There is unrest with educators and caregivers in NL alike surrounding our current policies in the Education system on inclusion, self-regulation, math and reading scores, mental health and wellness, and Indigenous Education practices. The need for alternative schooling is a growing concern for a number of families. Our aim at Wild Island is to relieve some of the strain from the formal schooling system and help as many children as we can connect with nature and realize their full potential. Over the past 6 months, we have been working diligently to create an innovative and emergent learning community in the beautiful town of Portugal Cove St. Phillips, NL. Wild Island Academy will be the first Outdoor School in NL and its vision was born solely to address the current needs of today’s formal schooling.

Wild Island Academy is a non-profit Outdoor School for Kindergarten through Grade 3 students (with hopes of expanding up to grade 6). At Wild Island, children will learn by engaging in practical, hands-on activities, problem solving, and play. Children, along with their educators, will make deep connections with the Earth by spending most of their time learning outside – in all weather – all year long. As a result, children learn critical life skills while developing emotional and social intelligences within a natural environment. Wild Island Forest Academy will be unique in that it will have small, multi-aged classes, a high educator:student ratio, and consistent inquiry-based, experiential learning. The integration of Newfoundland Curriculum Outcomes will be married with a UDL approach and a heavy emphasis on relationship building and STEM learning.

We have received approval in principle from the Department of Education to get the school up and running providing we secure a suitable location. We have recently found a very promising location and received approval from the town of Portugal Cove to plant our roots there. It is a 3-acre piece of land that will provide lots of natural elements for children to explore, experiment, play, learn, and design in. It will also be home to our green house and chicken coop. On the property there is a 1200sq ft. building, the Wynwood building, which will be our home base. The building is where we will convene throughout the day for various endeavors such as to:

formulate plans for the day

write about our experiences (journals and/or blogs)

draw up blueprints of structures we plan to build

create maps of places we have explored

write out and test recipes using our grown vegetables

conduct water related science experiments in our three industrial stainless steel sinks

curl up with a good book or listen to a friend tell a story

edit videos, code, travel the world via Google Earth

host readers theaters/plays on our stage

skype with other Forest Schools from around the world

build and experiment with found objects from nature in a controlled environment

hold daily meetings (circle time)

cook nutritious meals


This is where we are hoping you come in! We are currently planning a dinner at The Bella Vista on November 12th to raise funds to renovate and equip our building. We would love if you could join us for a night of food, fun, and celebration. We are working diligently to ensure this night will be a great success and are reaching out to the community to invite you to purchase tickets to our dinner. One in which, if you do choose to attend, you can be sure you will be leaving full, happy, and with the knowledge that you supported a good, and necessary, cause. Tickets are 100/per person and include: appetizer, main dish, dessert (with coffee/tea), 1 drink ticket, door prizes, a comedy show, and live music. If you can not make it out to our event for any reason please consider donating an item/service to Wild Island Academy for our Silent Auction that will be held that night as well. If you would like to purchase tickets or donate an item/service to our cause please email or call me at your earliest convenience.

It is beyond time we offer alternative schooling to the children of NL. Wild Island Academy will meet the children where they are and work to connect them back with nature. Now more than ever, we need our youth to understand their relationship with the environment to better prepare them for the future. We would be ever so grateful if you would help us along in our journey.If you have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, I look forward to hearing back from you.

Jodi Rossiter

K-3 Teacher

Wild Island Forest Academy

Portugal Cove, NL
