What we do

We work with survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Birmingham and Solihull to cope with trauma and rebuild wellbeing, confidence and hopefulness. Sexual violence and abuse can affect anyone and so we support survivors of any age, and any gender. RSVP take a trauma-informed approach to services, we don’t label or judge, but listen, respect and support survivors to make their own decisions. We provide a broad range of innovative services, including counselling, advocacy, group support, self-help resources, helpline support and social activities. Specialist support is available to LGBT and asylum-seeking/refugee clients as well as sex workers.

I am a functioning mother and wife again, I never thought I would feel normal again, but thanks to RSVP I have my life back

The need for specialist support

Rape and sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse, exploitation, coercion, trafficking and modern slavery are a global epidemic. Approximately 97,000 adults are raped every year in England and Wales, and 1 in 20 children have been sexually abused. Only 15% of survivors report sexual violence and abuse to the police. Sexual violence has a profound impact on survivors’ physical, mental and sexual health, undermining dignity and self-esteem and the ability to trust. It is crucial that survivors receive the compassionate support they need and deserve, in order to lead a hopeful future free from abuse.

My counsellor was so easy to talk to and inspired confidence within me

Our impact in 2016/17

We supported 5330 clients across all our services

75% of clients reported increased wellbeing after accessing RSVP support

Our priorities for 2017/18

We will reduce the time that people are waiting for counselling

We will provide more support in outreach locations around Birmingham and Solihull, so our services are more accessible and inclusive

We will increase our services and provide more resources for children, young people and families

RSVP gives survivors the strength to carry on and stand up for our rights and wellbeing. Thank you for that, you kept me alive