Alaska Anthropological Association

P. O. Box 241686

Anchorage, AK 99524-1686

Board Meeting February 14th, 2018

Attending: Julie, Phoebe, Amy, Kory, Vivian, and Andy.

Conference updates: Final schedule done. Joanna helping with program. Waiting for several presenters to register. $7,000.00 outstanding for those who haven’t yet registered.

50 banquet attendees, 40 for luncheon, will send out announcement advertisement soon to boost attendance at these. Can buy meals 10 days before conference. Egan needs final numbers about 1 week in advance. Julie will change on website.

Two small poster sessions one hour long, then cocktail hour poster session. Put posters up in the morning and leave up all day.

John Cook memorial party will take place in Fairbanks on Friday, Feb 16. We will also have a cocktail hour in honor of him on Thursday at the conference.

Joanna helping with badges. Will try to have draft program done in time for next week.

Scampering Hominids event.

Sponsorship – need ads soon.

Julie needs names of travel scholarship winners and speakers from Phoebe and Andy so they can be sent tickets. Take care of people coming for free. Book hotel rooms for speakers.

Treasurer Update: Taxes are done and filed for 2017. Question about coding conference income deposits. Institutional Membership vs. purchasing journals. Julie will work on tracking down former aaa members not current on their dues.

John Cook Travel Scholarship: Possible donation to aaa from Nancy, previous wife, named on insurance policies. Elizabeth would like the money to go to a student travel scholarship named after John Cook. If we get the money, board needs to decide whether to rename existing travel award or to create a new student only award.

AAA Senior Membership: How to handle request for discount membership for seniors. Include with seniors/students category? Decided to discuss this at the general membership meeting.

Obituaries: During banquet at annual meeting. John Cook, Eileen Devinney, James Nagiak (Gwich’in elder – Anaktuvuk Pass), Rebecca Rollison? – worked at Smithsonian, Art Hipler?, Willis Walunga –(Gamble worked on Smithsonian projects ANCSA friendship flight). Send any others to Julie.

Joan Dale Updates/Shelving: No update from Joan. Julie in Anchorage two weeks ago, met Joanna who is mailing out publications. We decided to buy shelving to organize the storage unit.

Phoebe: Awards update. Chuck Holmes and Karen Workman nominated for awards, and Ben Potter.

Election Update: With 23 association members voting Amy and Phoebe were both re-elected for another 2 year term on the board.