University of Gloucestershire Approved Housing Scheme

This registration form should be read and completed in conjunction with the Landlord Guide

You can email this form along with all documents and valid safety paperwork to but please note it will not be processed until we receive and the appropriate registration fee (see guide for details).

Landlord Details
Title / Initial / Surname
Address / Postcode
Home Telephone / Mobile
Work Telephone / Email address

Please tick which numbers and/or email address you wish to be used for the advertisement on Studentpad.

Property Details
Postcode / Total No of bedrooms :
Number of habitable floor in the property? / Does this include a basement or attic which is a usable room (to access for storage or to use a utility card meter etc)? / Yes No
If you use an agent to look after your property, please state name. NB. THERE MUST BE NO EXTRA COSTS PASSED ONTO THE STUDENT FOR THIS SERVICE.
Compulsory Criteria
Four or more electrical sockets in bedroom
Location of Meter Units in the property?
Additional Criteria
Broadband Internet / Cutlery/ Crockery / Dishwasher / Ensuite
Double Glazing / Garden / Lounge / Washing Machine
Microwave / Off Road Parking / Satellite/
Cable TV / Tumble Dryer
Any further Information relating to property/ facilities:
Safety & Security
Compulsory Criteria
Fire Blanket / Mains Smoke
Additional Criteria
5 Lever Mortice
Locks on External Doors / Burglar Alarm / Carbon Monoxide Detector
There are no gas appliances in bedrooms or cupboards opening off bedrooms. / Annual PAT testing
Suitable for
Couples / Disabled students / Families
Pets / Post Graduates / Smokers
Staff / Under Graduates / Visitors
Heating Type
Gas Electric Other Solid Fuel Appliances Please State

NB: Properties will not be advertised without the mandatory certificates. All are compulsory where applicable.

Copy sent?
Is the property a licenced HMO? / Yes No
If yes, please attach and enter HMO Licence number:
Does the property have gas? / Yes No
If yes, are there any gas appliance in bedrooms / Yes No
If yes, please provide a Gas Safety certificate carried out by a CAPITA registered engineer
Please provide the Electrical Safety report
Energy performance certificate reference:
Enter the name of the tenancy deposit scheme you use:
Type of tenancy agreement you use: / Individual AST Joint AST
Do all your furnishings comply with fire safety regulations / Yes No
Please confirm you have public liability insurance of a least £2 million (£10 million is recommended) / Yes
Are you a member of the below schemes? / Evidence sent? If yes
National Landlords Association Accreditation scheme / Yes No
Fit to Rent scheme / Yes No

Please note that we must have a copy of your certificate in order to add this to your advert.

Advert details
Total number of bedrooms: / Bedroom(s) available for rent:
Rent per person per week: / £ / Deposit per person: / £
What is included in the rent? / Water / Gas / Electric / Internet
No additional fees or costs must be passed to the tenants other than the rent and deposit.
Do you require a guarantor? / Yes / No / Length of contract (in weeks)
Do you want the property on the summer lets list? / Yes / No


Please note the following conditions of registration:

This registration period is for properties available for the academic year September 2016 to 24th June 2017. Advertising will commence from a minimum of ten working days of receiving your form. THE UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE AN APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION. Property details provided may be shared with official bodies, Cheltenham or Gloucester Councils and the Gloucestershire Constabulary.

It is agreed that the University can inspect the property, as and when appropriate by prior arrangement.

Signed: ______Date: ______

By electronically signing this document you are confirming that the information supplied is accurate.

Please return this form along with all documents and valid safety paperwork to

Please return the correct registration fee (per property) to this address or use the online payment store:
Accommodation Department, Francis Close Hall, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4AZ /

Online Payment Reference Number

Phone: 01242 714544 Email: Web:

Date form received: / Date Fee
Date processed: / Log in details sent:
Gas Expiry: / Electric Expiry:
HMO Expiry: / Advert Number:

University of Gloucestershire Landlord Code of Conduct

For University Approved Housing

This code of conduct is optional; landlords do not have to enter into the agreement. The purpose of the code is to guide landlords on how to manage their property (ies) effectively and efficiently. It is hoped that it will enhance the management practices of landlords and not replace them. The code should be used as a guide, as many of our landlords have systems in place already. It will ensure a more professional service, hopefully reducing problems and complaints.

Agreement to abide by the Landlord Code of Conduct will be highlighted on the property advert.

I declare that I will conform to the University of Gloucestershire Landlord Code of Conduct:-

All tenants will be treated with appropriate courtesy and respect.

1.  The landlord will always act in a fair, honest and reasonable way in all their dealings with the tenant. No individual or group will be treated less favourably than any other individual or group because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, gender, disability, appearance, marital status, sexual orientation or social status.

2.  The landlord must ensure that any deposit that is taken for an assured shorthold tenancy is safeguarded with a government-authorised scheme. The landlord should inform the tenant in which scheme the deposit is being held within 30 days of receiving the deposit.

3.  Landlords will ensure that all tenants are provided with a written tenancy agreement, this should be written in clear English. This should include the landlord’s name and address and the telephone number of any managing agent/ person who acts on behalf of the landlord. The contract should clearly state the start and end date, together with the amount of rent to be paid, including the dates and methods of payments.

4.  Emergency contact details should be displayed somewhere in the house so all tenants can see them.

5.  The landlord will provide an inventory at the beginning of the tenancy, a copy will be given to all tenants, and this should be agreed and signed with landlord and tenant.

6.  If the landlord has a property that is 5 persons or more and 3 storeys or above they should have a valid mandatory HMO license, Housing Act 2004.

7.  If access is needed into the property, the landlord should give at least 24 hours notice, unless an emergency.

8.  Any repairs or defects in the property for which the landlord is responsible will be attended to promptly with minimum disturbance to the tenant.

9.  Any written communication from the tenant to the landlord should be dealt with promptly and in an effective method.

10.  At the end of the tenancy, the landlord should arrange a meeting with the tenants to discuss the condition and contents of the property. The landlord should agree with the tenants how much deposit will be returned. The agreed amount should be returned within 10 days in accordance with the deposit scheme.

11.  The landlord will not direct students to other non-registered properties or landlords.

12.  If a landlord is advertising with an agent as well as the University, the University should be notified. Registration of a landlord/ property with the University will be at the University’s discretion.

Signed: ______Date: ______

By electronically signing this document I confirm that I will abide by the University of Gloucestershire Landlord Code of Conduct, if I fail to do so I could face being removed from the Registration Scheme.