Connecticut International Baccalaureate Academy
Parent Advisory Council
October 2, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Phil Gosslin, Vice President. Nine parents, one student and Mr. Arpin, Principal of CIBA were in attendance. The minutes of the September PAC meeting were submitted by Marianne Barton, and were accepted as written. The treasurer’s report was presented by Susan Ellsworth; she noted that the recent Butter Braids fundraiser had raised $1173 thus far.
Phil reported that the Fall Harvest Dance held on September 28, was attended by 82 students.
Zack Kessler, President of the Student Advisory Board, reviewed a series of activities being planned by the SAB. These include the Winter Ball scheduled for February 8, 2008 at the Pond House at Elizabeth Park. The SAB is also selling class rings through a new company. For the first time, the ring will have the International Baccalaureate logo on it. A variety of styles are available. Students can view the rings at lunch. The average cost is approximately $250. A parent information night will be scheduled later in the fall. The SAB is also selling CIBA clothing including zip sweatshirts and polo shirts with the CIBA letters on them. One parent suggested that a picture of a phoenix, the school mascot be added to the clothing, but Zack noted that adding a graphic would increase costs significantly. Zack thanked Mr. Arpin and Mr. Walker for their speeches at the IB Inaugural Ceremony for members of the Junior Class. The class celebrated after the ceremony with a dinner at the Olive Garden.
Mr. Arpin reported that the Guida Dairy Super Cow visited the school on September 14th to recognize CIBA as one of the 25 Healthiest Schools in America. He also noted that many parents attended the CIBA Open House on September 20th. Mr. Arpin reported on the IB Inaugural Ceremony and noted that Mr. Moore had come in from his leave to speak to the students. Dr. Martinez, Zack Kessler, and Janika Brown-Springer also addressed the students and their families. Mr. Arpin thanked the PAC for providing the IB paperweights which were given to members of the Junior Class. Mr. Arpin announced that CIBA students who participated in the JDRF Walk on September 30th raised $2200, and were awarded second place in the t-shirt contest. Pictures of the CIBA team with UCONN Coach Jim Calhoun are posted on the CIBA website.
Mr. Arpin reported that Dr. Martinez has agreed to support a trip to China for CIBA students in June 2008. Mr. Arpin noted that the school will not be able to apply for the federal grant money it has received in the past, and therefore fund-raising will be required to defray the cost of the trip for students. Suggestions for fund-raising were solicited from members of the PAC. The trip will be limited to students who have completed their junior or senior years at CIBA. Mr. Arpin is hoping to add a trip to a Spanish speaking country to alternate with the trip to China.
Mr. Arpin noted that Randy had recently put ads in local newspapers for the vending machine, but the school has received no calls. Mr. Arpin noted that space is needed in the athletic storage space, where the vending machine is currently housed. The issue was tabled to the next meeting, since Randy was not present.
Lois Ann Sisson, parent of a 10th grader at CIBA suggested that the school consider a calendar or note cards containing student art work as a fund-raiser. Myles Kessler, parent of an 11th grade student suggested that other local schools sell vitamin water after school. The group also discussed a Family Night at McDonald’s to be scheduled over the next few weeks. Phil agreed to look into that possibility.
Ms. Sisson commented that the display of Honor Students pictures in the CIBA atrium was quite lovely. She suggested that a parent might assume responsibility for updating the display and the decorations.
Ms. Sisson asked about the current Chemistry teacher, Mr. Bohannon, who was hired just before classes started in September. . Mr. Arpin reported that Mr. Bohannon had completed the Alternate Route to Certification and has taught for one year at Griswold High School. He will be sent shortly for IB training and he is working with a mentor teacher. He has not yet begun the BEST program.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 7th at 7 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne L. Barton