2015-16 Independent Living Center Youth Programs Report & Resource Directory
IL History and Philosophy
Results Summary
ILC Youth Services by Region
Northern California
Disability Action Center (DAC)
Disability Services and Legal Center (DSLC)
FREED Center for Independent Living
Tri-County Independent Living (TCIL)
Central California
Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities (CID)
Center for Independent Living (CIL)
Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL)
Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL)
Disability Resource Agency for Independent Living (DRAIL)
Independent Living Resource Center (ILRCSF)
Independent Living Resources of Solano and Contra Costa Counties (ILRSCC)
Marin Center for Independent Living (MCIL)
Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS)
Resources for Independence Central Valley (RICV)
Resources for Independent Living (RIL)
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC)
Southern California
Access to Independence (A2I)
Communities Actively Living Independent and Free (CALIF)
Community Action Center (CAC)
Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled (DMC)
Disabled Resources Center (DRC)
Independent Living Center of Kern County (ILCKC)
Independent Living Center of Southern California (ILCSC)
Independent Living Resource Center (ILRCSB)
Rolling Start (RS)
Services Center for Independent Life (SCIL)
Southern California Resources for Independent Living (SCRS)
Westside Center for Independent Living (WCIL)
Device Lending Libraries (DLL)
Northern California
Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco
Independent Living Center of Northern California
Community Resources for Independent Living
FREED Center for Independent Living
Central California
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center
Central Coast Center for Independent Living
California Foundation for Independent Living Centers
Southern California
Assistive Technology Exchange Center
Goodwill Technology Exchange Center
Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology
Central Coast Assistive Technology Center
Center for Assistive Technology
Rolling Start, Inc.
United Cerebral Palsy
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Program Sites
Northern California
Mercy General Hospital Coordinated Care Project
Central California
Central Coast Center for Independent Living - New Options
Services for Brain Injury
Southern California
Independent Living Center of Southern California
St. Jude Brain Injury Network
The enactment of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) by bipartisan majorities in Congress revitalized and transformed the public workforce system so that it reflects the realities of the 21st century economy and meets the needs of job-seekers, workers, and employers. As part of this revitalization effort, WIOA makes significant changes to vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs across the United States. One of the major changes impacting Independent Living Centers(ILC’s) includes the addition of a core service of transition.
(Public Law 7(17) and (18) and 704; 29 USC 705(21) (B) and 796c) The term “independent living core services” means (A) information and referral services; (B) independent living skills training; (C) peer counseling (including cross‐disability peer counseling); (D) individual and systems advocacy. (WIOA 474; 404)WIOA adds a fifth category of core services for the: (i) facilitate the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community-based residences, with requisite supports and services; (ii) provide assistance to individuals with significant disabilities who are at risk of entering institutions so that the individuals may remain in the community; and (iii) facilitate the transition of youth with significant disabilities, who were eligible for Individualized Education Plans and have completed their secondary education or otherwise left school, to postsecondary life.
On July 22, 2014 the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law. The final regulations were published in the Federal Register on August 19, 2016. The Independent Living and Community Access Division (ILCAD) within the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) administers the Independent Living Program and provides technical assistance and financial support to California’s 28 Independent Living Centers (ILC’s). In an effort to provide ongoing technical assistance on new core services pending the release of additional guidance from ACL,ILCADisworking with California’s ILC’s to compile information on the work they have been doing and the programs they have developed to serve youth with disabilities (ages 14-24) in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2015-2016.This information will be used to identify best practices, create cross-training opportunities, and promote the ILC’s amazing accomplishments to facilitate collaboration with community partners as they move to integrate this new core service into their programs.
IL History and Philosophy
Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities, their families, friends, and advocates towards full inclusion of people with disabilities into society. With origins in the U.S. civil rights and consumer movements of the late 1960s, the Independent Living Movement grew out of the Disability Rights Movement. The IL Movement works at replacing the special education and rehabilitation experts’ concepts of integration, normalization and rehabilitation with a new paradigm developed by people with disabilities themselves.
