Minutes – TC 3.8 Refrigerant Containment

Monday June 27, 2016 St. Louis, MO

Call to Order

Chair, Mark Adams, called the meeting to order at 4:15PM on Monday, June 27, 2016. After the introduction of members and guests, a quorum was confirmed with 4members present (Adams, Halel, Miles and Yost with 2 members absent (Stoudt and Sperl).

Minutes from Orlando were not available for voting.

Report on Section 3 Chair Breakfast Meeting

Chairman Adams updated the group on key points from the Section 3 chairs breakfast meeting. The CEC seems to be accepting a higher percentage of conference papers, and only 50% of the seminar submissions were accepted at this meeting. There were two new MTGs formed, but they do not appear to be relevant to the activities of TC 3.8. A new TC MOP will be in effect after the annual meeting.

Sub-Committee Reports


An RTAR supporting SSPC 15 was discussed due to the new revision of the standard requiring a leak detector for residential systems using 2L refrigerants. Work needs to be done on the title and revision of the body of the RTAR.

New ideas for research were explored, but no ideas for new RTARs emerged.


  • SSPC 147 – “Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment. An update was given by members of the standard.
  • Standard 173-2012 – “Method of Test to Determine the Performance of Halocarbon Refrigerant Leak

Detectors”. The TC reaffirmed the standard in 2015, so no action required at this meeting.

  • SPC 196 - “Measuring Refrigerant Leak Rates”

The committee met on Sunday evening, and is progressing with developing the standard. Expect to be completed in about 1 year.


The Handbook liaison informed the TC the Chapter is due at the Long Beach meeting. Dan Miles reported on the progress with the update to the chapter.


The committee discussed holding a workshop in both Las Vegas and Long Beach to cover the updates to Standard 147.

Motion: Yost motioned to sponsor 2 workshops titled: “Updates to Standard 147”, seconded by Halel.

Committee voted 4-0-0 CV to pass the motion.

Web Site

Ivan Rydkin agreed to try to get the TC3.8 site up and running.

Old Business

No old business was brought forth to the committee.

New Business

The new roster going into effect after the annual meeting was discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 6PM by Chair Adams.

ASHRAE TC 3.8 Refrigerant Containment June 2013