities that address the practical and emotional well-being of service members and their families. Judy Tweet, Past Department President, embroidered 100 “Security Blankets for National Security” for Linda to sell at $15 each for gifts to recognize local National Guard Members, deployed military members and local veterans. Units were asked to support the Red Cross, USO, ROTC/JROTC,Operation Home Front, Operation Comfort Warriors, Heroes to Hometowns,Send Off and Welcome Home Events, Yellow Ribbon Program, POW/MIA initiatives and, of course, Blue and Gold Star Banners. In a spring mailing Linda sent out a “Recap” leaflet.
Ginny Brazil, Past President’s Parley Chairman, requested that each Unit select a member to nominate for the Woman of the Year award. The 2013 honor was presented to Freda Larson of Jamestown at the Past President’s Parley Luncheon at Department Convention. Woman Veteran of the Year nominations were also requested. Past President’s Parley dues support nursing scholarships. 2013 recipients were Penni Dahlgrenof Fordville, Danielle Forrester of Forrest River and Sadie Sunderland of Edinburg.
Poppy Chairman Joan Buske urged units to continue support of the Poppy Program and encouraged units to report poppy activities from the previous year as most occur after the reporting deadline. The new guidelines for poppy funds was published. North Dakota veterans are able to keep up with North Dakota demands so there was no need for an additional source.
Linda Hyatt, Public Relations Chairman, encouraged units to continue to collect news clippings related to activities involving service to veterans and the community. Linda asked members to explore all avenues including technology, radio and television to put forward the ALA and “Serving Veterans with Our Hearts.” She, too, has a PowerPoint presentation on
Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairman Mavis Goodroad asked members to do something special for all veterans in their communities, but to concentrate on homeless veterans and their families through the Fargo VA Hospital’s Homeless Program. She presented information about North Dakota’s Operation Military Kids and its art contest being held in April, Month of the Military Child.
Department Historian Lynn Tomlinson sent a list of activities to each unit. The idea was to use the list as a starting point for mid-year reports. Units could circle or check activities in which they participated and notes could be jotted by the item. Space was provided for additional ideas. The Veteran’s History Project Brochure was included in a unit mailing. Units were asked to send photos, news clippings and memorabilia to be included in a scrapbook to be presented to President Aubol at 2014 Department Convention. Units were encouraged to continue to record Unit Histories and present them for competition at Department Convention.
District meetings began September 23 in Wilton. Marlys traveled with Department President-elect/Membership Chairperson Arla Roth to Hebron, Killdeer, Watford City, Bottineau, Belcourt, Milnor, Portland, Larimore and Gackle. Mayer-Morlock Unit 250 from Gackle published the District 4 meeting happenings. Department President Marlys shared her theme and projects as well as demonstrated the folding of “Pocket Flags” for military on active duty and handed out patterns for heart pillows for the Fargo VA Hospital. Annie Oakley, AKA Arla Roth,presented her Membership Chairman theme of “Shoot for Goal” with each “target”date (membership milestone) having an award based on guns such as the Six Shooter Award. A special acknowledgement goes to Lilley-Dionne Unit 246 in Belcourt, newly chartered in 2013 who hosted the District 3 Spring and Fall Meetings.
District meetings ended Friday, October 11. Saturday the 12th many, including nine past department presidents, turned out at the Gladstone Inn in Jamestown to recognize President Marlys, Eugene Kachena, North Dakota Commander of the American Legion, and Robert Jacobson, North Dakota Grand Chef De Gare of 40 et 8 in a joint Homecoming Banquet.
Many ALA Department Officers, Chairmen and members showed support forWayne Satrom, American Legion National ViceCommander for the Midwest Region, at a recognition dinner in Fargo on April26.
Next on the Department agenda was Holiday Gift Shops. It’s North Dakota! Due to inclement weather shopping at the VA Hospital in Fargo and the Veterans Home in Lisbon was postponed a week. ALA members just had to wait a week for the good feelings they receive when volunteering at these events.
ALA members are always ready to step up to the plate. A plane with 28 service members returning from overseas deployment refueled at Grand Forks Air Force Base with no opportunity to get a meal. The pilot’s sister, an ALA member, purchased meals and delivered them to the base. The following examples are typical of the numerous activities that ALA members do throughout the state of North Dakota.
Bjornson Sigfusson Unit 227 in Mountain participated in a US Flag retirement ceremony as did Eagleson Meling Unit 179 of Milton and Lawrence Stephenson Unit 133 from Turtle Lake. Fred C. Wagner Unit 235 in Rolla folded Pocket Flags which were given to a Grand Forks National Guard Unit that was deploying to Afghanistan.
