Curriculum Vitae
July 2011
Home Address
2347 Laconia Court
Crofton, MD21114
Business Address
Department of Public Administration and Policy
School of Public Affairs
322Ward Circle
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC20016
PhDUniversity of Tennessee, Fall 1981 (Political Science)
MPAUniversity of Tennessee, 1979 (Public Administration)
BAMaryvilleCollege, Maryville, TN, 1970 (Political Science)
Attended city schools in Northampton, MA and graduated from NorthamptonHigh School, June 1966
Teaching Fields
Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy (General), Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, American Presidency
Academic Positions Held
Chair, Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University, 2010-2011.
Professor, Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University, 2003-present.
Henry A. Rosenberg Professor of Public, Private, and Nonprofit Partnerships, School of Public Affairs and SchaeferCenter for Public Policy, University of Baltimore, 1999-2003.
Professor, BushSchool of Government and Public Service and Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University, 1997-1999.
Professor and William D. Schaefer Endowed Research Chair in Public Policy, University of Baltimore, 1991-1997.
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy and Senior Research Fellow, WilliamDonaldSchaeferCenter for Public Policy, University of Baltimore, 1990-1991.
Director, Doctor of Public Administration Program, University of Georgia, 1988-1991.
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Georgia, 1987-1991.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Georgia, 1984-1987.
Assistant Professor and Director of the Masters of Public Administration Program, Department of Government, New Mexico State University, 1981-1984.
Research Associate, Bureau of Public Administration, University of Tennessee, 1977-1981.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Tennessee, 1977.
Graduate Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Tennessee, 1976.
Management Intern, Office of Community Development, City of Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1976.
Awards and Honors
2010-2011 American University Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award.
Lavern Burchfield Prize for the Best Book Review Essay published in 2010 in Public Administration Review.
Co-editor (w/Daniel Fiorino) of Routledge Book Series on Public Administration and Environmental Sustainability, 2011-2016.
Member, Board of Visitors, Department of Political Science, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2009-present.
Faculty Associate, Howard Baker Center for Public Policy, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2008-present.
Advisory Board, Center for Natural Resources, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2007-2009.
Leslie A. Whittington Award for Teaching Excellence, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, 2007.
School of Public Affairs Award for Outstanding Teaching in a Full-Time Appointment, AmericanUniversity, 2007.
Elected Fellow, NationalAcademy of Public Administration,2006.
Associate Editor for Administrative Research, Public Administration Review, 2006-2010.
Fellow, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies (CCPS), School of Public Affairs, American University, 2005-2006.
Recipient of the 2003 Charles H. Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Public Administration Research, Teaching, and Service by the American Society for Public Administration and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.
J. William Fulbright Research Fellowship, Institute for Development Research, Payap University, ChiangMai University, ChiangMai, Thailand, 2002.
Co-winner (with Rosemary O'Leary, Dan Fiorino, and Paul Weiland), 1999 Best Book Award from the Academy of Management Public and Nonprofit Division Award for Managing for the Environment: Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Co-winner (with Rosemary O'Leary, Dan Fiorino, and Paul Weiland), 1999 Best Book Award from the Section on Environmental and Natural Resources Administration (SENRA) of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) for Managing for the Environment: Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Winner, Best Article Published in 1999 in American Review of Public Administration, "The Political Economy of Results-Oriented Management in the 'Neoadministrative State': Lessons from the MCDHHS Experience," 29(4): 307-331.
Received the Silver Star Award presented by the graduate students to the professor who has contributed the most to their professional and educational development, Masters of Public Service and Administration Program (MPSA), George Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, 1999.
Invited to deliver the 1999 Roscoe Martin Memorial Lecture Series sponsored by the Department of Political Science, University of Alabama (declined).
Invited to deliver a talk, "The Administrative Presidency and Environmental Policy," Annual Symposium on the Presidency and the Environment: The Twentieth Century and Beyond, Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources, and the Environment, College of Law, University of Utah, March 30-April 1, 2000.
Received award for Outstanding Contributions to the Literature on Environment and Natural Resource Policy and Administration, Section on Environmental and Natural Resources Administration, American Society for Public Administration, July 1996.
Invited Convocation Speaker, "The Democratic Deficit in America,"Washington and LeeUniversity, Lexington, VA, January 1996.
Invited to deliver the 1995 Mark A. Lapping Lectures on Planning and Development sponsored jointly by the University of Missouri-Kansas City and KansasStateUniversity (declined).
Received the Jeffrey L. Pressman Award, Policy Studies Organization, for the best article published in Policy Studies Review during 1994, "The Politics of Growth Management Reform in the States," 12(Autumn/Winter 1994): 30-54. Coauthored with Larry W. Thomas and Don Haynes.
