12th Meeting of the

Central & Western District Council (C&W DC)

Date / : 4 January 2018 (Thursday)
Time / : 2:30 p.m.
Venue / : Conference Room, 14/F, Harbour Building,
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong


1. / Adoption of the agenda
2. / Confirmation of the minutes of the 11th C&W DC meeting held on 12 October 2017 / (approx 1 min)
3. / Confirmation of the minutes of the 2nd special meeting of the C&W DC held on 7 December 2017 / (approx 1 min)
4. / Action checklist on matters arising from the 11th C&W DC meeting
(C&W DC Paper No. 1/2018) / (approx 1 min)
5. / Chairman’s report / (approx 1 min)
6. / Standing items:
(i) / Report on the projects under the Urban Renewal Authority in the Central & Western District
(C&W DC Paper No. 2/2018) / (approx 45 min)
(ii) / Conserving Central
(C&W DC Paper No. 3/2018) / (approx 45 min)
Discussion items
7. / Approval of the name list of co-opted members of the committees (2018-19) under C&W DC
(C&W DC Paper No. 4/2018) / (approx 5 min)
8. / Approval of the composition of the working groups/steering committee (2018-19) under C&W DC
(C&W DC Paper No. 5/2018) / (approx 20 min)
9. / Recruitment of Executive Assistants, Project Co-ordinator and Project Assistant by the C&W DC (2018-19)
(C&W DC Paper No. 6/2018) / (approx 5 min)
10. / Briefing on Concessionary Scheme of “Smart Tender” by Urban Renewal Authority
(C&W DC Paper No. 7/2018) / (approx 30 min)
11. / Home Affairs Department and Government Property Agency contravene Government policies by obstructing the formation of owners’ corporations
(C&W DC Paper No.8/2018) / (approx 30 min)
12. / Strongly condemn Buildings Department and the Police for negligence of duty for condoning unauthorised works by construction contractor that pose threat to public safety
(C&W DC Paper No. 9/2018) / (approx 30 min)
13. / Concern over the Government’s plan to develop a community garden at the Western District Public Cargo Working Area
(C&W DC Paper No. 10/2018) / (approx 45 min)
14. / Members’ written reports / (approx 3 min)
15. / Work reports of the committees under C&W DC / (approx 5 min)
(i)Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 11/2018)
(ii)District Facilities Management Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 12/2018)
(iii)Finance Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 13/2018)
(iv)Food, Environment, Hygiene & Works Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 14/2018)
(v)Traffic & Transport Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 15/2018)
16. / Reports of the working groups under C&W DC (2016-17) / (approx 2 min)
17. / Report on the 206th meeting of the Central & Western District Management Committee
(C&W DC Paper No. 16/2018) / (approx 2 min)
18. / Reports on the meetings of the area committees of the Central & Western District
(C&W DC Paper No. 17/2018) / (approx 2 min)
19. / Any other business
20. / Date of the next meeting: 8 March 2018
Paper submission deadline for government departments: 13 February 2018
Paper submission deadline for C&W DC members: 21 February 2018

(Remarks: The meeting will end at 7:03 p.m.)


中西區區議會第十二次議程 (Eng)