Lesson PlansStapp

KindergartenW-FSeptember 08-11

Standard : CR.2.K.2 Utilize traditional and/or new media and tools safely and appropriately, with guidance * Conservation *Norms
CCSS Alignment / Standard:CR.1.K.1 Engage in exploration, imaginative play, and self-directd play with materials (e.g., art-making tools and materials, found objects)
CCSS Alignment CCRA.R.3,7 CCRA.W.3,5 CCRA.SL.1,4
CR.1.K.2 Engage in creative art-making through imagination and/or guided observation (e.g., leaves as collage medium, mark making)
CCSS Alignment CCRA.R.1,3 CCRA.W.1,7,9 CCRA.SL.1,2 / Standard:
Learning Objective: *Students will learn how to properly and effectively use glue and scissors
*Students will learn how to express themselves with tools and materials / *

Related Activity

*Students explore the properties of and gain experience using glue, construction paper, crayons, pencils, and stencils


Past / Future / Literacy / Student Interests
Students created visual stories with some direction last week. Students have a little experience with cutting, gluing, and drawing / *Students gain confidence with skills and using their imagination.
*students will use what they have learned in communicating ideas through art / *Students learn the terms experiment, explore, and communicate, or at least they learn how to do these things / *Students usually love to cut glue and draw


For students who have limited

Vision / Hearing / Reading
Skills / Attention
Skills / Compre-hension / Confidence
*Students sit closer to the white board
*Students sit closer to the still life, or have objects at their table
*Verbal instruction is given
*Demonstration is repeated at their table if necessary
*Peer teaching / *Instructions are repeated in close proximity to the student whenever necessary
*Written/typed instruction is available when appropriate
*techniques are demonstrated
*visualexamples are available
*peer tutoring
*Teacher guided instruction / *Instructions are given verbally
*Physical demonstration is performec
*Visual example is available
*Peer tutoring / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate
* / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate / *frequent teacher feedback
Encouraging words
Thumbs up sign
Ok sign


To entice students who are

Gifted and Talented / Visual
Learners / Kinesthetic
Learners / Auditory
Learners / Other
*Students are encouraged to embellish/enhance their work beyond the requirements
*Peer teaching / * Visual Demon-
*visual examples
*Visual work and
Results / * Kinesthetic work (drawing, folding, painting, sculpting, sewing, cutting)
*Students are allowed to sit or stand at their workstations / * Students hear instructions
*Students discuss their process and progress
*students discuss problems solving methods, successes, and failures
*Students are allowed to listen to music

Student Work Groups---None

Tools and Media Needed

Scissors, stick glue, pencils, crayon, recycled construction paper, new construction paper, some construction paper in geometric shapes

Resources I will play a slideshow of kindergarten art.

Week four Exploration and imaginative use Checklist

Effective with scissors / Careful with glue / Knows shapes / Knows colors / Telling a story / Enjoying the process/results / Staying at workstation / sharing


Observ. / Auditory
Confirm. / Project Checklist / Project
Rubric / Read
Reflection / Other / Other / Other
Yes / Yes / yes


Lesson PlansStapp

1st grade September 08 - 11

Standard :CR.2.1.2 Utilize traditional and/or new media and tools safely and appropriately, with guidance *conservation *norms
CCSS Alignment: CCRA.R.7 CCRA.SL.1 / Standard: CR.1.1.1 Collaboratively engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials (e.g., tower building, outdoor chalk drawings, texture rubbings)
CCSS Alignment:
Learning Objective: Students learn to use tools and media safely and appropriately / *Students learn to use texture sheets inside existing shapes *Students learn to work together and share artwork with a small group of students
*Students learn about some of our freedoms that other countries may not have *Students learn about symbols of our country and of Fall/Autumn

Related Activity

*Students use texture sheets to create texture inside previously drawn shapes *Students consider and add symbols of freedom and of Autumn.*Students plan to exhibit this artwork in the cafeteria *Students work in groups to complete the work. *Students may add to the mural with their own imaginative drawings and texture rubbings. *students consider the fact that their artwork will be hung up in the cafeteria for most of the students and teachers to view.


Past / Future / Literacy / Student Interests
Students used crayons to make shapes and draw tools last week.
*Students shared media and tools with their table mates last week / *Students are going to view their work in the cafeteria and talk about the choices they made and the choices their teacher made in getting it ready for display / *Students discuss how the images their teacher and they chose to use tell the story of our freedoms and Fall
(freedom week murals) / Students are allowed to explore with textures,choosing subject matter, and drawing


For students who have limited

Vision / Hearing / Reading
Skills / Attention
Skills / Compre-hension / Confidence
*Students sit closer to the white board
*Students sit closer to the still life, or have objects at their table
*Verbal instruction is given
*Demonstration is repeated at their table if necessary
*Peer teaching / *Instructions are repeated in close proximity to the student whenever necessary
*Written/typed instruction is available when appropriate
*techniques are demonstrated
*visualexamples are available
*peer tutoring
*Teacher guided instruction / *Instructions are given verbally
*Physical demonstration is performec
*Visual example is available
*Peer tutoring / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate
* / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate / *frequent teacher feedback
Encouraging words
Thumbs up sign
Ok sign


