Medical - Pharmaceutical - Market Research - Marketing - Business
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  • Full-time freelance medical & pharmaceutical translator
  • Language combination: FrenchintoUK and US English
  • 8 years’ experience as a medical / pharmaceutical translator
  • 4 years’in-house experience & training (2001-2005)
  • Main areas of specialization: clinical trial documents -medical market research - pharmaceutical industry documents - healthcare & pharma marketing
  • Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (IoL)
  • Educated to Postgraduate level - IoL Postgraduate Diploma in Translation (CityUniversity, London)
  • Bilingual educational and cultural background:
  • Studied at postgraduate level in both languages
  • Formally educatedin both languages throughout primary and secondary school (French Lycée,London)


Experience working as a medical translator since 2001. Valuable in-house training and experience with the translation departments of several prestigious London-based medical market research companies 2001-2005 (see ‘EMPLOYMENT’ below). Experience working as a freelancer since 2005, with former employers, translation agencies and direct clients.

Documents: (some examples of documents dealt with)

Clinical trials: clinical trial protocols, patient information leaflets (PILs), patient consent forms (ICFs), patient questionnaires, medical reports and histories, patient diaries, case report forms, serious adverse event (SAE) reports, trial reports, correspondence with ethics committees and regulatory authorities, etc.

Medical market research: research reports/presentations, transcripts of interviews and focus groups with specialist doctors, market research material (questionnaires, product profiles, discussion guides…), online studies, verbatims, plus a wide range of medical and pharmaceutical documents relating to this research.

Pharmaceutical industry/marketing documents: marketing authorizations, product documentation, industry reports; advertising campaigns (journals, popular media…), brochures, leaflets, website content, etc.

Other medical/scientific documents: academic texts (journal articles, monographs, extracts from academic books),patient records (medical records, test results…),pharmaceutical patent documents (INPI, EPO…), etc.

Medical specialties: (some examples of specialties dealt with)

Age-related macular degenerative disease, AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s, anemia, anesthesiology, anti-depressants, antithrombotic treatments, benign prostate hyperplasia, cancer (breast, colon, leukemia, lung, metastatic, renal…), cardiology (acute coronary syndrome, cardiac imaging, congestive heart failure, coronary stents…), Crohn’s disease, diabetes, dialysis, dry eye treatment, glaucoma, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hormone replacement therapy, myelodysplastic syndromes, neurotoxin treatments, obesity treatment, pain management (chronic, neuropathic, postoperative…), restless leg syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, smoking cessation

Examples of specific projects: (a short list of projects dealt with, for illustrative purposes)

Transcription 2 focus groups (oncologists + urologists), directly Fr->En, market research re: metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC), 8655+7971 words• PIL & ICF, clinical trial, new anticancer drug, 4655 words • Large clinical trial job, Alzheimer’s treatment, total 32227 words, 30 files• Patient’s complete medical file including surgical reports, test results, doctors’ correspondence, 10178 words • Marketing brochures re: cold storage of pharmaceutical products, 5623 words • Response to EPO patent application re: herbicide resistance (genetic technique), 6255 words • Monograph re: mother-to-fetus cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, 7583 words

Other relevantexperience, skills and services:

Quality control services: editing/reviewing, proofreading, back translation, formal Linguistic Validation processes (patient questionnaires for clinical trials, etc.), editing for English (documents by non-native speakers), checking for cultural appropriateness & appropriateness of tone and nuances (marketing, advertising, etc.)

Simultaneous interpreting: training & experience as a simultaneous medical interpreter.

Transcription: of audio and video recordings (interviews with specialist doctors, focus groups, conferences, etc.)

•French into French: French transcripts produced, as part of a full translation into English only.

•French into English: transcribed/translated directly into English - high quality, fast, cost effective solution.


Fully bilingual English-French (Primary language: English)

Certified bilingual (dual mother tongue) by the Chartered Institute of Linguists • Studied at a postgraduate level in both Languages (see ‘TRANSLATION EDUCATION’ below) • Formally educated in both languagesthroughout primary and secondary school (at the French Lycée in London) • Dual nationality• Dual cultural and linguistic background (brought up speaking both languages) • Primary language: English (translation into English only)


Freelancer/self-employed since 2005

February 2004-October 2005:

The Research Partnership – Medical Translator

Worked as a principle translator and reviser for the company (Fr->En, and also En->Fr), dealing with internal translations, including:

  • Pharmaceutical, medical and market research documents
  • Audio and video recordings of interviews and focus groups in French with specialist doctors, across a wide range of medical specialties, all transcribed directly into English

October 2002-February 2004:

All Global– In-house Medical Translator and Research Interviewer

• Worked as an in-house translator and reviser for the translation department of All Global, dealing with in-house and external translations (Fr->En & En->Fr), including:

  • Pharmaceutical, medical and market research documents
  • Transcripts of interviews with specialist doctors and patients
  • Audio recordings of interviews and focus groups with French-speaking specialist doctors, transcribed directly into English

• Trained as an in-house translation reviser, correcting & assessing the work of other translators.

• Acted as simultaneous interpreter for the benefit of corporate clients, during interviews with specialist doctors.

• Conducted in-depth qualitative (telephone) interviews in French with specialist doctors, including a number of ‘Key Opinion Leaders’ (specialist doctors who are considered leaders in their field).

September 2001-October 2002:

Fieldwork International/MedTran– Medical Translator and Medical Market Research Interviewer

• Worked as a translator for the translation department of Fieldwork International, dealing with in-house and external translations (Fr->En & En->Fr), including:

  • Pharmaceutical, medical and market research documents
  • Transcripts of interviews in French with specialist doctors and patients
  • Audio recordings of interviews in French with specialist doctors, transcribed directly into English
  • ‘Verbatim’ responses to telephone and online studies (Fr->En)

• Interviewed specialist doctors and patients in French across a range of medical specialties: in-depth qualitative (telephone) interviewing.


Oct 2002 – Dec 2003 / Institute of Linguists Postgraduate Diploma in Translation – French into English, at City University, London• Passed all three Papers in one sitting (Jan 2004 – General / Business / Science Papers) • Obtained a Merit in the General Paper
Jan 2008 – Dec 2008 / Studied towards the Institute of Linguists Postgraduate Diploma in Translation – English into French, at Westminster University• Passed the Course entrance test (written French found to meet ‘mother tongue’ requirement) • Considering sitting the exam in the future


Dec 2006 / Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists• Accredited as bilingual (dual mother tongue) English-French • Accredited in the language combinations French into English and English into French


Reference books: Huge collection including specialist dictionaries, textbooks, academic books and journals in specialist fields • Large number of French/English medical dictionaries including those by: Kernbaum (Flammarion), Delamare (Maloine), Gary S. Hill (Flammarion) and the Dictionary of Medicine by Djordjević (Schreiber), the most extensive Fr/En medical dictionary of its kind in publication with over 100,000 entries

IT: 3 high-spec PCs and 2 separate Broadband internet connections, guaranteeing IT availability and connectivity at all times • Microsoft XP + Office Professional 2003 • Abbyy PDF Transformer 2.0 (registered version) for PDF conversion/manipulation/OCR• Full computer security regimen in place: third-party firewall, anti-virus, anti-adware, anti-malware, daily data backup• Currently adopting Wordfast and evaluating TRADOS and Déjà Vu


Excellent written references available on request.