Site 205-K8-SW-6
Mrs. Isolda Antonio Fisher, Principal
School Name Suggestion Form
Hello Super Scholars! February 5, 2018
We are so excited that you reside in the zone area for the new Kaley Lake Como K-8 and would like your input on the selecting the name and mascot for our new school. Please take a moment to give your input and return your ideas to the suggestion box located in the front office of Kaley Lake Como by 4:00pm on Monday, February 12, 2018. If you would prefer, you can scan and email me the completed form at .
Suggested School Name:
Suggested Mascot:
School Board Policy for Naming School Facilities
Title: Naming or Renaming Schools and Facilities
The superintendent shall make recommendations for the naming of new schools and the renaming of existing schools to The School Board of Orange County, Florida C'Board') for its consideration and action. The superintendent shall present three alternative names based upon input from the school's community stakeholders for the Board's review when naming new schools.
For requests to rename an existing school, athletic, recreational, or other school facilities, the superintendent shall present the Board with two alternatives; the requested names and the current name. Input on the two alternatives from the school's community stakeholders shall be included in the presentation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, third party advertisers that enter into an agreement with the Board for display advertisement at a facility owned or leased by the Board shall not be considered a renaming of the existing facility for purposes of this policy and shall be required to follow the procedures contained in Board Policy KHB, Advertising in Schools.
Committees shall not be utilized in the process unless specifically established by the Board. The final selection and approval of names for the school facilities shall be the responsibility of the Board.
SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: Sections 1001.41, 1001.43, 1001.51, Florida Statutes
ADOPTED: 11/17/08 REVISED: 04/23/13