Secondary IEP (Indicator 13) Compliance Pre-Test
For each of the questions, select all of the I-13 compliant responses.
1. Choose the compliant example(s) of measurable postsecondary goals in education:
¡ Within a year of graduating from high school, John will attend Eastern Idaho Technical College and study welding.
¡ Within a year of graduating from high school, Troy wants to get a marketing/management degree at a Boise State University.
¡ Within one year of graduation, with help from his therapy tech and his family, Phil will learn how to utilize community supports so that he is able to interview, hire, and fire his own personal assistant as well as access community services when necessary.
2. Choose the compliant example(s) of measurable postsecondary goals in training:
¡ Upon completion of high school and within one year, John will participate in on the job training from his father in the family owned landscaping business that he will co-own with his father after graduating from high school.
¡ Following high school and within one year of graduation, Troy will attend a local community based private vocational agency to receive training in work skills.
¡ Within one year of completing 12th grade, Maria will participate in job development activities provided by Voc. Rehab during her district’s 18-21 year old program.
3. Choose the compliant example(s) of measurable postsecondary goals in career/employment:
¡ Within one year of completion of high school, Jenny will apply for a job at a nursing home to be a nurse’s assistant.
¡ Within one year of graduation, Amy will have volunteer positions at local elder care facilities with support of the local Center for Independent Living.
¡ Within one year of exiting from the district’s 18-21 year old program, Jason will work competitively in a service industry job obtained through job development activities provided by VR.
4. Choose the compliant example(s) of measurable postsecondary goals in independent living skills:
¡ Within one year of graduation, Jackie will prepare for each day by dressing and feeding herself with assistance.
¡ Within one year of completion of the 18-21 year old program, Barry will live independently in his own home, direct his own supports, schedule medical and work appointments, pay his own bills, acquire various types of insurance, and access services in his community.
¡ Within one year of graduation, Josh wants to live in an apartment with roommates.
5. Choose the compliant example(s) of a statement of transition assessment:
¡ Chris completed the Independent Living Skills Postsecondary Goal Worksheet and an informal interview, 3/02/12, with the special education teacher. Chris identified that he would like to work as a chef. Chris has helped on jobs involving cooking with his uncle, is aware of the college application process, has his driving permit, has taken a foods class, and regularly does chores at home. A review of AIMSWeb assessment data and his reading ISAT results on 2/5/12 indicates that his current reading skills are not at grade level. He was not proficient on the ISAT in reading (he scored a 203-below basic). He is reading 58 WPM at a 9th grade reading level and his MAZE data indicate that he has 2 correct responses at a 9th grade level which both put him at below the 10th percentile in reading fluency and comprehension. He currently has a gap between his reading ability and the ability to read/comprehend texts to receive a Bachelor’s degree at Le Cordon Blue.
¡ The TPI (Transition Planning Inventory) was initiated in 2011. The student also completed the Ansell-Casey Life skills assessment on 10/30/11. The student took this assessment independently. He states that he would benefit from further instruction in the areas of knowing resources in the community that provide some peer tutoring, as well as information on the importance of personal contacts for job placement and where to find on the job training. During an interest survey 10/20/11, he indicated that he is still interested in pursuing journalism as a profession. His ISAT scores indicate that Language Usage and specifically the writing process and writing components are areas of need (grade 10 score was a 217—below basic), but his other academic skills are at grade level (Reading 220 and Math 240).
¡ June scored proficient on the ISAT-Alt, her 10th grade year. June is working on increasing her ability to communicate using eye gaze so she can communicate in her community. She is getting As and Bs in her life skills classes. Her parents completed the Casey Life Skills assessment.
6. Choose the compliant example(s) of transition services:
¡ The special education teacher will provide direct instruction to Marty in the resource room and provide sample ACCUPLACER questions in order to help him successfully score above level 56 in arithmetic and 61 in reading comprehension on the ACCUPLACER, which is the score needed to enter the auto-body program, and to increase reading and writing skills to facilitate successful completion of the written part of the auto-body class.
¡ The special education teacher will support the student in general education classes and will provide access to the counseling center to look at college options.
¡ The consumer math teacher will provide direct instruction in real world application of practical math skills; including creating a budget, understanding taxes, balancing a checking account, and determining interest charges on credit cards. The special education teacher will provide direction instruction in mathematical problem solving.
7. Choose the compliant example(s) of a course of study:
¡ In order for Harrison to be prepared to meet the entrance requirements for college credit at Institute of Animal Technology, he will take the district required courses in math, science, social studies, language arts, PE, and Career/Technical Education. In the area of science, he will take biology and chemistry. In the area of math, he’ll take geometry. In addition to the general education requirements, he will receive direct instruction in basic reading skills and reading comprehension skills. In order to avoid a need for remediation when entering the college system, Harrison will also enroll in LEAD (Learning and Educating About Disabilities) to learn to advocate for his academic needs and better understand his own learning strengths. He will participate in on the job training as supported by the work experience program his senior year. In this course, he will have an opportunity to gain credit and experience within the veterinarian field by either volunteering and/or completing an unpaid work experience or internship.
¡ Grade 9- English 9, Social Studies 9, Physical Science, Resource Math 1, Physical Education, and Wood Shop to work to the postsecondary goal of working in Construction. Grade 10- English 10, Biology, Algebra 1/2, Geography, Health, and Wood Shop II to work to the postsecondary goal of working in Construction. Grade 11- English 11, Life Chemistry, Speech, Algebra 1/2, US History, Construction A and B. Grade 12- English 12, Geometry, Government, Consumer Math, and Construction Work Experience.
¡ Barbara will take 2 more credits of social studies, 3 credits of English, 2 credits in math, and 2 credits in science to meet her post school goals and graduation requirements.
8. Choose the compliant example(s) of a measurable annual goal related to postsecondary goals/transition service needs:
¡ (Work Place Competencies) 2.11 Build interpersonal Relationships 2.11.4 Communicate personal feelings, needs, and ideas constructively. Samantha will respond to questions and make choices using alternative communication methods. When given a choice between two activities or objects, Samantha will indicate her preference using eye gaze 90% of the time on 3 consecutive trails as measured by teacher developed progress monitoring.
¡ (Work Place Competencies) 1.1 Solve problems and make decisions in work-related situations 1.1.3 Generate possible alternatives. Derek will follow classroom and school rules.
¡ (Common Core Standards) RI 9-10.10 By the end of grade 9 read and comprehends literary nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiency. Paul will improve his reading comprehension to 18 responses correct or the 25th percentile on 8th grade level responses correct over 5 timed trials when given 8th grade level MAZE probes.
9. Evidence of compliant student invitation to an IEP meeting includes:
¡ Student listed on the Notice of Meeting.
¡ Invitation to a meeting addressed specifically to student.
¡ Documentation of a verbal invitation to the student prior to the meeting date.
10. Evidence of compliant agency invitation to an IEP meeting includes:
¡ Agency listed on the Invitation to the Meeting.
¡ Agency listed on the Invitation to the Meeting, written parental consent dated prior to the agency invitation and documentation of agency invitation to IEP meeting in the file.
¡ Agency representative signed in as attended the IEP.