
To accomplish: tocomplete(something)successfully / accomplir

AGM (annual General Meeting) : ameetingthathappensonceeveryyearin which acompanyor otherorganizationdiscussesthe past year'sactivitiesandelectsnewofficers / assemblée générale annuelle

To assign : to give to someone as hisshareorduty or toorderorappoint

Authority: thepowerorrightto do something or apersonwho is anexpert, or abookthat can be referred to, on aparticularsubject or (usually inplural) thepersonorpeoplewho havepowerin anadministrationetc or a naturalqualityin apersonwhich makes himabletocontrolandinfluencepeople

Autonomy: thepowerorrightof acountryetctogovernitself.

Best practice: technique/process believed to be more effective than any other known technique. Used as a benchmark (reference) when developing policy

Bottom line: thefinallinein theaccountsof acompanyororganization,statingthetotalprofitorlossthat has been made or the mostimportantfactin asituation: / résultat financier

Board of Directors : thegroupofpeoplewhoshareholderschoose tomanageacompanyororganization: / conseil d’administration

Bureaucratic :.bureaucratique

Bureaucracy : asystemofgovernmentby officials working for agovernment / bureaucratie

Capital : money(forinvestmentetc)

Centralised : toremoveauthorityin asystem,company,country, etc. fromlocalplacesto onecentralplaceso that thewholesystem, etc. is undercentralcontrol:

Decentralised : tomovethecontrolof anorganizationorgovernmentfrom asingleplaceto severalsmallerones:

Challenges : (thesituationof beingfacedwith) something thatneedsgreatmentalorphysicaleffortinorderto be donesuccessfullyandthereforetestsa person'sability:or aninvitationtocompeteor takepart,especiallyin agameorargument:

Collaborate : toworktogether (with someone) on apieceofwork

Common goal : objectif commun

Company : anumberofpeoplejoined together for a (commercial)purpose / société

Co-ordinate : toadjust(amovementoraction) so that it fits in orworkssmoothly(with other movements or actions) / coordonner

Core competency : an important skill that you need to have when doing a particular job OR something that acompanydoes very well and that makes it better than othercompanies:

Corporate : united /unifié

Corporation : company or group of companies acting together as a single organisation

Credit crunch : economicconditionsthat makefinancialorganizationslesswillingtolendmoney, oftencausingseriouseconomicproblems

Deadline : atimeby which something must be done orfinished / date limite

Decision-making process : s the process of making choices by setting goals, gathering information, and assessing alternative occupations. / processus de prise de décision

Debt : what onepersonowes to another / dette  in debt - endetté

Debtor : apersonwho owes a debt.  débiteur

Flexible : ableorwillingtochangeaccording to circumstancesetc

Goals : anaimorpurpose:

Targets : alevelorsituationthat youintendtoachieve: or

Information overload : asituationin which youreceivetoo muchinformationat onetimeand cannotthinkabout it in aclearway  surcharge d’information

Hierarchy : (an)arrangement(ofusuallypeoplein agroup, also thingsetc) inorderofrank,importanceetc.

Hierarchical structure : structure hiérarchique

Hot-desking : thepracticeof using anyavailabledeskin anofficerather than having your owndesk:

Liability : responsabiité

Limited liability : responsabilité limitée asituationin which theownersor othershareholdersof acompanyare notresponsiblefor all of itsdebtsif thecompany fails: they don’t have to sell their personal things

Open plan office : open space ?

Organic : of,foundin, or produced by,livingthings

Organisational model : a description,diagram, etc. thatshowsthestructureof anorganizationand therelationshipsbetween the differentpeople,departments, orjobswithin thatorganization

Organisational structure : the way in which a largecompanyororganizationisorganized, forexample, thetypesofrelationshipsthat exist betweenmanagersandemployees:.. structure organisationnelle

Perks : anadvantageorextrathing, such asmoneyorgoods, which you are given because ofyourjob:

Benefits : anadvantagesuch asmedicalinsurance,lifeinsurance, andsickpay, thatemployeesreceivefromtheiremployerinadditiontomoney

Promotion : the raising of apersonto a higherrankorposition

PLC (Public Limited Company) : publiclimitedcompany: aformofcompanyin the UK whosesharescan beboughtandsoldby thepublicand whosedebtsarelimitedif it goesbankrupt:

Quoted : a company whose share are bought and sold on the stock exchange (quotée en bourse)

R & D (Research and Development) : apartof anorganizationthatworkstoimproveits existingproductsanddevelopnew ones:

Report to : toworkfor someone and bemanagedby them:

Retirement : the fact ofleavingyourjobandstoppingworking, usually because you havereacheda particular age// theperiodin someone'slifeafter they havestoppedworkingbecause theyreacheda particular age:

Roles : thepositionorpurposethat someone or something has in asituation,organization,society, orrelationship:

Shareholder : someone who owns shares in a company

Shares : one of theunitsthat theownershipof acompany,fund, etc. isdividedinto and which can beboughtbymembersof thepublic:  actions

Sleeping partner : apersonwhoinvestsin acompanyand receivesprofitsbut is not involved inmanagingit:  silent partner  associé commanditaire

Social networking : theactivityof sharinginformationand communicating withgroupsofpeopleusing theinternet, especially throughwebsitesthat are speciallydesignedfor thispurpose:  le réseautage social