The Independent Living philosophy postulates that people with disabilities are the best experts on their needs, and therefore they must take the initiative, individually and collectively, in designing and promoting better solutions and must organize themselves for political power. Besides de-professionalization and self-representation, the Independent Living ideology comprises de-medicalization of disability, de-institutionalization and cross-disability (i.e. inclusion in the IL Movement regardless of diagnoses).
In the Independent Living philosophy, people with disabilities are primarily seen as citizens and only secondarily as consumers of healthcare, rehabilitation or social services. As citizens in democratic societies, the IL Movement claims, persons with disabilities have the same right to participation, to the same range of options, degree of freedom, control and self-determination in everyday life and life projects that other citizens take for granted.
In 1972, the first ILC was founded by disability activists. Today there are 28 ILC’s with 61 service locations throughout the state that offer IL services to Californian’s with disabilities. ILCs are consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agencies designed and operated within the local community by individuals with disabilities. Services are provided to individuals of all ages, with any type of disability. Independent living services are driven by the goal that people with disabilities have the same civil rights, options and control over choices in their own lives as people without disabilities. ILC’s work to eliminate many of the attitudinal, physical, and communication barriers faced by people as they work towards independence and full integration into their communities.
Results Summary
Core services provided by ILCs include Information & Referral (I&R), Advocacy (self and systems), Independent Living Skills (IL Skills), Peer Counseling, Personal Assistance Services (PA Services) (a California Core Service), and Housing resources (a California Core Service). WIOA adds the seventh core service of transition. In FY 2015-2016, 27 of 28 ILC’s report they have provided at least one of the seven core services to youth and 13 of 28 ILC’s reported that they provided all of the core services to youth. In addition, 23 of 28 centers reported providing services through dedicated youth services staff whereas the others provided services to youth through their general staff.
Over 1700 youth with disabilities were served by ILC’s in FY 2015-2016 across California. Youth have accessed a wide variety of services from ILC’s, and programs vary greatly from one ILC to another. Extended meaningful contact with youth who did not intake as consumers but were documented in outreach and/or I&R also occurred in most ILC’s in addition to the 1700 reported above. The following table breaks out additional services (beyond core services) and the number of ILCs that reported providing those services:
No. of ILCs / Service Area10 / Assistive Technology, devices, or equipment loans.
7 / Collaboration or relationship development.
8 / Travel, transportation, and/or mobility services.
8 / Employment or job skills training.
11 / EducationServices (IEP development, transition from high school etc.)
13 / “Other” services. These included anything that didn’t “fit” into the previous categories of services being provided (i.e.: conferences, socialization/recreation services, benefits counseling, etc.)
ILC Youth Services by Region
A primary function of Independent Living Centers is to empower individuals with disabilities and to support greater independence. These functions overlap with the purpose of transition planning for youth with disabilities, and it is increasingly
evidentthat thoseILCs can play an important role in such transition services. This report discusses the programs, services, and developing initiatives of ILCs in relation to transition services for youth with disabilities.
Northern California
Disability Action Center (DAC)reports having provided peer counseling, IL skills training, Assistive Technology and/or devices, and benefits counseling and assistance with applications to youth.
DAC is developing a partnership with the Regional Center for youth transition with a possible fee-for-service component.
Executive Director: Evan LeVang
Catchment Area: Colusa, Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Plumas, Shasta, Lassen, Siskiyou, and Modoc counties
Chico Office:
1161 East Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
(530) 893-8527 Voice/TTY
(800) 464-8527 Fax
Redding Office:
1600 West St.
Redding, CA 96001
(530) 242-8550 voice/TTY
(530) 241-1454 Fax
Assistive Technology
Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use
Vision Resources
Provider Referral
Community Garden
Disability Services and Legal Center (DSLC)reports having provided information and referral, advocacy, housing resources, peer counseling, IL skills training, personal assistant services, and transition services to youth.
