San Pietro in Cariano (Verona)
This is the last year of our Comenius Project. After developing the “local history and tradition” in the first year and the aspects of the region where we live in the second one, we present the structure of our school now and in the past. The students of some classes found information and material asking their parents and grandparents and we found authentic material also in our school.
Thanks to this part of the project the students started to discuss in their families about school and the pastexperiences are no moreso far and unknown.
The whole name of our school is
ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO di scuola dell’infanzia, primaria e secondaria di primo grado “CARLOTTA ASCHIERI”.
It “comprehends” Kindergarten (3 years), primary school (5 years) and the first three years of the secondary school.
Carlotta Aschieriwas born in 1841 and she died on 6th October 1866 in Verona. She was pregnant and she was killed by the Austrian soldiers who occupied Northern Italy at that time.
The scuola media (old name of the “scuola secondaria di I° grado”, which we still use)) is situated in the municipality of San Pietro in Cariano. The students come from different villages: Bure, Corrubbio, Pedemonte, San Floriano and San Pietro. Some students come also from other municipalities.
In every village there is a primary school and a kindergarten.
132 kids attend the kindergartens; 811 pupils attend the primary schools and 154 boys and 164 girls (318) attend the three years of the secondary school (scuola media– Mittelschule), “our school”.
The scuola media started in 1963 in the form we know now and then there was a change in the programmes in 1979 (no more Latin; Music and Technology became compulsory) and the last reform was that of 3 years ago (change also of the names).
Students come to school on foot, by car with their parents or by bus.
In our school 36 teachers are working, 5 male, they teach R.E., P.E., Music and Technology, and 31 female: they teach Italian, Maths, English and German, History, Geography and Art.
There are 15 classes: 5 first. 5 second and 5 third classes.
In Italy you attend the first year every time you change the school: you are in the 1st year of the primary school, then in the 1st year of the scuola media and then in the 1st year of the secondary school. We have two different types of school time: 6 classes have 33 hours
in a week, they are three times a week at school in the afternoon,
but there is no school on Saturday.
8 classes are at school 30 hours a week, they are also twice a week at school in the afternoon, but there is no school on Saturday. Only one class has 30 hours per week, with no school in the afternoon, but they are at school on Saturday (the only class!!!). This happens because of the parents: they say it is better if the students are free in the afternoon.
29 hours are compulsory (3 hours English per week, 2 hours German, P.E., Art, Music, Technology, 6 hours Maths/Biology, 9 hours Italian/History/Geography, 1 hour R.E., the classes can then have 1 hour or four hours of Laboratorio/optional activities; these activities can be Italian/Geography/theatre, Art, Technology or Maths. The teachers choose which activities they can offer.
time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday8.00 / R.E. / P.E. / Maths / Italian / German
9.00 / Technology / Italian / History / Italian / Geography
9.55 / English / Maths / History / P.E. / English
10.50 11.05 / B
inside / R
if / E
it / A
rains / K
11.05 / Music / Art / Technology / Maths / Maths
12.00 / Biology / Art / Music / Biology / Geography
12.55 13.50 / L
at / U
home / N
or / C
at / H
13.50 / Italian / German
14.50 / Italian / English
15.45 16.40 / Italian
It is compulsory to attend the primary school and the 3 years of secondary school. At the end there is an examination.
There are written tests for Italian, Maths, English and German. Afterwards students are asked in all the subjects. The marks after the examination are: Ottimo, Distinto, Buono and Sufficiente.
Children (families) choose then the secondary school. It can last 3 (+ 2) or 5 years.
As far as rules are concerned this year there is something new at school: the headmaster signs with every student an agreement, in which students get aware of the main important rules and accept to respect them.
There are also punishments (for example: to stay at school while your school-mates are on a school trip or to clean untidy rooms or materials).
For very bad behaviours they can stay at home for a day ore more.
(see the formative agreement at the end of this booklet)
Students don’t wear uniforms at the scuola media
As far as reports are concerned students get them twice a year, in February and at the end of the school year in June.
The marks are 5, four are positive and only one is negative:
OTTIMO (the best one)
NON SUFFICIENTE (the worst one)
The marks have not always been these:
at the beginning the marks were numbers (10 was the best one and 1 the worst);
then there was a short description of the knowledge of students;
then OTTIMO, DISTINTO and so on, as they are now;
then, for a very short time, they were letters: A – B – C were good marks, D and E were bad marks.
Then again from OTTIMO to NON SUFFICIENTE.
El sié (Tolo da Re)
Forsi el “diese” l’è un sogno o na chimera,
El “nove” e l’”oto” iè tegnosi assé.
El “sete” el ga la man piassé lisiera,
ma ‘l re dei voti el sarà sempre el “sié.
Lu solo el porta avanti la bandiera
De la massa, lu ‘l sa cosa che iè
Tuti i salti mortài de quei che spera
De scapulàrla e de tegnérse in pié.
L’è la linea del Piave dei studenti
De tute quante le generassion,
l’è un poro fior che nasse in meso ai stenti
però a la fine l’è … la promossion.
Caro el me “sié” te vivi sensa gloria,
ma quanta umanità ne la to storia!
This poem is in Veronese dialect, it was written by Tolo da Re, the author of “L’Adese” the poem our school presented in the first year of the Comenius project.
It is a praise of the mark six (sié – in Italy it is the last of the positive marks – the pass mark). The poet says that the better marks “diese, nove, oto, sete” (10, 9, 8, 7) are very difficult to reach, they are like a dream. The king of the marks is the six. It is the salvation for the majority of the students. It is compared to a flower that grows among difficulties. It is a mark with no glory but for the students it is the hope to pass.