To entice students who are

Gifted and Talented / Visual
Learners / Kinesthetic
Learners / Auditory
Learners / Other
*Students are encouraged to embellish/enhance their work beyond the requirements
*Peer teaching / * Visual Demon-
*visual examples
*Visual work and
Results / * Kinesthetic work (drawing, folding, painting, sculpting, sewing, cutting)
*Students are allowed to sit or stand at their workstations / * Students hear instructions
*Students discuss their process and progress
*students discuss problems solving methods, successes, and failures
*Students are allowed to listen to music

Student Work Groups

*small groups at their assigned tables

Tools and Media Needed

*Crayons, texture sheets, leaves, bulletin board paper, pencils, maybe markers, maybe glitter


*gathered images symbolic of the United States and of Autumn


Observ. / Auditory
Confirm. / Project Checklist / Project
Rubric / Read
Reflection / Other / Other / Other
Check / check

Lesson PlansStapp

2nd grade September 08-11

Standard :
CR.2.2.2 Utilize traditional and/or new media and tools safely and appropriately, with guidance *Conservation *Norms
CCSS Alignment CCRA.R.7 CCRA.LS.1 / CR.2.2.1 Explore personal interests through various media using grade-level appropriate elements of art and principles of design *Drawing *Painting *Sculpture * Printmaking *Mixed Media
CCSS Alignment CCRA.R.7 CCRA.W.2 CCRA.SL.2,5 CCRA.L.6
Learning Objective:* Students will learn to carefully, effectively, and conservatively use tools and medi / *Students will learn to share their personal interests through mixed media

Related Activity

*Students will use magazine images, recycle construction paper, use stencils, stamps, toothpicks, texture plates, crayons, pencils, and markers to express their personal interests.

*Students will keep in mind that their projects might be put on display (if their work is clean and successfully communicates their interests), but the ultimate idea is for them to explore ideas through the media.


Past / Future / Literacy / Student Interests
Students informally shared personal interests through drawing the past 2 weeks. *Students made artwork for display the beginning of the year / *Students will discuss the choices they made and how it shares their interests with the viewer
*If this project yields artwork that I choose to display, we will discuss the qualities that made it worthy of display / *Sharing of ideas
*Discussion of ideas
*subject matter / The subject matter is based soley on each students interests


For students who have limited

Vision / Hearing / Reading
Skills / Attention
Skills / Compre-hension / Confidence
*Students sit closer to the white board
*Students sit closer to the still life, or have objects at their table
*Verbal instruction is given
*Demonstration is repeated at their table if necessary
*Peer teaching / *Instructions are repeated in close proximity to the student whenever necessary
*Written/typed instruction is available when appropriate
*techniques are demonstrated
*visualexamples are available
*peer tutoring
*Teacher guided instruction / *Instructions are given verbally
*Physical demonstration is performec
*Visual example is available
*Peer tutoring / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate
* / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate / *frequent teacher feedback
Encouraging words
Thumbs up sign
Ok sign


To entice students who are

Gifted and Talented / Visual
Learners / Kinesthetic
Learners / Auditory
Learners / Other
*Students are encouraged to embellish/enhance their work beyond the requirements
*Peer teaching / * Visual Demon-
*visual examples
*Visual work and
Results / * Kinesthetic work (drawing, folding, painting, sculpting, sewing, cutting)
*Students are allowed to sit or stand at their workstations / * Students hear instructions
*Students discuss their process and progress
*students discuss problems solving methods, successes, and failures
*Students are allowed to listen to music

Student Work Groups -none

Tools and Media Needed

magazine images, recycle construction paper, use stencils, stamps, toothpicks, texture plates, crayons, pencils, and markers



Observ. / Auditory
Confirm. / Project Checklist / Project
Rubric / Read
Reflection / Other / Other / Other
Check / Check

Lesson PlansStapp

3rd grade August 31 – September 11

Standard :
Examine, with guidance, safe and responsible use of traditional and/or new media and tools
• conservation
• norms
• craftsmanship
CCSS Alignment CCRA.R.7 CCRA.SL.1 / Standard:
CR.1.3.2 Investigate personal interests and ideas using materials and tools (e.g., traditional media, new media) resulting in art or design
CCSS Alignment: CCRA.R.1, 3 CCRA.W.1, 7, 9 CCRA.SL.1, 2
Standard: / Standard:
Standard: / Standard:
Learning Objective:

Related Activity

*Students make lists of subjects that they like. Students choose one item to present as a completed work of art (The list will be a reference for future works of art).


