Rural and remote conference 2016 EOI - Call for presenters

Call for presenters

The theme for the Rural and Remote Conference 2016 is Building bridges, building futures. The conference will provide an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of rural and remote educational communities and a forum to discuss the challenges and opportunities that exist today and into the future.

The conference program will have clear links to the broad reform agenda underway in NSW public education through such initiatives as: the Rural and Remote Education Blueprint; Local Schools, Local Decisions; Great Teaching, Inspired Learning; and Connected Communities.

Within this context, the conference will explore how rural and remote schools are improving outcomes for all students and how they are meeting the needs of the diverse communities they serve.

Expressions of Interest are sought from individuals and teams to make a presentation or host a workshop at the conference. Applications should articulate a connection to one or more of the conference aims:

o  Share innovative pedagogies

o  Demonstrate new and emerging technologies

o  Explore the impact of current and imminent educational reforms

o  Celebrate educational transformation

o  Deliver engaging learning through ‘hands-on’ experiences

o  Showcase local and international research

Conference sessions will be conducted in 60 minute time slots. A limited number of 120-minute sessions (punctuated by a lunch/morning or afternoon tea break) will also be offered. This format may suit presenters wishing to engage participants with a presentation followed by a practical ‘hands-on’ session.

Please Note

o  All applications must be submitted on the Expression of Interest form (attached)

o  Expressions of Interest require endorsement by your Principal/Manager prior to submission

o  Teams making a presentation will receive complimentary registration to the conference for one presenter only.

Important dates

o  Closing date for all submissions is by 4pm: 16 March 2016

o  Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of the application: 14 March 2016

For further information, please contact:

Chris Robertson

Principal, Aurora College

Ph: 02 9886 7560

Expression of Interest to present at the Rural and Remote Conference 2016

My details (Please use blue or black pen only)
First name
Family name
Mobile phone
Current position
Current workplace
Do you intend to present as part of a team? If so, please enter the names of the other team members.
Session details
Session title
Session length / 60 minutes 120 minutes
Session format / Workshop Presentation Panel Other
Conference aims
(tick one or more) / The session will address the following conference aims:
ÿ  Share innovative pedagogies
ÿ  Demonstrate new and emerging technologies
ÿ  Explore the impact of current and imminent educational reforms
ÿ  Celebrate educational transformation
ÿ  Deliver engaging learning through ‘hands-on’ experiences
ÿ  Showcase local and international research
Target audience
(tick one or more) / ÿ  K-12 Teachers & Executive
ÿ  7-12 Teachers & Executive
ÿ  K-6 Teachers & Executive
ÿ  School Leaders
ÿ  Special Education
ÿ  Early Years
Focus area(s)
(tick one or more) / ÿ  English
ÿ  Mathematics
ÿ  Science and Technology (K-6)
ÿ  Science (7-10)
ÿ  Human Society & Environment
ÿ  Creative & Performing Arts
ÿ  Technology & Applied Studies
ÿ  Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
ÿ  Literacy and Numeracy
ÿ  Other (please specify) ______
Presentation requirements / Please note: All rooms will be equipped with: internet access; data projector and screen; microphone and speakers.
Session synopsis (Between 150 and 200 words )
Endorsement of current principal/manager
ð  I have discussed this expression of interest with the applicant and I support his/her application to make this presentation at the Rural and Remote Conference 2016.
Comment (optional
Principal/Manager signature / Date
Please complete all sections of this form. This document should be signed by your Principal/Manager, then scanned and emailed as a single pdf attachment to:

Applications close 16 March 2016