NC Community Garden Partners GROW Mini-Grant Application

Who can apply?

If you attended one of the Gardeners Recreating Our World (GROW) workshops sponsored by NCCGP in the fall of 2014, you are eligible to apply for a mini-grant of $200 for your community garden project. (Current or past board members of NCCGP are not eligible for these grants, but you can help others to apply.)

A representative of your garden must have been present at one of these GROW workshops to apply:

·  Laurinburg - Oct. 4

·  Hickory - Oct. 11

·  New Bern - Oct. 18

·  Wilmington - Nov. 7

·  Whitakers - Dec. 6

Examples of the kinds of expenses that are allowable for a GROW mini-grant:

Projects and materials that focus on the topics covered in the workshops will be given priority. Gardens that receive funding for supplies and materials will also be expected to provide education to their garden members about the proper use and purpose of those supplies. Other ideas are possible too! Be creative.

·  Season extension materials and supplies: Row covers, hoops, low tunnels, shade cloth, cold frames, hoop houses;

·  Butterfly and other pollinator garden supplies: Plants and seeds, signs, various types of bee houses, materials for wild bees and other pollinator “hotels”;

·  Bee hive supplies: for those with existing hives;

·  Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Books, posters, ID cards to help gardeners ID insects, bee friendly and organic pesticides, light weight row covers, sprayers;

·  Small garden projects: Materials for raised beds, especially for schools or child care centers to grow vegetables with children; seeds and plants;

·  Workshops for community gardeners: Funds to organize and host a workshop on community garden management, season extension or pollinator support and protection. ONLY if you live in a town different from one of the above GROW workshop locations.

How do I apply?

·  Complete the attached application and submit by e-mail to

no later than Monday, January 26, 2015 at 5:00 PM.

Or send hard copy by US mail to: Maria Hitt, 9100 Trout Lily Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. Mailed applications must be postmarked by January 26, 2015.

·  Grants will be reviewed and award decisions will be made by February 9, 2015.

·  Funds will be distributed by February 20 and must be spent by April 15, 2015.

·  Grantees will be expected to:

·  Complete a short follow-up survey including how funds were spent due April 30, 2015 and

·  Add their community garden to the NC Garden Directory by creating a free profile on

Questions or need help applying?

Contact Maria Hitt at or 919-525-5946

GROW Mini-Grant Application

Name of garden member who attended a GROW workshop (A member of your garden must have attended a GROW workshop):

Application contact person if different from above:

Mailing Address:

E-mail address:

Phone number:

If your community garden does not exist yet, please answer the following questions as accurately as possible based upon what is reasonably expected, estimated or planned for the community garden.

Name of community garden where supplies will be used:

1.  When was your garden started?

2.  How many people regularly participate in garden activities – number of people per growing season?

3.  Where do most of your gardeners come from? (church, school, neighborhood...)

4.  Who gets the food grown in your garden/where does the harvest go?

5.  Write a short description of your garden, the history, programming, etc. (100 words or less):

6.  Please describe your GROW mini-grant project (200 words or less)

What will you purchase, how will the materials be used?

7.  How will you educate your garden members about how to use the materials that you purchase?

8.  How will receiving this mini-grant improve your community garden?

If you are organizing a workshop, please answer the following questions:

1.  Name of organization or location where workshop will be held:

2.  Who and how many will be reached by your workshop?

3.  What will the content and format of the workshop be?


Please list what you plan to purchase and approximate cost in the table below.

Items to be purchased / Cost

* Total should not exceed $200.00


NCCGP GROW Mini-grant application 2015