Highlands of Plano Preston Ridge

Liability Waiver and Release



(instructions on page 2)

In consideration for including the Subject Matter listed below in the Highlands of Plano Preston Ridge Homeowners Association (HOA) homeowners’ newsletter (electronic and website versions) I, ______[homeowner printed name], of ______Plano, TX [address], on behalf of myself and my heirs, wards, minor children, executors, and administrators do hereby forever waive, release, and discharge and agree to indemnify and to hold harmless the HOA and all its respective members, directors, officers, committee members and their successors and assigns, jointly and severally, from any and all responsibility, liability, losses, damages, actions, causes of action, claims, rights, judgments and executions, demands and expenses, of whatever nature or kind, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown, direct or indirect, now or hereafter arising, or otherwise, in any way connected with, arising out of, or resulting from such inclusion.


Subject Matter [babysitting, piano lessons, etc.]

______, 20____

Homeowner Signature Date

(Guardian if minor involved)

Accepted by:

______, 20____

HOA Representative Date


In order to protect the HOA and its Directors, Officers, and Committee members, we ask you to sign the attached LIABILITY WAIVER AND RELEASE before we can accept for inclusion any non-HOA matters in our neighborhood newsletter or website.

As Homeowner (and/or Guardian) please:

·  print your name and address in the spaces indicated

·  include a brief subject matter where indicated

·  sign and date where indicated

·  return via facsimile, electronic scan, hand delivery, or U.S. mail to the originator

As HOA Representative (Newsletter or Website Committee Chair) please:

·  ensure the form is properly completed

·  sign and date as “accepting” HOA Representative

·  maintain the completed form in your records and pass along to your successor

Refer any unusual circumstances and/or questions to the HOA President.
