Recess Committee Meeting Agenda


Recess Defined: Unstructured playtime with guidelines for safety that is supervised by adults, but not directed by adults.

Welcome Dr. Susan Moxley

Thank you for being willing to serve on this committee. When we formed this committee we wanted to have different perspectives to take a look at how recess should be applied in each school. To be sure we have a very well rounded program. We welcome the public to be part of the audience.

Pat Lawson, ESE coordinator. Has been trained as a facilitator in a problem solving business approach. She will serve as a neutral party, and ask questions to get the dialog going to be sure we have all the issues all the concerns from all perspectives. We will clarify so we have a common understanding. To leave here with those common definitions. What we want to accomplish in our schools, where is the standards, what is the flexibility.

Recommendations will come to me, the superintendent. I will present those to the board, and any policy or procedures that come as an outcome of your work I will proceed with.

We had some comments from a medical professional and you will have that input as well.

This is driven by the committee. Everyone here has an equal voice at the table, parents, professionals, community member. If you have any questions or need any additional information from Dr. Moxely, Pat Lawson will get that info to her.

Purpose of CommitteeDr. David Christiansen

  • Establish Common Definition of Recess
  • Review Survey Results
  • Provide Recommendations to Superintendent of Schools

IntroductionsKathlene Jarvis

Jan Tobias

Pat Gladawich

Kathy Billar

Amy T



Doretha Cole

Carmen Arnold

Kathlene Jarvis

Medical Doctor

Protocol for the Meeting Chris Patton

Situation Appraisal:SCAN – Pat Lawson Facilitator

I have a handout for you. The portion that we will do today is situation analysis. When we feel overwhelmed, we might procrastinate, not be effective, or focus on things are easy to do – as complicated as it may be to handle these. Each person in our group brings different perspectives and concerns. Strong feelings, opinions. This tool is designed to help us clarify and manage those issues, to surface some opinions and to address complex issues. I’m here to keep everyone on track. Its my job to assist you with this.

See the Issues

Make sure we understand and agree upon the common definition.

Express to the committee what is important to you about this issue/ concern. What is important to you about this situation we are in right now.

Recess research say that it is necessary for academic potential, exercise, social development. A lot of students if they don’t have recess don’t have social interaction. Developmentally could be damaging to them. United Nations declared a human rights guild to have recess in a program.

Multiple and many opportunities for children to participate not only in the classroom but before class and during lunch at Leesburg. The instruction that we deliver with the new FL Standards is very different than in the past. We engage our kids in a much more interactive classroom. In terms as the social interaction part, I differ, there are many appropriate academic ways in our schools. There are lots of opportunities for unstructured/structured times.

Kids collaboratively work on specific topics. (structured)

The idea of recess from research shows that if you give the kids some sort of unstructured activity in a safe environment, the kids that go through recess had faster response and enhances the academic understanding due to giving their mind a break. It’s a human nature to need a mental break. The goal is to make sure there is some structure, to organize some recess time that schools have to have as a minimum 15 min to do what they want. Kids need that time.

Issue/concern – what is the minimum recess time. We should make a county wide minimum time. With increasing standards, teachers run into problems with trying to get everything done, might take away recess because they feel so overwhelmed.

Issue/concern – Should it be something that is a mandate, or should we have flexibility within the schedule.

How is the physical education structured or not structured? Principals please respond.

Because of the mandate of 150 min, you may find with the teacher depending on grade level and weather. Kdg may be different times, as adjusted from older kids. Depending on campus size the available space is how you structure it. (see master sample schedule)

Suggestion; we need to give these kids the most opportunities as we possibly can. Its something we need to address and figure out.

We have a requirement at the state for 150 min of PE. Committee may need to discuss some of the issues that are givens that we cannot control. 90 min undisturbed reading time per day. In our struggling elementary schools state has placed an additional 60 minutes reading block. (3 schools, Leesburg, Beverly Shores, Eustis Heights). Math, depending on school norm is 60 min a day. Science and Social Studies a minimum of 30 minutes per day, sometimes incorporated. DA Schools are required separately science and social studies 30 min per day. 30 minutes or more increments of PE.

Leesburg says start the day out with common exercises, skill introduced, model and teaching skill then the children have an opportunity to interact with each other. That’s what PE looks like for us. PE every other day (3 times per week).

Triangle PE twice a week, we have a different schedule on Wednesday and they go more. Scheduled in the classroom, depending on weather, and space on campus. Space is an issue. The schedule to take turns and when on your instructional day they can go.

Concerns: We don’t have any playground equipment, we do for Kdg, for me to provide outside recess time that is an issue.

Issue of supervision.Multiple classes on an open field.

Children don’t participate in the physical aspect of recess. Purpose of recess, in my opinion is to give our kids that break from academics. Our teachers are able to understand and recognize when they need a break. Even as adult presenters, we need a break. And teachers can provide them a break as needed. To be scheduling recess takes away the opportunity for the teacher to use that break when its most needed.

15 minutes of recess is really 30 minutes. Collecting students, outside, drinks, re-organizing them once return inside.

Social interaction can be done at another time other than recess. There is a difference between recess as a physical activity and as a social level.

Response: I agree not every student runs during recess. Children are different, some kids need that activity more. Recess provides an opportunity for them to do what they like to do.

Equipment, location, scheduling…is lunch recess?

Jan Tobias took a tally of the survey focus on

13 schools indicate that their students getting at least one recess for 15 minutes

5 indicated they have one per day longer than 15 minutes’ ‘5 schools have recess per week’. The perceived issue may be different due to the survey results.)

Concerns: Scheduling issue, possibly do recess before lunch.

There is research that shows that it is really helpful to have recess.

Change in structure within the classroom now, students don’t sit sedative. For example kindergarten is active play. But as it is directed by adults, it is not un-structured as ‘outside’ recess. Students will say their favorite part of the day is recess.

There should be a minimum, at teacher’s judgment.

Some parents have little opportunity to take their kids outside because they are working until dark. We should think about the fact that not all kids have the opportunity at home. Take a look at the best interest of the ‘whole child’.

Social - Economic issues within poorer schools.

Clarify the Issues

Whether we are addressing recess within PE or different. We need a unified term used.

Concern, having unstructured time. Looking at more of a mental break, unstructured for students where they don’t have to work.

Placement of recess is important.

Is there any information moving forward that you need to make some next steps?

How many schools have actual playground equipment in place or space for actual playground equipment Jungle gyms, swings.

Cost factor for these playgrounds. Based on population and schedule do we have the space to get everyone outside.

Survey to space issues, equipment and potential costs. (not necessary for this committee)

A lot of variables to purchasing and installing playground equipment.

We need assurances that those things are happening in all the elementary schools.

Terminology is important with the assurance weather its PE or whether its recess. “freeplay”, “freetime” “PE”.

It is agreed that the teachers have the time, based on the new bell schedule for recess.

Future meeting to be set for: Thursday, October 23rd at 2:00pm-4pm

Assess Priorities

Name Next Steps