Analysis of Technology Innovation in the Classroom
Huda Hammoud
Reviewer: Huda Hammoud
This paper will analyze the advantages of using the Robotics program in schools. The students learn to built, program, and control robots.
The Robotics program is designed to integrate technology in all subject areas to engage students in their school projects and activities.It is an idealhands-on method to explore computer science concepts.Robots have the potential to change all aspects of our lives and with technology progressing new ways are revealed in which to use these robots. Living in a technology based century, it is essential as well as important for students to learn this program to ensure future success in carriers.
“Robot technology is widely recognized as one of the key technologies for the 21st century, with immense opportunities for further growth. Not unexpectedly, robot is one of the most popular items among young people.”(Kim)
To apply the Robotics Program successfully in a learning environment, a well trained teacher is required. Since the program integrates different subject areas then any teacher can use this to implement specific skills. Students from the age of 8 -18 can use the program, the task can be modified according to the objective of the lesson. A classroom must be supplied with a few computers, and an empty floor space available- to run the robots, and Lego Mindstorm kits. According to the specific tasks the teacher assigns, some props are also necessary to create the environment for the robot’s commands. Activities can vary from a program that enables the robot to move forward in a straight line for a specific time, to one which has to follow a specific color grid in the room.
The Robotics program offers an exciting way for students to learn subject matters in an intellectually stimulatingenvironment.Students learn how to build robots and to use their knowledge and talents to bring robot to life. Students love using Robotics because they can make connection between learning and the real life applications.
In the robotics program students learn to work with each other to share ideas find solutions. Studies show the teamwork increases student learning, career success, commitment and strategic thinking.Children can start to learn how to operate, design and program some types of simple robots utilizing and expanding on their school education mainly in the areas of science and math.
The program also offers the opportunity to integrate technology with math, science, design technology through the use of the Mindstorm software and the Lego kit. This educational programfuels the enthusiasm for inquiry and discovery. It prepares students for this technology century by challenging their mind to think about solutionsand testing them.
Students are to build a robot using the bricks kit. The students then are to write a program on their computers, using a software called Mindstorm. With this program, the students are able to write the commands according to the specific scenario that has been discussed with the teacher. Groups will work to design, evaluate and create these specific tasks. Once the program is written, it is then downloaded onto the robot through a Bluetooth wireless communication. These robots are equipped with several sensors such as light, touch, sound, temperature, and ultrasonic. With this program, these sensors can be used to decide how to react to its environment
Such applications enhance their understanding speed and power and the relationship between matter and the physics of motion such as friction. They also would have to rely on math skills to ensure they key in the right measurements and conversions for the movement of the device and so on. At the same time their technology knowledge would refined as they learn how to program the robots and how to network devices to control the product.In his teaching principles, Brophy stressed the need to engage students in sustained discourse structured around powerful ideas.
“Thoughtful discourse features sustained examination of small number of related topics, in which student are invited to develop explanations, make predictions, debate alternative approaches to a problem.” (Brophy)
Designing a robot is about identifying needs, generating ideas, planning, making and testing to find the best solutions.
(Workbook For Programming On Lego Mindstorm NXT)
Through trial runs students note whether or not their robot responded to its programmed task. Through this the students have the opportunity to edit and modify their program in order to meet their tasks. This allows them to develop their problem solving skills by reflecting on the process.
For all the mentioned reasons above, I believe strongly that the robotics can make a difference in the ways and they amount their students learn.
Integrating Robotics in teaching has many beneficial aspects. To begin with, this program provides a fun learning environment for the students. Giving the students the opportunity to deal with such a hands-on program will increase their fine motor skills, as they trial-run. Students will gain experience in code writing, as they learn the program language, which will help them improve their skills in problem solving. They will begin to encounter errors in their program code, as they will learn the mechanics of trouble shooting. This is also a method to teach students how to work cooperatively, as they begin to think outside the box in order to trouble shoot.
The Red Rover Goes to Mars and Red Rover, Red Roverprojectsare great example of the success of Robotics. This project is a collaboration between NASA and Lego that created a “hands-on opportunities for students around the world to participate directly in real missions to Mars.”(The Planetary Society) Red Rover, Red Roverallowed students to build robots and operate them remotely through the internet. Additionally, Mars Station projectenabled students around the world with access to the internet to also explore Mars.
The only drawback that I can see in Robotics is that the program can becostly for schools. Lego Robotics Kits can be pricy; each kit could cost around $300 and several kits are required for classroom use.
We still don’t have those dream robots that iron our clothes, wash our cars or make us gourmet breakfasts but robots do save lives and billions f dollars every day. Imagine if bomb squads did not have robots to carry an explosive device into a shielded container, a process that often ends up with the bomb exploding before it is contained or if car makers had to charge us for the thousands of hours that robots workover night so that your car does not cost three times its price.There is a lot of progress to be made in this field but the miles covered already are truly life-changing.
The World Robotics Olympiad (WRO)is a science event offers the students the chance to show their creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and robot design skills in an international championship. Representatives from different countries around the world take part in this world competition whereteam memberswork together to solvecomplex problems. This event foster teamspirit and stimulate creativity amongst the students,“I believe that the Robot Olympiad provides the world stage for our youths to build their dreams of becoming creative robotics scientists of the future” (Kim)
The heart of Brophy teaching philosophy is to allocate classroom time for curriculum related activities to make the learning process meaningful. “ A curriculum is not an end itself; it’s a means of helping students to learn what is consideredessential for preparing them to fulfill adult roles in society and relies their potential as individual” (Brophy)
After I received robotics training, I have not had the chance to teach this to my students, but I hope to in the near future. An aspiration of mine is to coach students so that they have the opportunity to participate in the World Robotics Olympiad.
Brophy, J. (n.d.). Teaching. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from The Internation Bureau of Education:
Kim, J.-H. (n.d.). Welcome to the official site of International Robot Olympiad! Retrieved october 31, 2008, from International Robot Olympiad Committee:
The Official Website of Lego Products. (2008). Retrieved October 31, 2008, from
The Planetary Society . (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2008, from Red Rover Goes to Mars:
Workbook For Programming On Lego Mindstorm NXT. (n.d.).
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