Many Units supportedthe education of this country’s students. Numerous scholarships for the International Music Camp were given as were college scholarships for graduating seniors and some specifically to veterans. Ludvig Coy Unit 110 of Wildrose filled backpacks with school supplies and baby kits for low income families. This unit also gave each Wildrose graduating senior a quilt. Individual members donated to 10 for 10 for Education as did Unit 235. Teachers are an important part of education and are the recipients of the ALA units’ generosity. The staff at Mt. Pleasant School in Rolla were given a cold laminator by Unit 235 for American Education Week and Roy Clementson Unit 96 in Powers Lake presented homemade breakfast rolls to their school’s staff for Teacher Appreciation Day in May.
Robert Bergman Unit 283 in Mooreton visited the Veterans Home in Lisbon playing games with the residents as did Barry Hoof Unit 72 from Napoleon. Many Units sent donations including Lawrence E. Meidl Unit 270 of Butte which had a cookie drive sending two huge postal boxes of comfort items to the veterans.
Unit 133 sewed caps for service members, and Unit 96 sent holiday packages to active service members from itslocal area. This Unit gives gifts in memory of deceased ALA members to the Anne Carlson Center for the Developmentally Delayed.
Community service in the form of blood drives were set up by Qually-Dvorak Unit 237 of Adams, Lavern J. Thompson Unit 11 in Cavalier and Ole Semling Unit 135 from McVille. Units usually provide the refreshments/lunch at the drives. Unit 135 is in its 7th year of hosting.
The list goes on and on – Blue Star Banners, Letters to the Editor, saving Labels for Education, saving eye glasses to be sent overseas, cell phones for troops, clothing, etc. for homeless shelters, donations to safe prom and graduation parties, and fundraisers to support programs. Melvin E. Bender Unit 265 in Streeter holds a Buffalo Supper annually. One thousand four hundred and sixty attended this year. A POW/MIA Empty Chair Remembrance Ceremony is held at that event. Louis Ousley Unit 163 of Wilton purchased a POW/MIA table setting this year as well as participating in many of the activities listed above.
Betsy Ross, AKA Past Department President Judy Twete from Unit 135, provided an assembly to 315 students at Prairie View Elementary in Devils Lake on “Old Glory”. Judy also presented a Veteran’s Day Program with flag etiquette to 108 students at Dakota Prairie High School in Petersburg and later was interviewed on KNOX radio in Grand Forks discussing Veterans Day and veteran’s issues.
Unit 135 donated to a Grand Forks business that fixes veteran’s vehicles for free except for the parts. This program,called “Miracles for Vets,” was explained at District 2 meeting with $600 collected as the hat was passed around ALA and Legion members.
For Make a Difference Day, Unit 110 served a meal to area oil workers. Way to go ladies!
Gilbert S. Furness Unit 40 of Mandan, North Dakota hosted the annual Winter Conference January 31-February 2 at the Seven Seas Hotel. President Aubol presided over well-attended meetings and met one-on-one with many who attended her reception. The reception was also a time to meet Winter Conference guests Pat Steranka, Northwestern Division National Vice President from Pueblo, Colorado, and Karen Boehler, National Auxiliary Emergency Fund Chairman from Fort Collins, Colorado. Pat shared National President Nancy Brown-Parks Plan of Action and “Pass It On” theme. Karen gave a condensed version from a Mission Training Workshop about respect and communications in units, districts and department.
At Winter Conference, President Marlys announced that 313 heart pillows had been brought to stuff her vehicle for the Fargo Veterans Administration Hospital. This was more than needed! Extra pillows will be given to the Veterans Home in Lisbon, other hospitals and nursing homes and some stored for later use. Department National Security Chairman Linda Juntunen announced that $1500 plus was collected for her “Security Blanket” project. Additionally, the hat was passed by Department Auxiliary Emergency Fund Chairman Marcy Schmidt and over $800 was collected.
District Six President Tammy Ryberg was awarded the Pea Shooter Award at Winter Conference by Department Membership Chairman Arla Roth. Tammy’s District was the first to hit the bull’s eye of having no goose eggs at the first “target” date. The second award was the 22 Award to each Unit Chairman that hit the target of 55% by 11-11, hence the 22 Award from the 22 rifle and the addition of 11-11. North Dakota reached 70% membership by February 14, but Arla challenged members to beat her former home state of South Dakota by the next target of May 17. Each unit is also making paper chains with member’s names that will be hooked to other units’ chains at Department Convention showing a group united by love of someone in the military with the common cause of helping veterans.
Fred C. Wagner Unit 235’s Sandy Smith, for the third year, set up a contest between the grades at Mt. Pleasant Elementary School in Rolla to collect beverage tabs to support North Dakota American Legion’s goal of donating one million tabs a year to Ronald McDonald House Charities. Sandy turned in 207,575 tabs at Winter Conference of which 118.5 pounds were donated by the students. Ole Semling Unit 135 of McVille had Dakota Prairie School collect beverage tabs, also.