Received the American Political Science Association's 1993 Gladys M. Kammerer Award for "the best political science publication in the field of U.S. national policy" (The Administrative Presidency Revisited: PublicLands, the BLM, and the Reagan Revolution,New York: StateUniversity of New York Press, 1992).
Received award for Outstanding Contributions to Public Administration from the Maryland Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore, MD, 1992.
Received award for Outstanding Contributions to ASPA Chapter Development from the Atlanta Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA, April 1990.
Received Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award for Contributions to Public Administration Education, University of Georgia, from the Graduate Student Society of Public Administration, 1990.
Awarded Lilly Foundation Teaching Fellowship, 1986-87.
Received Robert T. Golembiewski Award for Significant Achievement in Public Administration Education, Georgia Society for Public Administration, 1986.
Received Verton M. Queener Award, Outstanding Undergraduate in Political Science, Maryville, College, Maryville, Tennessee, 1970.
Professional Association Experience
Member, 2011 Conference Host Committee, American Society for Public Administration, 2009-present.
Advisory Committee, CentennialCenter, American Political Science Association, 2008-2010.
Member, Nominations Committee, NationalAcademy of Public Administration, 2008 and 2009.
Chair, Leslie A. Whittington Excellence in Teaching Award Committee, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), 2008.
Chair, Awards Committee, Paul A. Volcker Endowment for Public Service Research and Education, American Political Science Association, 2003-2005.
Chair, Best Article Award, American Review of Public Administration, 2005-2006.
Chair, H. George Frederickson Career Contributions to Public Management Award Committee, Public Management Research Association, 2005.
Member, Best Article Award, American Review of Public Administration, 2005-2006.
Discipline Peer Review Committee, Senior Fulbright Specialist Program, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, 2003-present.
Member, National Capital Area Chapter of the Fulbright Association, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, 2002-present.
President, Section on Environmental and Natural Resources Administration, American Society for Public Administration, 2000-2001.
Chair and Co-Founder, Paul A. Volcker Endowment for Public Service Research and Education, American Political Science Association Centennial Campaign, 1998-present (raised approximately $150,000, with the proceeds of the endowment going for seed grants for junior scholars doing research on public administration).
Chair, Section on Public Administration, American Political Science Association, 1998-1999.
Chairman, John Gaus Award Committee, American Political Science Association, 1998-1999.
Member, Joint American Political Science Association/National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration Task Force on the Advancement of Public Administration (with Michael Brintnall, Executive Director of NASPAA; Lois Wise, Indiana University; Frank Thompson, Dean, Rockefeller School, State University of New York; Donald Kettl, Director of the LaFollette Institute, University of Wisconsin; and Beryl Radin, State University of New York and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), 1998.
Program Chair, Section on Public Administration, 1997 National Conference, American Political Science Association.
Chairman, Herbert Kaufman Award Committee, American Political Science Association, 1995-1996.
At-Large Representative, Executive Council, Section on Public Administration, American Political Science Association, 1994-1997.
Elected Board Member, Section on Environmental and Natural Resources Administration, American Society for Public Administration, 1994-1996.
Member, Publications Committee, American Society for Public Administration, 1992-1993.
Member, Selection Committee for Outstanding Scholar, Practitioner, and Administrator in the Environmental Policy/Natural Resource Areas, Section on Environmental and Natural Resources Administration, American Society for Public Administration, 1993.
Chairman, Selection Committee, Laverne Burchfield Award, Public Administration Review, 1991.
Member, Selection Committee, Laverne Burchfield Award, Public Administration Review, 1989 and 1990.
Editorial Board Memberships
Public Organization Review, 2000-present
American Review of Public Administration, 1999-present
Presidential Studies Quarterly, 1998-present
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 1996-present
Administration & Society, 1995-present
Public Administration Review, 1989-1992, 2006-2008
Public Productivity and Management Review, 2004-2007
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 2005-2007
International Journal of Management Studies & Research, 2008-present
International Review of Public Administration, 2008-present
Employment History
1975-1976: Officer Development Program, Valley Bank and Trust Company, Springfield, MA.
1970-1975: Field Underwriter, Mutual of New York and Metropolitan Life Insurance Companies.
A. Books
The Oxford Handbook of American Bureaucracy, editor,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 864 pages.
The Greening of the U.S. Military: Environmental Policy, National Security, and Organizational Change, Washington, DC: GeorgetownUniversity Press, 2007.
Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities (edited with Daniel J. Fiorino and Rosemary O'Leary),Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004.
Winner of the 2005 SENRA Best Book Award, ASPA.
