UCSD AWM Travel Fund Application for Graduate Students

The following application is for mathematics related travel expenses. The priority deadline for applications for funding for the 2012 Joint Math Meetings is December 1, 2011.[1] Funding for other conferences will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis throughout the year. Your application must be reviewed and accepted in advance of your trip. If it is accepted, the fund will cover transportation and housing related expenses up to $300 after receiving a receipt. This fund is intended to be a last chance fund; please make sure there is no other funding available before applying to AWM. This application can be submitted by email to or or by placing it in Johanna Hennig's mailbox. If you don't hear back within a week, or by December 9, 2011 for the Joint Meetings, we encourage you to send email to both Johanna and Katie.


Date submitted:



Dates of Travel:

Conference Name or other reason for going:

What do you hope to gain from this conference?

Other sources of funding you have applied for:

Expected transportation expenses:

Expected housing expenses:

The following questions are optional. Our local AWM chapter hosts many outreach events throughout the year, and we welcome the participation of members and non-members alike. Priority will be given to applicants who participate in some outreach activity. In the event that we receive more applications than we have resources to fulfill, we will also consider the responses to the remaining question.

Outreach Participation:

___ I have previously volunteered for an AWM sponsored activity in the previous year. Please describe:

___Please add my name to the AWM Volunteer list serve. [2] I intend to volunteer for an AWM sponsored activity sometime during the current academic year.

We have recently received a grant from Microsoft Research to encourage female UCSD graduate students to travel to research conferences related to their field of interest. If your application qualifies and you would like to be considered for this source of funding, please check ___

MAA Tensor Grants are awarded to encourage women and minorities in mathematics. Information on the program's mission can be found at http://www.maa.org/programs/tensor-summa.html and http://www.maa.org/wam/tensor.html.

How does your trip further the goals of the tensor grants?

[1] i.e. Applications for funding to the Joint Meetings will be accepted after this time, but priority will be given to applications received by December 1.

[2] The AWM volunteer list serve is used to recruit non-members for community outreach activities. Some examples of this include: serving on panels for undergrads, creating GRE review materials, preparing refreshments for department social events, as well as helping with other events such as the San Diego Science Festival in March and the Southern California Undergraduate Math Conference.