
Open Session

June 9, 2009


Office of the Superintendent

June 5, 2009

TO: Luane Cindea, President

Members of the Board of Education

FROM: Patrick M. Spagnoletti, Superintendent


Notice of Meeting

This meeting is an open session of the Roselle Park Board of Education held under the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey. Notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger, Union Leader, and the Home News Tribune.

Roll Call

President Cindea _____ Nancy Kinloch _____

Vice President Iachio _____ Barney Leinberger _____

Alexander J. Balaban _____ Katherine Panetta _____

Michael Genovese _____ Roseann Rinaldi _____

Patrick M. Spagnoletti, Superintendent of Schools _____

Susan Guercio, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary _____

Anthony P. Sciarrillo, Board Attorney _____

Flag Salute


A motion was made by ______seconded by ______to approve the following:

Approval to appoint Jeff Parrell to fill the unexpired term on the board of education

effective June 5, 2009 until the annual election in 2010. (Judi Laganga – resignation)

Motion _____

Administration of Oath to Newly Appointed Board Member

Roll Call of Full Board

Alexander J. Balaban ____ Nancy Kinloch ___

Luane Cindea ____ Barney Leinberger ___

Michael Genovese ____ Katherine Panetta ___

Kenneth Iachio ____ Jeff Parrell ___

Roseann Rinaldi ___

Closed Session

Motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters or other exceptions to the sunshine law as follows:

1. Any matter considered confidential by federal law, state statue, or court rule;

2. Any matter in which the release of information would impair the receipt of federal funds;

3. Any material which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy if disclosed;

4. Any collective bargaining agreements;

5. Any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds;

6. Any tactics and techniques used in protecting the safety and property of the public;

7. Any pending or anticipated litigation;

8. Personnel matters related to the employment, appointment or termination of current or prospective employees.

Moved Seconded


Motion to return to open session.

Moved Seconded



Certificates of recognition will be presented the following:

Union County Green Grant: Raymond Bangs – HS Science teacher

Cash for College Contest: Julius Ayala and Adolph Vargas – Middle School

Union County Species Over the Edge: Tyler Goerke – Sherman and Urja Shah – EJF-Aldene

Kid’s Science Challenge Contest: Colleen Sweeney and Lindsey Bianco – Middle School

Youth Art Month Award : Dana Delano, Saavi Dhingra and Chand Patel – EJF-Aldene School

Tyler Crown, Laila Gardner and Loretta Kopf – Sherman School

Rebecca Green, Israel Ramirez and Christy Zheng – Robert Gordon School

Thomas Giardina and Brianna Williams – Middle School

Olena Lysenko, Natalia Pas, Morris Peshtani, Samantha Ricci and Meghan Shadis – High School

NJPAC Artists: Casey Crown, Renee Garcia, Daniel Mazewski, Vanna Mendoza and Eduardo Solar – EJF-Aldene School

Emily Adamkowski, Tanem Apay, Brittany Crown, Ariana Dunkerton, Alyssa Ortiz,

Natasia Ortiz, Anna Palmarozzo, Angelina Persaud and Joseph Woods – Sherman School

Public Participation – 7:00 PM


Consent Agenda Motion – Personnel

A motion was made by ______seconded by ______

to approve the following agenda items 1 through 14.

1. District Substitutes

Approval of additions to the district wide substitute list. As recommended by the Superintendent. Staff

indicated with an asterisk (*) are conditional applicants pending final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education and the

Board further authorized the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et seq N.J.S.A.

18A:39-17, et seq and N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13, et seq as indicated above.

2. Maternity/Disability Leave of Absence Request

To approve the following maternity/disability leave of absence request: (as per RPEA contract)

(subject to change)

Maura Kepuladze, Middle School ESL teacher effective on or about

September 11, 2009 as follows:

Accumulated sick/personal days to be used: yes

New Jersey Family Leave: no

Return date: October 12, 2009

Dawn Marie Warren, Robert Gordon 1st grade teacher effective on or about

September 25, 2009

Accumulated sick/personal days to be used: yes

New Jersey Family leave: yes

Return date: March 1, 2010

3. Schedule Change

To approve a change of schedule for the following Middle School aides effective May

15, 2009 to June 29, 2009 as recommended by the Superintendent: (as per RPEA contract)

From To

Shirley Neill 4.5 hrs/day 8hrs/day

Kimberly Belford 5.0 hrs/day 8hrs/day

4. Staff Transfer

To approve the following staff transfer as recommended by the Superintendent effective:

(as per RPEA contract)

Name From To

Brad Stanko Head Custodian Driver/Custodian

July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010

James Heimall Driver/Custodian Head Custodian

July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010

Kristyn Forrester RG Paraprofessional RG Basic Skills Instructor

May 27, 2009 – June 30, 2009 $11/91/hr $23.82/hr (replacement – M. Conneely)

Randi Sheps Sherman 5th grade Sherman Basic Skills Instructor

maternity leave

Dina Fellanto EJF-Aldene Spec Ed EJF-Aldene Pre-School

maternity leave resignation – B. Klee

5. Employment Contract

Approval to authorize the following employment contract: (copy on file in business office)

Susan Guercio, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary effective July 1, 2009

to June 30, 2010.

