Sakai Executive Board Meeting
6 November 2015
Call meeting to order - Jennifer Solseng
Beckey - Explanation of the budget as it currently stands: The budget is confusing and many line items are not what they appear to be. We need to proceed going through this as a board, clarifying line items, and making sure that everyone understands what the budget is, what line items are and how much money is actually available for all of the grants.
This budget once we are done discussing and organizing will be presented to the general membership and to vote to approve in December. Please note changes and recommendations listed below.
Mathathon - Accurate
T-shirt - Accurate
Book fair/Library - No line item has been created because in the past, all proceeds have been spent with Scholastic. We need to add an income line to the budget. She does not want to spend the money with Scholastic this year. Add $100 for profit and income slots so that it appears on the statement.
Accelerated reader - Accurate
Art appreciation - $200 - has not been used in two years and no one knows what it is for. Propose moving this to the grant fund and removing this line item.
Docent - Accurate
Social - Accurate
BI Arts in Education - Jim feels that the $500 and $600 items are not necessary - Have not been used in 4 years- Propose moving these funds ($1100) to grants.
Bike to School - Accurate
Classic Books - This has been used for Sakai reads in the past, and that is not happening this year. Cathy wants the money for her budget. Jim would propose leaving this in a separate category and not moving to the library fund in case we want to revert to Sakai reads later. Propose changing the line item to Sakai Reads perhaps. We need to visit with Cathy about this to figure out whether this money is being spent this year.
Disability Awareness - Accurate
District Art Docent - Accurate
Enrichment Programs - Accurate
Game Room - Accurate
Go Run - This item has not been used in years. Propose moving the $100 from Go run to Grants and remove line item
Health room - Accurate
Math Olympics Team Registration - Actual amount this year is $218. This amount fluctuates back and forth. Will keep this as is in anticipation of ongoing expense this year.
PE Supplies - Accurate
Sakai Spirit - Accurate
Sixth grade yearbook signing - Accurate
Special Grants Clubs - This $12,500 is not really grants at all - it is for clubs - specifically ones that meet before and after school. This needs to be re-named “staff stipend Before and After School Clubs” and needs to be listed as its own line item. This includes stipends for the teacher or advisor who is running the sections: three sections of math club, two sections of homework club, two sections of intramurals, 1 section broadcasts, 1 section student council, 1 section geography bee. This number is now actually $14,800. Since this has gone over, we can choose to pay the entire amount. It is also possible that Jim might have access to a Windermere grant that might be able to pay for the Math Club - but this money won’t be available until the spring. But we need to be aware that $2300 may be needed here. This expenditure also needs to be revisited and talked about. Possibly far beyond the scope of what PTO is desiring to fund. More information will be forthcoming as to what all of these allocations actually pay for and how many students are served.
SSC/Homework Club - SSC($200) and Homework Club ($100) need to be divided into two line items
Staff Appreciation - Accurate
Staff Grants - Rename this as “Classroom Enhancement”
Women’s History Window - Some years this is used, some years it is not. Propose leaving this item.
Insurance - Accurate
Levy - Accurate
Admin expenses - Accurate
PTO Meeting - Accurate
PTOCC Dues - Accurate
Raising Resilience - Accurate
Projects/Arts and Traditions - Accurate
Balance Sheet Review
These are generally amounts that are sitting in the account from previous years. These are designated funds.
Sakai Film - $877.47 - Some of this may be needed to pay for the sound for the upcoming film. Keep it in place.
Accelerated Reader - $3000 - This is a reflection of a prior error - we have been carrying over this $3000, but we feel confident that this is not an expense this year: It has been paid. Propose that this accelerated reader designated fund be moved to the Grant Fund. Keep the line item.
Earthquake Supplies - Designated funds from a prior PTO. The feeling is that the school actually needs these funds, but that they should be transferred to fund Grant Request #2. ( PLEASE ENTER THIS AMOUNT)
Emergency Container Replacement - Designated funds from a prior PTO. The feeling is that the school actually needs these funds. Propose moving these funds to Grant Request #2 - Same category. $2903.69
Leaving our Island Videos - Carryover - From a prior project. $2000 - leave this here.
Sage/Sakai Murden Watershed Pro $1134.98 - Stays as it is
Designated Funds - $3969.75 - All funds left over from last year. Propose leaving $1000 in designated funds as a carryover. And transferring
$2969.75 to the grant fund.
Proposed additional line item for Sakai Store (propose another name) - Would be added to Income section - similar to Mathathon.