Goal 6 – Making the most from the development of international gateways and national and regional transport corridors
(narrative to be added)
Name of Strategic Goal: /Goal 6 – Making the most from the development of international gateways and national and regional transport corridors
Strategic Local Lead: / Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Tim Hutchings)Regional Priority
/ Regional Action / Local Baseline Position(including achievements) / Local Action / Local Outcome/Output
Taking advantage of the opportunities from airport expansion in the region / develop the potential of regional airports for job growth and business opportunity, especially in key sectors and clusters through, skills training and provision of business infrastructure / - The potential expansion of Stansted & Luton Airports is being closely monitored by the Forum.
- Regular contact with Airport authorities
-a developing tourism and leisure partnership encouraging links with overseas partners / - lobby for infrastructure developments to enable Hertfordshire businesses to benefit from expansion.
- promote the introduction of new routes to economically viable regions.
- encourage inward tourism through the airports
promote projects and programmes that link developments at the main airports to regeneration priorities
support the implementation of surface access improvements to the region’s airports in tandem with airport capacity expansion, to enable the region to benefit from additional air services and minimise adverse local impacts
support capacity expansion as proposed through the Aviation
White Paper whilst seeking to minimise negative environmental and quality of life impacts
support and promote the establishment of airline routes that meet business needs
Making the most of our gateways to the sea / develop the potential of ports for job growth and business
opportunities, especially in key sectors and clusters through, for example, skills training and provision of business infrastructure / Hertfordshire has no gateways to sea but nonetheless monitors the developments at the Thames and Haven Gateways. / -Monitor coastal gateway development and the potential impact on the Hertfordshire economy.
- Lobby for improved road and rail infrastructure.
support sustainable port expansion proposals and port-related developments that enhance local regeneration projects
support initiatives designed to increase the proportion of freight travelling by rail, such as the promotion of rail freight
develop enhanced access to the region’s ports, especially by rail, in tandem with port expansion plans and regeneration projects, with particular emphasis on the Haven Gateway-Nuneaton
railfreight route
support appropriate reconsideration of regional and sub-regional transport investment plans in the event of major port expansion plans receiving approval, such as Shellhaven London Gateway,
Bathside Bay
Promoting the delivery of strategic road, rail, and other public transport priorities for the region / lobby for and support the implementation of the RTS, particularly with investment in the creation of a strategic inter-modal network, and those projects that demonstrate high economic benefit without erosion of environmental capital / -Hertfordshire has a transport system that can reasonably be described as being “under pressure”. This applies equally to rail and road transport.
-East/west links across the county are inadequate.
-Rail links to Stansted bypass Hertfordshire
-Road links to airports are inadequate / - Lobby for improvements to A1 south of Stevenage.
- Lobby for Stansted express to stop more frequently at Broxbourne/Cheshunt
- Lobby for A414 link to M11.
- Encourage M25 widening in Hertfordshire
-review and develop proposals for improvements to public transport link running east/west in the county.
demonstrate the broader economic case for transport
infrastructure improvements
support improvements to the strategic public transport network, including a minimum of hourly train services between the principal towns and cities of the region
Ensuring that transport solutions serve economic growth in a sustainable manner / ensure that the transport and economic development objectives of the region are properly co-ordinated and aligned in subregional and regional planning strategies to reduce the need to travel / - Local Strategic Transport Planning Group in place.
- Hertfordshire has been a leader in the development of Travelwise / - seek more effective links between LSTP and the economic development process
- make Business Travelwise more relevant to the current business climate
support the delivery of the appropriate mix of strategic transport modes for the region to develop sustainably and to support major investment in inter-urban rail services
support initiatives that properly maintain and make best use of existing transport infrastructure
ensure that all major physical developments address their travel implications through production of travel plans
support initiatives to conduct business with reduced car use and travel demand, such as teleworking, flexible hours, car pooling, local sourcing of goods and services and ICT infrastructure especially in rural and coastal areas
encourage R&D and its application in the development of innovative transport and communication modes, technologies and environmentally benign fuels
Understanding and addressing the importance of transport links with London / provide greater employment opportunities within the region to support the existing settlement pattern and to reduce the need to commute / -understanding of the importance of transport links to London is well understood in Hertfordshire / - need to constantly work to ensure that region understands the importance of these links.
- continue to support the development of Crossrail and Thameslnk 2000
seek to achieve increased capacity, reliability and more frequent rail links between London and the East of England, with improved facilities at stations
ensure that new investment in Greater London rail infrastructure addresses the needs of the region’s commuters and that the SRA’s route utilisation studies give proper weight to commuting
needs alongside those for longer distance travel
support traffic management schemes designed to ease