DSLC plans to enhance public education presentations about ILC services in schools.
Executive Director: Adam Brown
Catchment Area: Sonoma, Napa, Lake and Mendocino counties
Santa Rosa Office:
521 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 528-2745 Voice
(711) Video relay
(707) 528-9477 Fax
Ukiah Office:
415 Talmage Rd., Ste. B
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 463-8875 Voice
(711) Video relay
(707) 463-8878 Fax
Napa Office:
1040 Main Street, Ste. 205
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 258-0270 Voice
(711) Video relay
(707) 258-0275 Fax
Client Assistance Program
Assistive Technology
Benefits Consultation
Ticket to Work and WIPA
Home Access
Mental Health
FREED Center for Independent Living provided information and referral, advocacy, housing resources, peer counseling, IL skills training, personal assistant services, youth transition, and education. They also provided assistive technology, employment or job skills training, educational services, and benefits counseling.
FREED currently participates in the Sierra Joint Consortium, which is intended to leverage the strengths of members and partners to deliver outstanding adult education programs and services with seamless transitions into the workforce or postsecondary education. They hope that this partnership will lead to more seamless transitions for high school students who experience disability. FREED plans to develop a youth social group in 2017.
ExecutiveDirector: Ana Acton
ILC Catchment Area: Colusa, Nevada, Sierra, Sutter, and Yuba Counties
ADRC Catchment Area: Nevada County
Grass Valley Office:
2059 Nevada City Hwy, Suite 102
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 477-3333 Voice
(530) 477-8194 TTY
(530) 477-8184 Fax
Marysville Office:
508 J Street
Marysville, CA 95901
(530) 742-4474 voice
(530) 742-4476 Fax
Assistive Technology
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection
Benefits Counseling
Computer and Internet Access
Disability Awareness, Community Education and ADA Compliance
Fix It Program
Friendly Visitor Program
Housing Advocacy
Personal Assistance
Transportation Assistance
Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Vision Resources
Youth Services
Tri-County Independent Living (TCIL)provided assistive technology and assistance with social security applications to youth in FY 2015-2016.
TCIL purchased the “Ignite!” Youth Transitions program for ages 12-16 and the “T’NT” Youth Transitions program for ages 16-22, which they plan to implement in the next year. Ignite! is designed to teach adolescents & young adults with high incidence disabilities the skills and confidence necessary to become active participants in designing their futures. Through self-exploration, knowledge development and hands-on practice, the curriculum actively builds the mindset and skills necessary for students to become self-advocates in a variety of settings including their IEP meetings. “T’NT” is designed to prepare young adults with high incidence disabilities to become employed, independent members of their communities. The curriculum actively engages students in a variety of topics including: employment preparation, soft skill development, post-secondary education, employment training and/or certification, independent living, financial literacy, and community involvement.
Executive Director: Donalyn Sjostrand
Catchment Area: Del Norte, Humboldt, and Trinity Counties
Eureka office:
2822 Harris Street
Eureka, CA 95503
(707) 445-8404 Voice
(707) 445-8405 TTY
(707) 445-9751 Fax
Housing Assistance
Personal Assistance Services
Assistive Technology
Central California
Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities (CID)provided information and referral, peer counseling, youth transition services, employment services, and education services to youth. Additionally they report holding a monthly peer group which is open to all ages, but which has several youth members. The purpose of this group to provide opportunities for socialization and recreation, information about nutrition, employment, and other topics based on interest of the group.
CID is currently pursuing vendorization with the Golden Gate Regional Center in San Mateo and San Francisco to provide services to youth with disabilities.
