1. Documents concerning his/her previous education acquired with an acknowledgement issued by the Center for the Academic Information of Latvia in order to begin studying at a higher educational institution within the territory of the Latvian Republic are necessary. The documents should be in the original language and accompanied with a certified translation into English or Russian by a notary public. For submission of the documents to the Consular Department of a representation of the Latvian Republic to receive a temporary residence permit, the documents should be legalized according to the order established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Latvian Republic *).

2. Copies (all pages with whatever marks) of his/her document recognized by the Latvian Republic for travelling (passport).

3. A reference concerning the results of his/her photofluorographic or radiological investigation (there should be precisely stated that «the tuberculosis (TBC) is not present») with indication of the investigator’s position, first and last names, signature; the document should be legalized *).

4. Six photographs sized 35 х 45 mm.

5. A reference stating the absence of his/her previous convictions, which is being issued by a competent establishment of the country of the residence or citizenship; the document should be legalized *).

6. A copy of the receipt following the payment for education concerning an educational period (semester, academic year) + 105.00 EUR for the contract processing.

7. Documents certifying the availability of a living wage established by the law (2008 - 160 Ls per month); if the value is indicated in EUR, it should be equivalent to the value given in the Latvian currency at the moment of opening an account for the period of the stay in the Latvian Republic. The sum should be in accordance with the term of registration of the temporary residence permit: either one semester (960.00 Ls) or one year (1 ' 920.00 Ls). Such a document for the student may be a reference issued by one of the banks in Latvia, as for his/her account’s state, or there should be an acknowledgement of the possibility to make use of these means in the Latvian Republic. The reference should be issued in the Lettish, English, Russian, French or German language; it should indicate the type of the card, the number of the account, the user’s data, and also include a copy of the card.

8. Documents certifying the data concerning the planned residence in Latvia:

Variant 1:

Staying at a hostel: A reference issued by the Academy (BIA) on the allowance for dwelling; on his/her arrival the student should conclude a contract with the hostel on his/her own and declare his/her place of residence officially.

Variant 2:

Renting a dwelling: A contract (compiled at a notary’s public) concluded with the owner of an apartment plus a copy of an extract from the Lands’ Book (acknowledgement concerning the property of the owner of the dwelling rented); on his/her arrival, the student should declare his/her place of residence officially.

Variant 3:

Staying at his/her relatives, friends, etc.: A letter of guarantee (compiled at the notary’s public) from the owner of the real estate or an application as a special printed form of the Department, which is being applied by the owner and is concerning the student; plus a copy of an extract from the Lands’ Book; on his/her arrival, the student should declare his/her place of residence officially.

9. Paying 11.05 Ls as a State Duty for processing an invitation (paid by transfer to the account of the Academy, just like for education, but with a separate mark «for processing of an invitation». It is necessary to present the receipt of the payment along with all the other documents;

10. If the student is a minor, a power of attorney from the both parents sanctioning the departure from the corresponding country and entrance to the territory of the Latvian Republic, which includes their permission for his/her independent life within the territory of the Latvian Republic, as well as their assent for his/her making use of money from the account (item 7) is necessary; also there should be a physical responsible person for the student, the former being a citizen of Latvia, or an accompanying person until the age of majority of the student (a copy of his/her passport and the address of his/her residence are being additionally expected); the document should be legalized *).

11. In case of the change of his/her name or surname, it is necessary to submit documents of acknowledgement, as his/her marriage certificate, certificate of the change of his/her name or surname, etc.; the documents should be in Lettish, English, Russian, or the originals of these documents should be accompanied by notarially certified translations into the given languages.

12. A contract of education between the BIA and the person that wishes to be educated in the Latvian Republic.

For the conclusion of the contract (item 12), there are necessary documents mentioned in the items 1 to 11

13. Documents stating the knowledge of a language, in which the education at the higher school is being conducted (issued by the BIA).

14. The number of the invitation (provided by the BIA);

The contract ready (item 12) + the reference concerning the dwelling (item 8.1) + the reference concerning the knowledge of the language (item 13) + the number of the invitation (item 12) are being sent by the Academy to the Consulate / student for submission to the Consulate of the Latvian Republic abroad

15. The questionnaire of an established form (it may be received either at the Management office for citizenship and migration or Diplomatic / Consular departments of the Latvian Republic’s representations abroad, or while using the following link The questionnaire is not to be presented to the BIA.

16. A copy of his/her policy of insurance of health and life.

17. A document concerning the payment of the State Duty; the duty is paid on submission of the documents at the Consular department of an embassy of the Latvian Republic.

*) For legalization of the documents, see:

The employee who is issuing the invitations on the part of the BMA,

the coordinator on external communications:

Mrs. Nataliya Sapelkina


Information call: +37167100554, +3712022099

Address: LV-1003 Riga, 4 Lomonosov St., Office 403.