Sunday, 2nd October 2016

Venue: Tollymore National Outdoor Centre


PRESENT: George Acheson, Fionnuala Carragher, Irene Cauley, Gerry Farrington, Harry Goodman, Raymond Gray, Victor Knox, Dora McCavera, Domnall McComish, Gordon McCreery, Peter McGowan, Francis Mackey, Sarah Newell, David Oldfield, Maggie Pridgen, Bert Rima, Trevor Russell, Cecilia Sochor, John Taylor, Pat Tumilty. (20)

1.Quorum present

2.Apologies were received from: Joan Calvert, Doreen Green, Wilf Green, Joan Hamilton, Rodney Magowan, Robert Marshall, Joe McKnight, Owen McManus, Alan Parkinson, Carmel Quinn, Robert Roulston, Elizabeth Sloan, Hazel Smyth, Ray Smyth, Ian Stuart, Vincent Trainor and Jonathan Shields. (17)

3.Minutes of the 2015 AGM: Draft minutes had been sent out to all members via email or by post shortly after the 2015 AGM and more recently via our Newsletter. The minutes were taken as read – those present agreed they were a true and accurate record.

4.Chairperson’s Report: Harry welcomed everyone and said that he had enjoyed his 3 years as Chairperson – a position he had found very rewarding. He thanked all those who had helped the MRG in any way – he mentioned the organisation of our social events, contributors to our “slide” show, and to our Sunday walks and Away Trips leaders. After inviting questions he thanked the committee for its active and supportive work throughout the year and the many people who worked quietly and effectively behind the scenes to ensure the Club ran smoothly.

5.Secretary’s Report: George gave out copies of his report (Appendix 1), summarised the main points and invited questions.

6.Treasurer’s Report: Vincent had prepared a report (Appendix 2), copies of which, in his absence, were given out. In general there are 121 members (compared with 113 members in Oct 2015) – and the Club’s funds remain in a healthy state. Irene remarked that the charge for the website in 2016 might be higher than that shown – this will be checked.

7.Committee Business:

Leadership matters: Harry mentioned the important role that leaders play and encouraged members to take on a leadership role if possible. At the minute there was a lack of “A” leaders though there were about 6/8 of our walkers who regularly walked at this level. Irene suggested that the Committee contact all “A” walkers to ask if they were prepared to lead some “A” walks. In every case new leaders will be offered appropriate training and mentor support.

Membership matters: generally everything was going well. Throughout the year there had been a steady trickle of new members – this was very encouraging and probably reflected our full programme, website, Facebook page and distribution of fliers.

Training: This has been referred to in the Secretary’s report. MRG remains committed to organising appropriate training and asks members to speak with Committee members about their training needs.

UFRC: At present 4 MRG members sit on the UFRC’s Executive committee – all members were encouraged to get involved in UFRC work which supports walkers throughout the north of Ireland. The AGM of the UFRC will take place in the Corrymeela Centre, Ballycastle on 15th October.

Other matters: Maggie mentioned that Meelmore Lodge was seeking help with funding the purchase of a defibulator. The committee was presently investigating the value of having a defibulator and will consider this matter fully in the forthcoming year.

Other matters: there was a general feeling that the Club was operating well and that Club activities were enjoyable.

8.Consideration of motion/s: No motions had been received.

9.Election of Office Bearers and Committee;

At this stage Harry stood down and Gordon McCreery acted as Chairperson.

Chairperson: Peter McGowan. Proposed by Harry Goodman; Seconded by Trevor Russell

Peter then took over as Chairperson.

Secretary: George Acheson. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Maggie Pridgen

Treasurer: Vincent Trainor. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Pat Tumilty

Dora McCavera. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Ray Gray. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Trevor Russell. Proposed by Peter Mc Gowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Fionnuala Carragher. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Joe McKnight. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Maggie Pridgen. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Harry Goodman. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Bert Rima. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Victor Knox. Proposed by Peter McGowan; Seconded by Gordon McCreery

Harry proposed that Robert Roulston be appointed as our web co-ordinator and that he would be invited to attend committee meetings – this was agreed.

Harry proposed that Cecilia Sochor be co-opted on to the committee as organiser of the Christmas dinner and AGM and that he would assist her in this role – this was agreed.

10.Closure of meeting: Peter thanked those present for attending the AGM.

The meeting finished at 5.30pm.

Roles of Committee Members 2017

At the recent committee meeting roles were assigned to various committee members as follows:

Chairperson – Peter McGowan

Minutes Secretary – George Acheson

Treasurer – Vincent Trainor

Email link person – Vincent Trainor

Newsletter – Vincent Trainor

Training – Joe McKnight

Membership Officers – Fionnuala Carragher and Ray Gray

Environmental Issues – Ray Gray

AGM and Special Events Organiser – Cecilia Sochor (assisted by Harry Goodman)

MHT/MORF link - Dora McCavera

UFRC representation – George Acheson, Joe McKnight, Ray Gray and Victor Knox

Facebook manager – Maggie Pridgen

Walk leader co-ordinator – Bert Rima (this is a new pro-active role to encourage walkers to take on a leadership role and to organise relevant assistance/mentoring – in all 4 groups; to liaise with Jonathan Shields, A group, Bert Rima, B group, Fionnuala Carragher C group and Trevor Russell D group).