Executive Director: Donna Reed
Catchment Area: San Mateo County
San Mateo Office:
200 Winward Way, Ste. 103
San Mateo, CA 94402
(650) 645-1780 Voice
(650) 645-1785 FAX
(650) 522-9313 TTY
San Bruno Office:
1590 El Camino Real, Ste. C
San Bruno, California 94066
(650) 589-8994 Voice
(650) 589-8170 TTY
(650) 589-8995 Fax
Assistive Technology
Work Incentive Planning & Assistance (WIPA)
Housing Accessibility Modification
Personal Assistance Program
ADA Consultation and Training
Register to Vote
YO! Disabled and Proud
Center for Independent Living (CIL) provided information and referral, advocacy, housing resources, peer counseling, IL skills training, personal assistant services, and transition services to youth. They also provided travel or transportation assistance/training and have been working to develop collaborative relationships with school districts. Additionally they provided adaptive sports participation opportunities/recreation opportunities to the youth they served.
CIL is in the process of developing a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program in conjunction with the Oakland and Alameda Unified School districts. They are currently in collaboration with UC Berkeley to offer employment services that were formerly offered by UC Berkeley’s WorkAbility/Disabled Students’ Readiness Program.
Executive Director: Stuart James
Catchment Area: Alameda County ZIP codes: 94501, 94502, 94706, 94707, 94710, 94704, 94703, 94702, 94709, 94705, 94707, 94708, 94710, 94706, 94608, 94609, 94618, 94720, 94701, 94712, 94608, 94662, 94601, 94605, 94606, 94603, 94621, 94602, 94611, 94610, 94607, 94619, 94609, 94608, 94618, 94612, 94705, 94577, 94615, 94617, 94704, 94622, 94625, 94649, 94659, 94660, 94666, 94613, 94604, 94614, 94623, 94624, 94661, 94611, 94610, 94618, 94620
Berkeley Office:
3075 Adeline Street, Ste. 100
Berkeley, CA 94703-2576
Alameda County
(510) 841-4776 Voice
(510) 356-2662 Video Phone
(510) 848-3101 TTY
(510) 841-6168 FAX
Fruitvale Office:
1470 Fruitvale Avenue
Oakland, CA 94601
(510) 536-2271 Voice/TTY
(510) 261-2968 FAX
(510) 841-4776 x 314
Alameda Office: TBD 2016
Employment Services
Personal Assistance Referrals
Travel Training
Assistive Technology
Residential Access
Universal Wellness
Youth Services
Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL)reports having provided information and referral, advocacy, housing resources, peer counseling, IL skills training, personal assistant services, and transition services to youth. They also provided assistive technology loans through their Device Lending Library (DLL) to individual consumers and local school districts.
CCCIL is launching a weekly youth support group in January 2017 which will be funded by the Monterey County Behavioral Health Department (MCBHD). This pilot project will provide youth (14-24) who are currently receiving services from MCBHD access to peer mentoring and IL trainings, with individual follow up for additional ILC services as needed.
Additionally, CCCIL is participating in a pilot project through California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) called “Voice Choice”, which will provide services to Californians with speech disabilities who may benefit from AT demonstrations, short-term and long-term loans of iPad tablets with communication applications. CCCIL plans to launch this program in December 2016 and is working with Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito County Schoolsto provide these services to youth 14-24 years old.
Executive Director: Elsa Quezada
Catchment Area: Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties
Salinas Office:
318 Cayuga Street, Ste. 208
Salinas, CA 93901
Monterey County
(831) 757-2968 Voice
(831) 757-5549 FAX
(831) 757-3949 TTY
Santa Cruz County Office:
(Located in the State Dept. of Rehabilitation Office)
1350 41st Ave. Ste. 101
Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 462-8720 Voice
(831) 462-8727 FAX
(931) 462-8729 TTY
San Benito County Office (by appointment only)
Benefits Assistance
Housing Assistance
Personal Assistance Services
Assistive Technology
Benefits Counseling
Outreach and Education
Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL)provided information and referral, advocacy, housing resources, peer counseling, IL skills training, personal assistant services, youth transition, and education services to youth.
The Disability Action Network for Youth (DANY) is a member-led group of 16-24 year olds who participate in advocacy and providing education to the community. CRIL is hoping to duplicate DANY in the local high schools and has applied to the Thomas Long Foundation for funding.