JUNE 2016

Alumni News1

(formerly Network News)

The newsletter of the HVHS PPFA Inc. and the HVHS Alumni


Welcome to our new-look newsletter which will be easy to access on the internet.

Those who are PPFA and/or Alumni members will receive the news via the Database directly to their private email address and it will also be available on the school’s website.


At the recent March 2016 AGM we sadly said farewell to six long-serving committee members. It is all too common these days for Alumni groups to fold, and it is to their credit that the HVHS PPFA has not only a healthy bank balance, but an important role in maintaining the archives and helping financially with students.

Farewell, and Thanks to…

Paul Logan as Chairperson kept us all in order and is now taking a step back.

Betty Hennes our tireless Secretary (and Treasurer as well for a time) who did not let the fact that living in Levin was going to stop her doing an amazing job.

Shirley MacLeod has done a fantastic job keeping the database active and up-to-date and has now handed over this vital information to be incorporated into the school Alumni Database.

Pauline Patchett not only organized the movie fundraisers (and sold the most tickets), but held numerous committee meetings at her house along with yummy suppers.

Marie Stratford and Ian Mollerfor their help and support over the years on the committee.


Committee:Christine Barnett (nee Davis)

Celia Andrews (nee Beckett)

Graeme Marshall (former Principal HVHS)

Katriona Macdonald (Staff Representative)

Newsletter Editor:Bob Fox

Hon. Auditor:Moira Gough (nee Black)

Archives:Judith Gardiner

Colleen Cresswell

Jean Bowden

Tea & Chat Organisers: Jean (nee Darnell) and Ivan Bowden

The Future of the HVHS PPFA

The focus this year is the 90th Reunion and Christine, Katriona and the fantastic archive team have been working with the school organising this event.

Just 10 years away is the school’s Centenary, and 2016 gives us the impetus to begin the preparations for this momentous event.

In place is the Alumni database and every address and old pupil you add builds the strength and breadth the School needs going into its Second Century.

Even though the committee has lost numerous members and along with them years of experience and knowledge, the PPFA is to continue to provide an important link and support service to the school and its students.

We would really like some more volunteers to become committee members so we can share the load (which is not large at all considering the Reunion is all organised). If you feel you might be interested in going on the committee, please phone Christine Barnett 5701422 and you will be most welcome.

Our membership fee of $20 was needed for production and distribution by post of the PPFA newsletter. As we now have the Alumni Database up and running, all future newsletters will be sent via the internet to everyone on the database. (Those financial members who do not have a computer will receive the newsletter by post). Most of our members are already loaded on to the Alumni Database and so there is nothing for you to do. However, as ex-HVHS you should all visit the HVHS website and add yourself to the Database (just in case). Once done you will also receive information on the 90th Reunion.

As a committee, we still have ongoing costs and donations are still very gratefully welcomed. If you feel able to contribute please post us a cheque or make an internet payment. Thank you all so much for your kind contributions up until now, and in the future.

Your stories of school life – like the piece about Davey McLeod below – enliven our own memories and are always welcome. Send anything you wish to newsletter editor Bob Fox () and it will find its way into this column.


Donations to the PPFA Inc.

Name : ______

Email : ______

Donation $ ______

Cheques made out to : HVHS PPFA Inc.

Direct paymentto : HVHS PPFA Inc. 03 1537 0026803 00

A receipt can be issued for tax rebate purposes for any donations, as we are a registered Charity. All donations are used for the benefit of the School.

Please return this form to : HVHS PPFA Inc

Private Bag 31909


PPFA Scholarship recipients 2016

Poonam Soma, Juliette Stevens, Shani Bennik

My name is Shani Bennik and I would like to thank the HVHS PPFA for the $1000 scholarship. I have recently commenced both law and commerce degrees at Victoria University in Wellington. This will take me five years of fulltime study. At the moment I am still living at home with my two younger sisters, both currently at HVHS. My mother, uncle and grandfather are all past pupils.

I have had a part time job for the past 2 years while at high school to save enough money for some of my course fees. I managed to save $16,500 which will pay for two years of study. I now have a part time job at a pizza place to further help with university expenses. After I graduate, I am hoping to become a lawyer, specialising in commercial law.

This scholarship will help pay for future university costs, providing me with a greater outlook for the future. I really do appreciate your help as I do know the value of money and how hard it is to earn it.I thank the PPFA for investing in my future.


Movie Fundraisers – Light House Cinema Petone

The PPFA film evening is a fundraiser for three $1000 Scholarships for Year 13 students leaving school and going on to University. This is at least the 6th year fundraising with a movie night, thanks to Pauline mainly. Other fundraising can provide financial support for the school and students to enable participation in various activities (computers, overseas representative trips, equipment for the hall, books for the library).

Last year the film evening raised over $800.

This year we are hoping to raise more than $900.

Thank you to those who attended, we hope you had a lovely evening catching up with old friends and enjoying some delicious supper.


Tea & Chat 2016

In October we are planning to hold the annual Tea & Chat. This is held at the school and is for those who attended HVHS in the first four decades. Thanks to Jean Bowden for organizing this popular event. It is normally attended and enjoyed by a large group. Details of the Tea & Chat will feature in the next newsletter (September 2016)

Reunion Tickets are now on sale

Hutt Valley High School was opened in May 1926. We will celebrate being 90 years old in August.

Please join us on the12th -13thAugust 2016for a time of sharing memories with old class mates and friends.

Plans include a Friday evening Decade Mix and Mingle at local venues, a School Open Day on Saturday with displays of memorabilia and decade photo opportunities, and a Saturday Night dinner.

Visit the School’s online site to obtain tickets and details of festivities.

Bob Keall (Waikanae) recalls…

“Davey” McLeod (Deputy Principal in my time 1942-6) was not a disciplinarian as such, and taught me geography in 4 Boys. He sat aside the table and delivered his lesson with a Scottish accent you could cut with a knife. And you listened!

Any disciplinary measures were not done with the strap. Instead the prescription was for 1 (or 2) barrow loads of stones just the size of your fist, from the Hutt River bed. Thus you approached the Caretaker for the barrow – he understood the drill. You took the barrow from the gum, across the top ground, across the lower ground, over the fence, up over the stop bank, over the fence, across Strand Park to the river, loaded the barrow and did the return - across Strand Park, empty the barrow, lift it over the fence, reload the barrow, over the stop bank, unload the barrow, lift over the fence, reload the barrow, across the lower ground and the top ground and add your barrow load to the pile by the gym! The first barrow load was usually the last!

Those stones were later used to drain the lower ground, level with the river, and turn it from a muddy bog into a firm playing field, summer and winter.

There were other similarly constructive or instructive “punishments”.

His wife, a delightful tutor, spoke our tongue and taught us “The Jabberwocky,” the “Lobster Quadrille” and others from Lewis Carroll who 130 years ago protested (through Alice) that the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get.”

As this 2015 view from the school’s archives shows, possibly there should have been a few more barrows of stones for the lower ground.