Secretary’s Report 2015/16

The Committee met on 4 occasions following the AGM in October 2015.

The key items of business were:

1.Finance: At each committee meeting the Treasurer provided a print out of the current state of our finances and outlined income/expenditure. As you can see from the Treasurer’s Report club funds continue to be in a healthy state.

Throughout the year general information about numbers attending walks was sent to Walking in your Community (WIYC). To thank us WIYC gave the MRG £100.00 on 3 occasions – this money has been spent on Silva compasses, 1:25,000 maps of the Mournes, map cases and first aid kits. To date 6 first aid kits have been purchased – eventually we hope to supply all our leaders with a first aid kit.

2.Organising the Programme of Walks and other club activities: This year’s programme was broadly similar to that of previous years – even so, much careful thought was spent during the first meeting to ensure there was as full a range of walks as possible and that each walk had an appropriate leader. Usually 3 walks featured on the programme – though, on occasions there was the full set of “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” walks. The trend of fewer walkers going on “A” walk continues – however, there are a number of our walkers who are certainly capable of walking at this level and it is hoped that numbers on “A” walks in 2017 will increase. Throughout the year numbers in the “B” and “C” groups remained quite steady – with about 8 – 15 walkers in each group on many outings. The “D” group goes from strength to strength – clearly the pace and Craic appeals. As always, we thank the leaders of our walks – our club could not exist without you. Finding sufficient leaders can be a challenge – certainly the committee would encourage all our members to consider taking on a leadership role. It is a rewarding role and one which will be backed up with support and training.

Our programme also included a “slide” show (Burrendale Hotel), Christmas Dinner (Burrendale Hotel), club picnic (Meelmore Lodge) and away trips to the Dingle Peninsula and the Commeraghs. All were very enjoyable – again, thanks to the organisers and leaders. As part of our picnic day we promoted a “Come walk with us WIYC activity” – 7 new walkers joined us and some of these folk have since become members. Later in the picnic we were also joined by the Kiltipper Ramblers from Tallaght, Co. Dublin.

3.Website: it is well established, often referred to and regularly kept up to date.

4.Facebook: 4 members attended a Facebook course organised by WIYC. Now, following many walks, photos are uploaded and can be easily viewed and commented upon by members. This has proved to be a good way of promoting our club and its activities.

5.Training: In May a Navigation/Map reading course was held in Meelmore Lodge and nearby hills – this was attended by 13 members under instruction from 4 of our leaders. In September First Aid (attended by 3 members + leader) and View Ranger (attended by 7 members + leader) courses were also held. Such courses are invaluable in promoting hill skills – members are encouraged to attend these and to let the committee know of any training they would like the club to organise – we will do our best.

6.Communication. The club continues to grow with 121 members in September 2016 (compared with 113 in September 2015). Undoubtedly our full programme, promoted through our Website and Facebook have contributed much to this growth as many potential members go online to find a walking club which suits them. Also, an A5 Flier was produced to illustrate some of our activities – these were left in suitable places such as Meelmore Lodge and Translink. It’s good to see new walkers joining the MRG – they bring fresh blood and new talents.

Keeping everyone informed is important – our newsletter goes out regularly to help ensure members are kept up to date. So please, whether it comes to you via email or through the post take time to read it – contributions from members are always very welcome.

7.UFRC: The MRG has currently 4 members on the URFC Executive Committee - they contribute to its work which includes insurance, discounts and training. This is just one way in which our club and its members can contribute to walking in general and assist other walking clubs.

8.Mourne Heritage Trust/Mourne Outdoor Recreational Forum: As in past years the MRG takes a keen interest in the activities of both these bodies and assists when possible.

9.Other matters:

Several members were involved in a photo shoot organised by Tollymore NOC to promote walking as a healthy physical activity for all age groups. This took place in the Pierce’s Castle area – and now we feature in a number of promotional programmes.

Throughout the year the committee continued working on updating club documents eg guidance for leaders, Guide to grades of walks.

A few years back the importance of each member keeping relevant personal information in their rucksack was stressed. This year an improved emergency information contact card was given to each member – this should be completed by each member and kept in a safe/accessible pocket in his/her rucksack .

The MRG was invited by Outdoor Recreation NI/WIYC to take part in a conference which was held in Greenmount Agricultural College – a Power Point presentation was given to show the club’s activities.

Following the placement of a “string” across a cycle track Steve Brook, Forest Ranger in charge of biking trails in Rostrevor and Castlewellan Forests contacted the MRG seeking a meeting to consider this hazard. Two members met with Steve to discuss how best to deal with this concern. One outcome of this constructive meeting is an article which stresses the need for respect by, and for all, users of mountain areas - this article will appear on the UFRC’s website.

Our club continues to rely heavily on the hard work, commitment and support of a large number of people – looking back it has been a good year with many excellent walks, trips and events. Thanks everyone for making our walks in the sun, rain, hail, mist and wind and over heather, rocks and bog such enjoyable occasions – even a rough day provides moments to cherish.

George Acheson