This year the PTA is excited to announce a new direction in fundraising! If you’re like most parents, your life is very busy! Between going to work, volunteering, after-school activities, caring for your home, and running errands, everyone is over-extended! We do not need one more thing to do – including selling something!

So … we understand this concern, and this year’s fall fundraiser, we will be doing a direct donation drive! No selling of peanuts, cookies, or wrapping paper – just write a check and 100% of your donation goes directly to FMS/PTA! It’s that easy!

Our fundraising goal is $15,000! In order to reach this goal, we are requesting $20 dollars per child at FMS. By extending this donation offer to your family members, neighbors, and friends, who you would have sold to anyway, you will help us reach our goal quickly. As an added bonus …

If this fall fundraiser is a huge success, we will not need to have a spring fundraiser!

Did you ever wonder how your donation helps? You will be providing funds for the art, chorus, drama and band programs, as well as, the VA Young Readers and AR testing. The PTA also assists the teachers by providing a monetary donation for their individual classroom needs, along with showing our teachers and staff how important they are with a variety of hospitality events.

This will be a great fundraising effort. There will be a $50.00 cash prize for the
top student fundraiser in each grade, as well as ice cream parties for the top class donators in each grade. Also, the teachers of those classes will receive a special lunch!


We’ve provided a labeled envelope for easy donating, along with a form so that your child gets credit for his/her donation. We accept cash or checks made payable to: FMS PTA. Remember to ask extended family, friends and neighbors for donations as well. Our fundraising campaign will last 2 weeks, ending on September 15th. Send your donation envelope and form, sealed and labeled with your child’s homeroom teacher’s name on the outside of the envelope.

Thank you in advance, for helping to make this our most successful fundraiser yet! Our PTA is fortunate to have such involved and supportive families! Your support makes all the difference!

Susanne Johnson

PTA, Ways and Means 2015-16