6. Extra-curricular Coaches/Advisors

To approve the following extra-curricular coaches/advisors for the 2008-2009 school

year as recommended by the Superintendent. (as per RPEA contract)

Marie Kilby Forensics/CSI $1318 (A)

7. ESL Summer Program Staff

To approve the following 2009 ESL Summer Program staff as recommended by the

Superintendent: ($34.15/hr, total of 60 hours/ $2049.00) (funding through NCLB) *plus lead teacher stipend, $1,000

Maura Kepuladze Wendy Ozeri* Isabel Guarino

Ann Moore Judyth Kurz

8. Staff Appointments

To appoint the following staff as recommended by the Superintendent: Staff indicated with an asterisk (*) are conditional applicants pending final approval by the New Jersey Department of Education and the Board further authorized the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et seq N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17, et seq and N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13, et seq as indicated above. (as per RPEA contract) (salary to remain at 2008-2009 rates pending negotiations)

Jamie Halperin (M8), EJF-Aldene Guidance Counselor, effective September 1,

2009 to June 30, 2010, at $52,215, plus compensation of $5,675 for extra time

and responsibilities. (replacement - M. Katz)

Christine Magee (M4), Middle School Guidance Counselor, effective September

1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, at $50,425 plus compensation of $5,675 for extra time

and responsibilities. (maternity replacement – T. Hughes)

Christopher Tereshko (B7), High School English teacher, effective September 1,

2009 to June 30, 2010, at $47,336. (replacement – J. Klutkowski)

Stephen Yaworski, probationary general maintenance worker, effective

June 1, 2009 to December 1, 2009 at $35,357, plus $300 increase for obtaining

boiler license. (replacement - J. McCormack)

Joseph Hornlein, student custodial helper, 10 hours week, effective May 28, 2009 to June 30, 2009. .

9. Student Helpers

To appoint the following student office/custodial helpers for the 2009 summer as

recommended by the Superintendent:


Jordan Brown - $7.00/hr Jack Fitzgerald - $7.00/hr

Kevin Graves - $7.25/hr Harry Uhrig, Jr. - $7.00/hr

Jovani Ramirez - $7.00/hr Osmar Medina – $7.25/hr

Chris Tucci - $7.97/hr Joseph Hornlein - $7.00/hr

10. Crisis Center Training Staff

To approve the following Crisis Center training staff June 23-June 29, 2009 at $145.50

per day as recommended by the Superintendent:

Tiffany Bain

Andrea Kozodoy

11. Gesell Screening Personnel

To approve the following personnel to administer Gesell Screening on June 23 and 24,

2009 as recommended by the Superintendent at $174.60 per day:

Elizabeth Santora Deborah Hallard

Bernadine Scholz Kathleen Peterson

12. Lunchroom/Breakfast Supervisor Personnel

To approve the following lunchroom supervisors at $37.94 per duty and breakfast supervisors at $18.97 per

duty for the 2009-2010 school year as recommended by the Superintendent: (as per RPEA contract) (salary to remain at 2008-2009 rates pending negotiations)

Sherman School Lunch Sherman Breakfast

Tara Lechner – 3 days (substitutes) (substitutes) Tara Lechner – 2 days

Dena Ahmad – 2 days Michelle Hirsch Kathleen Peterson Dena Ahmad – 3 days

Sandra Deegan – 5 days Michelle Cholankeril Carlie Mullen

Substitutes Christopher Dimakos Wendy Ozeri

Barbara Goss Bernardine Scholz AnnMarie Romano

Jennifer Burgos Amber McElrath Norma Rosario-Trepper

Nicole Stevens Diane Appleby Denise Matarante

Allison DeFortuna

Robert Gordon School (substitutes) Robert Gordon Breakfast

Kevin Carroll – 5 days Kristen Levash Cheryl Trapani – 2 days Megan Connelly

On a rotating basis Kristen Kulbaba Gail Pelaez – 2 days Christy Longo

Christy Longo Megan Conneely Barbara Maiorelli – 1 day Mandee Leonardis

MaryBeth Connell Melissa Samoilow Dawn Marie Veltre Mary Reagan

High School Breakfast EJF-Aldene – Lunch (substitutes) EJF-Aldene Breakfast

Ellen Bachert Jeffrey Manno – 5 days Douglas Metzgar Gina Faria

Anthony Trezza - sub Nicole Stout – 3 days Sheila O’Reilly Joan Smith – sub

Kathleen MacDonald - sub Gina Faria – 2 days

Middle School – Breakfast/Lunch on a rotating basis

Giuliana Melo Luciano Riggi Patricia Mawer Christina Kelliehan

Staci Hartzler Thomas Eisner Gina Palencia

Allison Genovese Cristin Conneely Jessica Foltin

Robert Watson Kathryn Wood Kristen Vogel

Michelle Miller Karen Carey-Lynch Robert Duncan

13. Union County Educational Services Commission Representative

To appoint Alexander J. Balaban representative to the Union County Educational

Services Commission for the 2009-2010 school year.