Managing for the Environment:Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges (co-authored with Rosemary O'Leary, Daniel J. Fiorino, and Paul S. Weiland), San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1999.
Winner of the Academy of Management Public and Nonprofit Division Award for the Best Book Published in 1999.
1999 Book Award Winner, Section for Environmental and Natural Resources Administration, American Society for Public Administration, as a "significant contribution to the literature on environmental and natural resources management."
The Administrative Presidency Revisited: PublicLands, the BLM, and the Reagan Revolution,Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.
Winner of the American Political Science Association's 1993 Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the "best publication on U.S. national policy" published the previous year.
When Government Regulates Itself: EPA, TVA, and Pollution Control in the 1970s, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1985.
Intragovernmental Regulation and the Public Interest: Air Pollution Control in the TennesseeValley (co-authored with Michael R. Fitzgerald, Stephen J. Rechichar, and Larry W. Thomas),Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1983.
B. Book Manuscripts Revise and Resubmit/in Preparation
Robert F. Durant and Edmund Stazyk, A Preface to Public Service(under contract, Palgrave McMillan Press).
Robert F. Durant (ed.), Talking Public Administration: Linking Theory to Practice in Turbulent Times. ASPA for Classics in Public Administration Series (under contract, CRS Publishers).
Robert F. Durant, The Political Economy of Administrative Reform: American Exceptionalism, Corporate Capitalism, and the Evolution of the Administrative State (proposal under review, Oxford University Press).
C. Refereed Articles: Published or Accepted for Publication
Robert F. Durant. In press. 2011. “Global Crises, American Public Administration, and the ‘New Interventionism’ Revisited,” Administration & Society, vol. 43: 3 (April): 267-300 (lead article)
Robert F. Durant. In press, 2011."'Wicked' Policy Problems, New Governance Models, and the Triumph of the 'New Associationalism' in the Post-Obama Era,"Futures (in press, 2011)
Robert F. Durant, Edmund Stazyk, and William G. Resh. 2010."Faithful Infidelity: 'Political Time,' George W. Bush, and the Paradox of 'Big Government Conservatism,"Review of Public Personnel Administration (December 2010).
Robert F. Durant. 2010."Parsimony, 'Error' Terms, and the Future of a Field,"Public Administration Review, 70 (Supplement 1) (December): S319-320.
Robert F. Durant. 2010. "National Defense, Environmental Regulation, and Overhead Democracy: A View from the 'Greening' of the U.S. Military," Public Organization Review : A Global Journal 10(3) (September): 223-244.
Robert F. Durant and Jerome S. Legge. 2010. "Public Opinion, Risk Assessment, and Biotechnology: Lessons from Attitudes toward GMO Foods in the European Union," Review of Policy Research 27(1) (January): 59-76.
Robert F. Durant. 2009. "Getting Dirty Minded: Implementing Presidential Policy Agendas Administratively,"Public Administration Review 69(4) (July-August): 569-585.
Robert F. Durant, Amanda Girth, and Jocelyn Johnston. 2009."American Exceptionalism, Human Resource Management, and the Contract State,"Review of Public Personnel Administration 29(3): 207-229.
Robert F. Durant. 2009. "Theory Building, Administrative Reform Movements, and the Perdurability of Herbert Hoover,"American Review of Public Administration 39(4): 327-351 (lead article).
Robert F. Durant. 2009."Back to the Future? Toward Revitalizing the Study of the Administrative Presidency,"Presidential Studies Quarterly 39(1)(March): 89-110.
Robert F. Durant. 2008."Sharpening a Knife Cleverly: Organizational Change, Policy Paradox, and the 'Weaponizing' of Administrative Reform, Public Administration Review66(2) (March-April): 282-294.
Robert F. Durant. 2007."Toxic Politics, Organizational Change, and the 'Greening' of the U.S. Military: Toward a Polity-Centered Perspective,"Administration & Society39(3) (May): 409-446.
Robert F. Durant. 2006."Agency Evolution, the New Institutionalism, and 'Hybrid' Policy Domains: Lessons from the 'Greening' of the U.S. Military,"Policy Studies Journal 34(4)(November): 469-490 (lead article).
Robert F. Durant.2006. "A 'New Covenant Kept: Core Values, Presidential Communications, and the Paradox of the Clinton Presidency,"Presidential Studies Quarterly36(3) (September):345-372 (lead article).
Robert F. Durant and Jerome S. Legge, Jr. 2006. "'Wicked Problems,' Public Policy, and Administrative Theory: Lessons from the GM Food Regulatory Arena,"Administration & Society38(3) (July): 309-334.
Robert F. Durant and Jerome S. Legge, Jr. 2005. "Public Opinion, Risk Perceptions, and Genetically Modified Food Regulatory Policy: Reassessing the Calculus of Dissent among European Citizens,"European Union Politics6(1): 181-200.
Robert F. Durant, Young-Pyoung Chun, Byungseob Kim, and Seongjong Lee. 2004. "Toward a New Governance Paradigm for Environmental and Natural Resources Administration?,"Administration & Society35(6) (January): 643-682 (lead article).
Robert F. Durant. 2003. "Demography as Destiny?: 'Greening,''Graying,' and the Human Capital Challenge Facing Environmental Management,"Renewable Resources Journal 21(2) (Summer): 6-11 (lead article).
Robert F. Durant. 2002."Whither Environmental Security in the Post-September 11th Era? Assessing the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges for the NationalSecurityState,"Public Administration Review62(Special Issue) (September): 115-123.
Selected for reproduction in full on CNNmoney, from the editors of CNN and Money magazine, id=32810805&ID=cnniw, accessed September 30, 2002.
Robert F. Durant and Jerome S. Legge, Jr. 2002. "Politics, Public Opinion, and Privatization in France: Assessing the Calculus of Consent for Market Reforms,"Public Administration Review 62(3) (May/June): 307-319.
Robert F. Durant. 2002."Toward Becoming a Learning Organization: Outcomes Assessment, NASPAA Accreditation, and Mission-Based Capstone Courses,"Journal of Public Affairs Education 8(3): 193-208.
Young-Pyoung Chun, Byungseob Kim, Seongjong Lee, and Robert F. Durant. 2001. "A Critical Review of Kim Dae-Jung's Government Reform Efforts and Some Suggested Alternatives,"Journal of Social Science Research9(2) (June): 103-126.
Robert F. Durant and Jerome S. Legge, Jr. 2001. "Politics, Public Opinion, and Privatization: A Test of Competing Theories in Great Britain."Public Organization Review1(1): 75-95.
Robert F. Durant and Adam Warber. 2001. "Networking in the Shadow of Hierarchy: Public Policy, the Administrative Presidency, and the NeoadministrativeState."Presidential Studies Quarterly 31(2): 221-244.
Robert F. Durant and William F. West. 2001. "Merit Protection, Federal Agencies, and the New Personnel Management: Explaining Cross-Agency Variation in MSPB Appeals Decisions, FY 1988 to FY 1997."Administration & Society 32(6): 627-667 (Lead Article).
William F. West and Robert F. Durant. 2000. "Merit, Management, and Neutral Competence: Lessons from the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, FY 1988-FY 1997."Public Administration Review 60(2): 111-122.
Robert F. Durant. 2000. "Whither the NeoadministrativeState: Toward a Polity-Centered Theory of Administrative Reform."Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 10(1): 79-109.
Robert F. Durant. 1999. "Strategy, Structure, and the Political Economy of the 'New Governance': Implications for Theory and Practice."Korean Public Administration Quarterly 11(3): 483-520 (Lead Article).
Robert F. Durant. 1999. "The Political Economy of Results-Oriented Management in the 'Neoadministrative State': Lessons Learned from the MCDHHS Experience."American Review of Public Administration 29(4): 1-16 (Lead Article).
Winner of the best article published in American Review of Public Administration in1999.
Robert F. Durant. 1999. "Taking a Second Look: Public Priorities, the NPM, and the Iowa Test Case."State and Local Government Review 31(2): 91-94.
Robert F. Durant. 1999. "Missing Links? Civic Trust, Civic Capital, and Public Administration."Journal of Public Affairs Education 5(2): 135-144.
Robert F. Durant. 1998. "Agenda Setting, the 'Third Wave,' and the Administrative State."Administration & Society 30(3): 211-247. (Lead Article)
Robert F. Durant. 1998. "As the Twig is Bent: Toward a Stewardship Model of Educational Reform."Policy Choices.
Robert F. Durant. 1998. "Rethinking the Unthinkable: A Cautionary Note."Administration & Society 29(6): 643-652.
Reprinted in Robert Maranto and Steve Condrey, eds., Radical Reform of the Civil Service, Lexington Press, 2000.
Robert F. Durant, Jerome S. Legge, Jr., and Antony Moussios. 1998. "People, Profits, and Service Delivery: Lessons from the Privatization of British Telecom."American Journal of Political Science 42(1): 117-140.
Robert F. Durant. 1997. "Seizing the Moment: Outcomes Assessment, Curriculum Reform, and MPA Education."International Journal of Public Administration 20(2): 397-429.