Spending a Term at
For very many years we have had a steady stream of overseas students from all over the world joining us for a term or more in our UpperSchool (classes 9 - 11). Some of our own students also go abroad for a time on a visit or exchange basis. Our location near Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare's birth town) and in the heartland of the Industrial Revolution provides many opportunities for visits to places of cultural and historic interest. Our nearest airport is Birmingham International.
Overseas students stay with one of our experienced and carefully selected boarding families who are either teachers or parents of the school and whose homes are inspected regularly by our own Boarding Committee and, from time to time, by OfSTED or Social Services. Elmfield has three terms per year, the Autumn term from September to December, the Spring term from January to Easter and the Summer term from after Easter until July.
All overseas students receive special English language tuition and have a weekly tutorial with an UpperSchool teacher where their experiences are reviewed and questions and difficulties at school or at the boarding family can be discussed. The class guardian also keeps a close eye on the student. Otherwise they join their English peers in their curriculum encompassing main lessons,languages, mathematics, sciences, music, choir, arts, crafts, sports, drama etc.
Admission as an overseas student is as follows: On receiving an enquiry from the student or his parents we send an Application Form. The following will beneeded
- Completed application form
- Personal statement from the student about themselves, their interests and their reason for wishing to come
- Copy of the most recent school report
- Reference from the class guardian
- Judgement from the guardian of the host class about the suitability of the placement
- Availability of a suitable boarding family
After receiving the above and possibly having had further telephone conversations, the class guardians of the host classwill consider the application and if this is successful, offer a place in the class. We shall later choose and notify the student and his parents of a suitable host family and send an invoice for the tuition and boarding fees.
If you need more information or wish to speak to a member of staff please contact Maigread Reynolds, in Overseas Students Administration, through the School Office. You may also want to visit our web site.
Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School Ltd. Company No. 01141571 Charity No. 527521
Member of the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship
Full name of pupil______
Date of birth______Nationality______
Period of proposed stay______
Parents' details:
Names of parents______
Home address______
Home telephone______fax no ______
Mother's occupation ______work tel ______
Father's occupation______work tel ______
Email Address ------
If parents are separated please give details of the parent who lives away from the student's home:
Telephone home______work tel ______
Separated since19____
Student's details:
Mother tongue______Other languages ______
Religious persuasion ______
Brothers & sisters______age ____
______age ____
______age ____
Previous schools with dates______
Class teacher/guardianName______Class______
Tel school ______home ______
Details of family doctor ______
______Tel ______
Any illnesses or operations______
Vaccinations (incl. dates)______
Medications______administered by______
Special diets inc strong likes or dislikes______
Any health aspects the parents consider needing special care______
Hobbies & interests______
Musical instruments______
Other comments______
I understand that ElmfieldSchool will not tolerate the illegal use of substances or inappropriate use of alcohol. Such breaches are likely to lead to the return of the student concerned at our expense
We hereby confirm that this proposed visit is the express wish of both parents and the student and that all important information (including social difficulties and any history with illicit drugs and alcohol) has been given.
Signature of Parent or Guardian______
Date of application______
School Year 2018-2019
ClassAgeTuition Fees
813-14 yrs£2475.00 per term
914-15 yrs£2680.00 ""
1015-16 yrs£2680.00 ""
1116-17 yrs£2680.00 ""
These are the fees for the academic year 2018 - 2019.
A deposit of £100 is charged to cover class outings, bank charges, etc. There are no further charges for stationery, books, art and crafts materials. If the boarder needs to be collected from or delivered to the airport, a charge of £25 per journey is made. Any balance remaining will be returned to the student at the end of the stay.
The Boarding fee is £2000 per term, including half-term holidays.
Weekly boarding is also available for British students at a reduced rate per term; this excludes weekends and half term holidays; fees available on request.
Half -term holiday boarding fee refund
If a boarder decides to spend all or a part of the half-term holiday week away from the boarding family, part of the half-term holiday boarding fee of £290 will be refunded. There are no refunds of boarding fees for other times the student may spend away from the boarding family.
Payment details
The invoice total is payable in one of the following ways:
- by Certified Banker's Draft in Sterling made out to Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School Ltd.
- by Direct transfer in Sterling to our bank account
H.SBC 114 High Street Stourbridge
West Midlands DY8 1DZ England
Sort code 40-43-17
Account number 41619349 "Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School Ltd."
IBAN GB35MIDL40431741619349
BIC Number: MIDLGB2111T
Please quote your Surname and Account number as stated on the invoice in your bank transfer details.
June 2018
Information for Parents of Pupils Boarding at Elmfield
- The overseas student programme seeks to offer cultural enrichment to the visiting students, as well as the host class
- Our programme is available for students from schools overseas, either SteinerWaldorfSchools or other schools, or in the United Kingdom where there is no suitable school available locally
- To assist in English language acquisition through the experience of living and studying in England and supported by extra English lessons.
Visiting students will be expected to have
- established motivation and the potential ability to study and participate in their appropriate class to a reasonable level without support beyond our current provision
- the ability or willingness to respond to the challenge of living, and studying in a foreign country.
