Two Opposing Views on Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

Tinggang Han (Colin)

When I heard that gay marriage is on its way to becoming legal in NJ, I was so surprised. I didn't believe that was true. I disagree with gay marriage becoming legal. I have two reasons to explain why I disagree.

The first reason is it will destroy normal relationships. In a normal relationship a man and a woman fall in love. Then they get married to become a family and have children. This is the conventional idea. We have followed that for a long time. One family has father, mother and children. This is the basic community. But in gay marriage families they will not have both sides, only men or women and they don't have children, although they can adopt them. But customs will change. Sometimes it destroys normal human development.

Secondly, it is a bad influence for children. In normal families the children have father and mother. But in gay marriage families the children only have fathers or mothers. This is not good development for children. In my experience, my father gives me a masculine feeling and the my mother gives me a feminine feeling. This influence they would go through all my life. If I have children, they will get this from me. But in gay marriage families the children aren't their physical children. They will not take care of them very well. Some men look like women and so"me women look like men. So they are children cannot learn some good behavior from their parents. Sometimes parents give bad influence to their children.

In conclusion, I repeat my opinion. I disagree with gay marriage becoming legal in NJ. I believe this proposal will not benefit the community.

Lin Chen

I agree with gay marriage because I think people have a right to marry someone they love.Everybody has a right to chose who they want to start a family with. Gay marriage doesn't hurt or break another person's life.They don't affect other people.

Some people can't control their feelings. A man loving another man is a feeling, if they want to be together, why can't they do that? Why do some people think that marriage should be men with women? If the men don't love women, how can they live together? I think everybody who disagrees with gay marriage should change their mind.

Gay marriage doesn't hurt or affect others. Everybody should have the right to choose how they want to live their life. Everyone wants to have a family, a family based on love. If the family has true love, they can do everything well and enjoy their life as a tight family. Why can't such a family be together? Does gay marriage kill or hurt anybody? Are they wrong to marry with the people they love? Of course not.

I just don't understand why some people don't want gay marriage and prevent it. If straight people don't want to marry with same sex people, they don't have to. Why do they want to prevent other people from doing this? Gay people don't try to stop straigt people from marrying others, do they? Not everyone's life is the same. How do some state governments disagree with gay marriage? Marriage means a love choice for people to decide to live with their loved parners together forever.

I believe that marriage is a personal thing. It is for yourself, not for other people. We should all have this freedom no matter your nationality, ethnicity, religion, color, or sex orientation.