Past / Future / Literacy / Student Interests
*Students communicated personal information through art last week. Students have used the tools and media applicable to this week’s work / *Students will be developing skills to communicate information pertinent to them *Students will be utllizing skills in list making and brainstorming, useful in many arenas in life
*Applying what they document in future art projects / *Organizing thought, *reading, writing,
*Communicating ideas through broad topic and details / * This is all about their interests


For students who have limited

Vision / Hearing / Reading
Skills / Attention
Skills / Compre-hension / Confidence
*Students sit closer to the white board
*Verbal instruction is given
*Demonstration is repeated at their table if necessary
*Peer teaching available
*Papers available for each student / *Instructions are repeated in close proximity to the student whenever necessary
*Written/typed instruction is available when appropriate
*techniques are demonstrated
*visualexamples are available
*peer tutoring
*Teacher guided instruction / *Instructions are given verbally
*Physical demonstration is performed
*Visual example is available
*Peer tutoring / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate
* / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate / *frequent positive feedback
Encouraging words
Thumbs up sign
Ok sign


To entice students who are

Gifted and Talented / Visual
Learners / Kinesthetic
Learners / Auditory
Learners / Other
*Students are encouraged to embellish/enhance their work beyond the requirements
*may be asked to Peer teach / * Visual Demon-
*visual examples
*Visual work and
Results / * Kinesthetic work (using tools, maybe even folding paper
*Students are allowed to sit or stand at their workstations / * Students hear instructions
*Students discuss their process and progress
*students discuss problems solving methods, successes, and failures

Student Work Groups

Students support each other at their workstations, but this is an individual project, Tools and Media Needed

*Pencil, Paper, crayon, pen/marker, construction paper, scissors


*how to draw books *images shown on the interwrite board, *Checklist *Ideas from peers


Observ. / Auditory
Confirm. / Project Checklist / Project
Rubric / Read
Reflection / Other / Other / Other
Check / Check / check

Lesson PlansStapp

4th grade Aug. 31 – Sept. 11

Standard :CR.2.4.2 Examine, with guidance, safe and responsible use of traditional and/or new media and tools • conservation • norms • craftsmanship
CCSS Alignment: CCRA.R.7 CCRA.SL.1 / Standard:R.8.4.1 Interpret art by considering a variety of components • subject matter
• form • mood • traditional and/or new media • relevant context information
CCSS Alignment: CCRA.R. 1, 2, 3, 9 CCRA.W.7, 9 CCRA.SL.1, 2, 3, 4 CCRA.L.6
CR.1.4.2 Develop personal interests and ideas through meaningful art (e.g., subject matter, traditional media, new media)
CCSS Alignment: CCRA.R.1, 3 CCRA.W.1, 7, 9 CCRA.SL.1, 2 / Standard:
Standard: / Standard:
Learning Objective: *students learn the difference between traditional and new media * Students determine how to create a new form of art from a traditional form of art. / *Students will help create a checklist
*Students will learn a brainstorming technique

Related Activity

* Students examine examples of traditional and new media in art. *Students discuss what could be traditional and new subject matter, what subject matter could be relevant no matter what the times. *Students examine 3 works of traditional art and determine ways to translate their favorite parts into new media. *Students work in teams to plan a work of art using the subject matter found in traditional media, but reinterpreting it into a new project. *Students will help create a checklist *Students will brainstorm with their partner


*Students have examined work traditional (ancient cartography last week) and new work / Future
*Students will examine mood, relevant context and purpose of artwork, including theirs next week / Literacy
*Students will learn the term traditional
*Students will learn to make a checklist
*Students will learn to brainstorm / Student Interests
*Students get to work in teams
*Students get to bring the old into a newer modern format, freshen it up in a form more relevant to them.


For students who have limited

Vision / Hearing / Reading
Skills / Attention
Skills / Compre-hension / Confidence
*Students sit closer to the white board
*Students sit closer to the still life, or have objects at their table
*Verbal instruction is given
*Demonstration is repeated at their table if necessary
*Peer teaching / *Instructions are repeated in close proximity to the student whenever necessary
*Written/typed instruction is available when appropriate
*techniques are demonstrated
*visualexamples are available
*peer tutoring
*Teacher guided instruction / *Instructions are given verbally
*Physical demonstration is performec
*Visual example is available
*Peer tutoring / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate
* / *Student is placed near more focused students
*Information is repeated
*Student has examples available
*Student has typed/ written information
*Instruction is repeated as necessary- 1 to 2 steps at a time
*Redirection from teacher
*Check list is available when appropriate / *frequent teacher feedback
Encouraging words
Thumbs up sign
Ok sign


To entice students who are

Gifted and Talented / Visual
Learners / Kinesthetic
Learners / Auditory
Learners / Other
*Students are encouraged to embellish/enhance their work beyond the requirements
*Peer teaching / * Visual Demon-
*visual examples
*Visual work and
Results / * Kinesthetic work (drawing, folding, painting, sculpting, sewing, cutting)
*Students are allowed to sit or stand at their workstations / * Students hear instructions
*Students discuss their process and progress
*students discuss problems solving methods, successes, and failures
*Students are allowed to listen to music

Student Work Groups