14. Non-Union Staffing List

To approve the non-union staffing list for the 2009-2010 school year as recommended by

the Superintendent. (copy attached to original minutes)

Vice President Iachio ____ Mrs. Laganga ___

Mr. Balaban ____ Mr. Leinberger ___

Mr. Genovese ____ Mrs. Panetta ___

Mrs. Kinloch ____ Mrs. Rinaldi ___ President Cindea ___

On roll call, motion _____


A motion was made by ______seconded by ______

to approve the following agenda item number15.

15. Educational Trip Request

To approve the following district educational trip requests:

Orlando Florida RPHS Band April 8-12, 2010

NYC Brooks Atkinson Theatre HS Drama Club June 1, 2009

Watchung Reservation Academy June 11, 2009

Motion _____


A motion was made by ______seconded by ______

to approve the following agenda items 16 through 30.

16. Monthly Certification

A. Board Secretary's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Line Item Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(d), I certify that as of May 31, 2009 no budgetary

line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed

the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. l8A:22-8

and l8:22-8.l


Board Secretary Date

B. Board of Education's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Major Account/Fund Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(e), we certify that as of May 31, 2009 after review of

the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with

the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.l3(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.

17. Approval of Transfers

To approve the attached transfers for the month of May 2009:

SALARIES / 11-000-213-100 / $311,767.00 / $487.00 / $312,254.00
OTHER PURCH SERV / 11-000-213-500 / $555.00 / $195.00 / $750.00
OTHER SAL FOR INSTRUCT / 11-000-217-106 / $289,668.00 / $1,291.00 / $290,959.00
SUPPLIES & MATERIALS / 11-000-218-600 / $2,512.75 / $321.00 / $2,833.75
SAL OF SEC ASST / 11-000-240-105 / $428,362.00 / $81.00 / $428,443.00
CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT / 11-000-261-420 / $529,657.65 / $1,053.00 / $530,710.65
OTHER PURCH SERV / 11-00-262-590 / $7,058.00 / $120.00 / $7,178.00
OTHER OBJECTS / 11-000-262-800 / $1,520.00 / $155.00 / $1,675.00
BUS DRIVER SALARY / 11-000-270-162 / $50,930.00 / $8,905.00 / $59,835.00
TRANSPORTATION / 11-000-270-517 / $91,909.38 / $9,851.00 / $101,760.38
MISC EXPENDITURES / 11-000-270-890 / $230.00 / $25.00 / $255.00
SOC SEC CONT OTHER / 11-000-291-220 / $335,000.00 / $3,134.00 / $338,134.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-105-100-101 / $25,473.00 / $3,945.00 / $29,418.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-110-100-101 / $223,442.00 / $268.00 / $223,710.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-120-100-101 / $3,068,066.00 / $398.00 / $3,068,464.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-140-100-101 / $2,940,653.00 / $3,083.00 / $2,943,736.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11205-100-101 / $213,926.00 / $180.00 / $214,106.00
OTHER SAL FOR INSTRUCT / 11-205-100-106 / $71,819.00 / $1,220.00 / $73,039.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-213-100-101 / $1,222,550.00 / $1,194.00 / $1,223,744.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-216-100-101 / $61,641.00 / $134.00 / $61,775.00
SALARIES OF TEACHER / 11-230-100-101 / $353,258.00 / $177.00 / $353,435.00
PURCH PROF SERVICE / 11-000-213-300 / $17,367.00 / -$682.00 / $16,685.00
PURCH PROF SERVICE / 11-000-217-320 / $97,552.00 / -$1,612.00 / $95,940.00
SUPPLIES & MATERIALS / 11-000-240-600 / $19,884.74 / -$81.00 / $19,803.74
GENERAL SUPPLIES / 11-000-261-610 / $122,533.94 / -$1,053.00 / $121,480.94
GENERAL SUPPLIES / 11-000-262-610 / $93,469.87 / -$275.00 / $93,194.87
CONTRACTED SERV OTHER / 11-000-270-512 / $58,424.20 / -$18,781.00 / $39,643.20
HEALTH BENEFITS / 11-000-291-270 / $3,892,017.67 / -$3,134.00 / $3,888,883.67
GENERAL SUPPLIES / 11-205-100-610 / $5,100.00 / -$1,400.00 / $3,700.00
SAL OF OTHER PROF STAFF / 11-000-219-104 / $780,859.00 / -$9,000.00 / $771,859.00
SALARIES / 11-402-100-100 / $281,529.00 / -$199.00 / $281,330.00
TOTAL / $15,598,735.20 / $0.00 / $15,598,735.20

18. Approval of Minutes

To approve the following minutes:

May 7, 2009 open session May 7, 2009 closed session

May 19, 2009 open session May 19, 2009 closed session

19. Secretary/Treasurer Report

To approve the attached secretary/treasurer reports for the period ending April 30, 2009.

20. Use of Buildings and Grounds

To approve the following use of buildings and grounds (appropriate fees to be charged where applicable):

After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) – Fashion Show

Roselle Park Middle School auditorium, stage

Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

21. 2008-2009 Awards

Approval to present the following awards to graduates of the Roselle Park High School Class of 2009: