Bringing Boardmaker Symbols into SMART software

1) Open Boardmaker and SMART notebook 2) In BM, open the board with the symbol or background on it 3) Highlight all buttons to be copied 4) Right click and copy buttons 5) Open SMART file and click on your page 6) Right click and paste 7) Resize your new image on the page.

Adding your new image into your SMART Gallery: 1) In SMART, open Gallery 2) Select My Content 3) Pull your arrow down and create a new folder 4) Name it 5) On your SMART page click on the picture and drag it into your new folder 6) If you have locked your images you can't move them, keep them unlocked while designing.

SMART Notebooks's Lesson Activity Toolkit *Picture dice (Gallery>Lessson Activity Toolkit>Tools>Dice-Image) *Matching Games (Gallery>Lesson Activity Toolkit>Activities>Pairs)\ *Category Sort of images (Gallery>Lesson Activity Toolkit>Examples>Activities>category sort-image) *Image Select with word choices (Gallery>Lesson Activity Toolkit>Examples>Activities>image select)

How to do a pull tab 1) Get pulltab from gallery and place on open page in Smart 2) Copy and put core symbol and board made in boardmaker on the pull out tab 3) drag across pull tab and communication board. It should look like you have 2 boxes 4) Click on the down arrow of one of the the boxes and go down to grouping 5) Choose group and then you will have only one box

To put the tab onto an activity page, you need to save the tab in you gallery 1) Open gallery 2) My content and make a new folder 3) Open new folder 4) Pull tab out so that you can see the entire board and highlight the board 5) Click and drag it into the folder 6) name it 7) Then you can put it on any page within Smart as you make activity pages 8) When you place it on the activity page you will have to click the down arrow and then go down to order, choose bring to front so that when you pull out the tab it will layer on top of your activity in order to see the board.

To get the pre-made tabs on the CMATT Wiki into your content folder 1) open up SMART 2) Open my content folder 3) Make a folder 4) Then in that folder click down arrow and pick "add to my content" 5) Pick the tab/activity you want from your flash drive

HOW TO ADD SOUND: The simplest way to make the sounds work on a CMS computer is to use the sound recorder function that is under accessories on the start menu. Once you use that program with the external mike to record your sound and save it (it saves as a .wav file), then go online to the website to convert videos: Step 1) Browse to find the .wav file you saved. Step 2) Select mp3 as the format to convert to. Step 3) Put your CMS email in. Step 4) Click to convert. It will email you with the mp3 version, which you can then save onto a flash drive or onto your computer and insert that file into your SMARTnotebook activity.

Revised 10/11/11