/ Centre for Power Electronics
Tower Building
University of Nottingham, NottinghamNG7 2RD
Tel. 0115 9515545
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal data provided on this form will be processed by EPSRC and Centre for Power Electronics, and may be held on computerised database and/or manual files.
CPE Standard
CPE Reference: / ECR/

Organisation where the Grant would be held (copy this table for additional institutes)

1 (lead) / 2 / 3
Division or Department
Research Organisation Reference:

Project Title[Please keep to 150 chars]

Start Date and Duration

a. Proposed start date / b. Duration of the grant (months)


Role / Name / Organisation / Division or Department / How many hours a week will the investigator work on the project?

Other Support

Details of support sought or received from any other source for this or other research in the same field.

Related Proposals

Proposal must be related to at least one of CPE’s core research theme grants
Reference Number / How related?

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Describe the proposed research in simple terms in a way that could be publicised to a general audience [up to 4000 chars]. Note that this summary will be automatically published on the CPE’s website in the event that a grant is awarded.

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Summary of Total Resources Required for Project

Financial resources
Summary fund heading / Fund heading / Full economic Cost / CPE contribution / % CPE contribution
Directly Incurred / Staff / 80
Travel & Subsistence / 80
Other Costs / 80
Directly Allocated / Investigators / 80
Estates Costs / 80
Other Directly Allocated / 80
Indirect Costs / Indirect Costs / 80
Exceptions / Staff / 100
Equipment / 100
Other Costs / 100
/ Summary of staff effort requested
Visiting Researcher
Please cost with NO INDEXATION

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Breakdown of Resources

(please copy this table for each institution)

Name of Institution: ………………………………

Directly Allocated Staff
Name & Position / Contracted FTE / No of hours worked on the project / No of hours charged to the project / Salary cost / Cost to project
Estates cost: / Infrastructure: / Other DA costs:*
Directly Incurred: Researcher, Researcher Co-I, DI Technical, or other indicate named or TBA
Name/Position / % time / Start date on project / Months on project / Basic Salary / NI & Pension costs / London weighting / Total cost to project / Salary scale date / Increment date
Other DI costs*
Indirect costs / Total fEC

* - Provide details in the tables overleaf

These figures have been provided to ………………… (lead University) for inclusion in the proposal titled “………………………………………………..”

We acknowledge that should this proposal be successful the subsequent funding will be dependent on each partner signing a consortium agreement and that we will receive 80% of all DI and DA costs and 100% of all exceptional items relating to………………………………… University costs.

Proposals to EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics: Please cost with NO INDEXATION.

Signed on behalf of …………………………………………(institution)


Signature …………………………………………………..

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Travel and Subsistence (details for all partners, add rows as required)

Destination and purpose / Total £
Outside UK
Within UK
Total £

Other Directly Incurred Costs (details for all partners, add rows as required)

Description / Total £
Total £

Other Directly Allocated Costs (details for all partners, add rows as required)

Description / Total £
Total £

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Project industrial partners

1 / Name of partner organisation / Division or Department / Name of contact
Email: / SME (Y/N):
Direct contribution to project / Indirect contribution to project
Description / Value(£) / Description / Value(£)
Cash / Facilities/equipment
Equipment/materials / Staff time
Secondment of staff / Other
Other / Sub-total
Sub-total / Total contribution
2 / Name of partner organisation / Division or Department / Name of contact
Email: / SME (Y/N):
Direct contribution to project / Indirect contribution to project
Description / Value(£) / Description / Value(£)
Cash / Facilities/equipment
Equipment/materials / Staff time
Secondment of staff / Other
Other / Sub-total
Sub-total / Total contribution
3 / Name of partner organisation / Division or Department / Name of contact
Email: / SME (Y/N):
Direct contribution to project / Indirect contribution to project
Description / Value(£) / Description / Value(£)
Cash / Facilities/equipment
Equipment/materials / Staff time
Secondment of staff / Other
Other / Sub-total
Sub-total / Total contribution
4 / Name of partner organisation / Division or Department / Name of contact
Email: / SME (Y/N):
Direct contribution to project / Indirect contribution to project
Description / Value(£) / Description / Value(£)
Cash / Facilities/equipment
Equipment/materials / Staff time
Secondment of staff / Other
Other / Sub-total
Sub-total / Total contribution

Copy the above table for additional partners.

Total contribution from all project partners / £

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Signature / Print name / Date
Principle investigator
Head of department
Approved Signatory
Co Investigators

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