RSAW Week 2017: Twitter content
Campaign: Road Safety at Work Week 2017 Campaign Dates: March 6 – 10, 2017
The following content can be used for your Twitter account or any other social media account that has limited character space.
NOTES: Use the following shortened URLs –
RSAW Week Overview Page -
RSAW Online Course for Employers -
Text: #RSAWWeek March 6-10. Click Here for info
Text: Be part of #RSAWWeek March 6-10. Click Here
Text: Employers are responsible for safety of employees using own vehicle for work. Learn More #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe and costs down. More Info #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe - Conduct safety talks with your staff. More Info #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe - Print or download #roadsafety materials for your workers. More Info #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe - Conduct vehicle safety checks. Learn More #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe - Review insurance coverage and driving record. Learn more #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe – Implement a safe driving policy that extends to personal vehicles used for work. Learn More #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: BC employers ramp up workplace #roadsafety awareness and adopt safe occupational driving practices. #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: BC employers ramp up workplace #roadsafety #RSAWWeek March 6-10
Text: Keep employees safe and costs down. Develop & implement a safe driving policy and communicate it to your employees. #RSAWWeek
Text: Keep employees safe. Support them to adopt safe driving practices. Learn more #RSAWWeek
Text: Lead by example to keep your employees safe. Be part of #RSAWWeek. Click here
Text: Ensure the safety of your workers when they are in the office or behind the wheel. #RSAWWeek
Text: Employers are responsible for employee safety no matter who owns the vehicle they drive. #RSAWWeek
Text: Preventing crashes is smart business. Save lives, reduce property damage and downtime. Learn more #RSAWWeek
Text: Save lives, reduce property damage and downtime. Preventing crashes is smart business. Learn how #RSAWWeek
Text: Visit for resources, quizzes, an online course, tailgate talk guides and information sheets. #RSAWWeek
Text: You have rights and responsibilities when you drive for work, whether you drive a company vehicle or your own. #RSAWWeek
Text: If your work involves driving you have legal rights and responsibilities. Learn more #RSAWWeek
Text: Your vehicle is your workplace when you drive it for work. What you need to know #RSAWWeek
Text: You have the right to training, instruction & info about the vehicles you drive for work. #RSAWWeek
Text: As a worker who drives, you have the right to be made aware of known and reasonably foreseeable hazards. RSAWWeek
Text: As a worker who drives, you have the right to refuse unsafe driving assignments. #RSAWWeek
Text: Your employer has a responsibility to check that you’re qualified to drive – driver’s license & abstract. #RSAWWeek
Text: Your employer has a responsibility to check that your vehicle is properly insured and maintained. #RSAWWeek
Text: Understand Employer Road Safety Obligations. Learn about workplace #roadsafety Acts & Regs #RSAWWeek
Text: Understanding Employer Road Safety Obligations online course for employers with employees who drive for work #RSAWWeek
Text: This online course provides employers with practical understanding of workplace #roadsafety statutes #RSAWWeek
Text: Learn which workplace #roadsafety statutes apply to your business and how to satisfy requirements #RSAWWeek
Text: Whether you drive a company vehicle or your own for work, you have rights & responsibilities. Learn more #RSAWWeek
The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal or other advice to you, and you should not rely upon the information to provide any such advice. We believe the accuracy or completeness. Neither WorkSafeBC, nor the Justice Institute of British Columbia nor Road Safety At Work shall be liable in any manner or to any extent for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising out of the use of this form. December 2016.