- the ability or willingness to make a positive contribution in their class both socially and academically
1.The boarding arrangements for overseas students at Elmfield are subject to the school's boarding policy and guidelines which are approved by the School's Management Committee and the local Social Services Department.
2. All initial arrangements regarding the placement of your son or daughter with a boarding family are made by the School's Boarding Administrator. In this we take into account all known information about the pupil as provided by yourself, the pupil, and his school as well as the character and composition of our approved home boarding families.
3. Your son or daughter should arrive at the boarding familyno earlier than one or two daysbefore school term starts and leave within a day or two after the end of term. Pupils must return home during the main school holidays. Overseas students may be able to spend their half-term holidays in Britain with their boarding family, please discuss this prior to their visit. If you wish your son or daughter to stay outside school term dates (e.g. before the beginning or after the end of term) you should make arrangements, including financial, direct with the boarding family. A boarding charge of £20 per day applies in these situations.
4. Your son or daughter is expected to share in the boarding family's life. This will include looking after his or her own room, helping to prepare meals and wash up afterwards etc. Clear arrangements will be made between the pupil and the boarding family about homework routines, where and with whom they go out, return times, bed times etc.
5. It is essential that you maintain regular contact with your son or daughter and the boarding family. Many parents do this by means of a weekly telephone call at an agreed time. Please make sure your son/daughter has relevant email addresses and home addresses of family and friends so he/she can keep in regular contact with them.
6. You should inform us if there are known social difficulties or if there has been a history of involvement with illicit drugs, alcohol or any other juvenile offence. This will be held in strictest confidence. The name and address of a family friend in this country as a contact would be helpful in these cases.
7. Regular reviews will take place with your son or daughter, with the boarding family and with yourself about the pupil's well-being at Elmfield, about any questions, difficulties or concerns.
8.Information about your son or daughter's medical history, treatment and medication he or she is receiving, dietary requirements etc. need to be clearly stated on the Application Form or in subsequent communications with the Boarding Administrator or boarding family.
9.Your son or daughter must receive dental treatment at home before arriving at Elmfield. Only emergency treatment should be dealt with during the pupil's stay in this country. In case of emergencies or illness, the pupil will have access to the local National Health Service doctor. You are asked to sign in advance of the visit an agreement authorising any emergency medical or dental treatment of your son or daughter should the need for such arise. Citizens of European Union countries should bring along the EHIC card..
10.The school clothing of your son or daughter must be clean, un-torn and appropriate for the class room and craft workshop environment. Studded clothing is not allowed as are clothes with glaring colours or logos. Make-up, if worn, must be discreet. Shoes should be sensible and not provide damage to floors or danger to the wearer. High or thin heels are not permitted.
11. Pupils need a complete set of geometry equipment, colour pencils, eraser and, from the spring term in class 9 onwards, a scientific calculator for maths.
12. Most days in the Upper School begin with a short morning module lesson, in which a movement or craft or other artistic activity is studied for about 3 weeks, and then there is a change. These morning modules include subjects such as Running, Woodwork, Eurythmy or Singing. The Main Lesson takes place after this. There is then a short break and two subject lessons, followed by an hour's lunch break. There are further subject lessons in the afternoons, and on Wednesday and Friday afternoons we offer further craft and movement-based activities. Boarders wanting to join Class 9 should be aware that in the Summer term the class go on a 2 week visit to our sister school in Germany. Boarders wanting to join Classes 10 and 11 need to be aware that the Summer term consists of formal exams leading to GCSE qualifications. Students may only stayfor the Summer term if they have been with the class since September. If they want to join later than September and stay for the summer term then they would be invited to join Class 9, not classes 10 or 11.
12.The School provides a number of weekly English lessons tailored to the specific needs of the overseas pupils.
13.For those who wish to have individual instrumental lessons, we can arrange such lessons for a range of instruments such as violin, cello, piano, flute, clarinet and brass instruments. The fees for such lessons should be directly paid by the pupil or parent to the music teacher (approx. £10 per half-hour lesson).
14.You will be invoiced a deposit of £100 in addition to tuition and boarding fees to cover class outings, bank charges, or outings with your boarding family etc. There are no further charges for stationery, books, art and crafts materials. Any balance will be returned to you or the pupil at the end of the term.
15.You are responsible for arrangements and the cost of travel between your home and that of the boarding family. Your son or daughter will usually be met at and taken to BirminghamInternationalAirport. The costs incurred are £25 for each such transport.
16.Other costs for which you are responsible include bus and rail fares, hair cuts, dry cleaning, medication, medical and dental treatment, telephone calls, damage or breakage at school or the boarding family home. The deposit will usually cover one-day educational school outings.
17.Pocket money arrangements, both the amount and safekeeping of, should be discussed between the pupil, his parents and the boarding parents. We recommend an amount of about £10 per week. However, this would not cover expenses for special visits at weekends or during half term.
18.If your son or daughter decides to spend all or part of the half-term holiday week away from the boarding family, part of the half-term holiday boarding fee of £290 will be refunded. There are no refunds of boarding fees for other times the student may spend away from the boarding family.
19.The School's Public Liability Insurance will cover claims made against the School in the case of proven negligence. Accidental injury or death is not covered by the School's Insurance Policy. If you require additional cover you should make your own arrangements.