Sole trader : apersonwhoownsandoperatesabusinessalone  sole proprietor: propriétaire unique

Subsidiary : acompanythat iscontrolledby another  filiale

Supervision : theactivityofmanagingadepartment,project, etc. and of making sure that things are done correctly and according to therules: surveillance

Task: tâche

Team : équipe

Team player : someone whoworkswell as amemberof ateam:

Team spirit : a way ofthinkingandactingthatshowsloyaltyto yourteamand itsmembers:  espirt d’équipe

Train : to teach someone theskillsandknowledgeneeded for a particularjoboractivity: OR to learn theskillsandknowledgeneeded for a particularjoboractivity:

Workforce : all thepeoplewhoworkfor acompanyororganization:  l’effectif

Work space : theoffice,desk, etc. where someoneworks: la place de travail ou le “bureau” sur l’ordi

Workplace : place de travail (room or building)

Company structure :

Accounts department : department de la comptabilité

Board of directors : thegroupofpeoplewhoshareholderschoose tomanageacompanyororganization:  conseil d’administration

Chairman : apersonwho takeschargeof or directs ameeting.  président

Director : apersonor thing that directs,egone of agroupof persons whomanagethe affairs of abusinessor apersonwho is inchargeof the making of afilm,playetc  directeur

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) : thepresidentof alargecompany.  PDG

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) : the most importantfinancialmanagerin acompanyororganization, who is theheadof thefinancedepartment:  directeur financier

Headquarters : theplacefrom which thechiefofficers or leaders of anorganization(especiallyanarmy)directandcontrolthe activities of thatorganization  siège social / etat-major

Manager : : apersonwho is inchargeofegabusiness,footballteametc

Managing director : thepersoninchargeof acompany:  directeur général

Marketing department : department marketing

Personnel department : service du personnel

Production department : service production

Purchasing department : service achats

Sales department : service ventes

President : ‘’

Vice president : ‘’


Acquisition : ‘’

Attitudes : afeelingoropinionabout something or someone, or a way ofbehavingthat iscausedby this  attitude

behaviour :  comportement

Business model : a description of the differentpartsof abusinessororganizationshowing how they willworktogether successfully to makemoney:

Change agents : apersonorgroupthatworkson achange programme OR apersonor thing that encouragespeopletochangetheirbehaviouroropinions

Change champions: leaderormanagerwho is inchargeof achangeprogramme or apersonwho is very interested in new or different ways of doing something, and isdeterminedto makechangeshappen:

Charter: aformalstatementof therightsof a country'speople, or of anorganizationor aparticularsocialgroup, that isagreedby ordemandedfrom arulerorgovernment  une charte

Communication plan / strategy: plan/stratégie de communication

Company structure: structure de l’entreprise

Stiff competition: concurrence acharnée

Stiffer competition: concurrence accrue

Cut-throat competition: competingin astrongandunfairway, without considering any harmcaused to others:

Intense competition: concurrence intense

Complacency: afeelingofcalmsatisfactionwithyourownabilitiesorsituationthatpreventsyou fromtryingharder  complaisance

Complacent: satisfait

Corporate culture: the beliefs andideasthat acompanyhas and the way in which they affect how it doesbusinessand how itsemployeesbehave:  culture de l’entreprise

Corporate structure: the way acompanyisorganized,includinghow itsdepartmentsandemployees, etc. areconnectedwith each other and thesystemsthey use toworkwith each other:

Cost cutting: reduction des dépenses

Family(-owned) business: entreprise familiale

Fragmented: consisting of severalseparateparts  fragmenté

Have a proven record: avoir une experience avérée

Implement change: mettre en oeuvre le changement

Initiate change: initier le changement

Integration: ‘’

Introduce changes: introduire le changement

Job cuts: suppressions d’emplois

Joint venture: abusinessorbusinessactivitythat two or morepeopleorcompaniesworkon together:

Stay on track: rester sur la bonne voie

Lose track: to nolongerknowwhat ishappening, or not toremember something:

Market forces: the way that the behavior of buyers and sellers affects the lever of supply and demand in a particular market, especially when the government does nothing to change it

Merger: anoccasionwhen two or morecompaniesjointogether to make onelargercompany:  fusion

Mindset: someone’s general attitude, the way in which they think and make decision  mentalité / état d’esprit

Obstacle: something thatblocksyou so thatmovement, goingforward, oractionispreventedor made moredifficult:

Outperform: to do better or be more successful than someone else

Overhaul: torepairorimprovesomething so that everypartof itworksas it should:

Overvalue: to give a value that is too high  surévaluer

Partnership: thestateof being apartner, to work together  partenariat

Perceived crisis: vu comme une crise?


Process(es): processus

Redundancy: asituationin which someonelosestheirjobbecausetheiremployerdoes not need them:

To be made redundant: être licencié

Relocate: délocaliser

Relocation: délocalisation

Resistance to change: résistance au changement

Restructure: toorganizeacompany,business, orsystemin a new way to make itoperatemoreeffectively:

Reinforce: to make somethingstronger:

Shift: a change in attitude towards the economy or a particular industry caused by an event that has changed your way of thinking

Stake : ashareor afinancialinvolvementin something such as abusiness:

Stakeholder: apersonorgroupofpeoplewho own asharein abusiness

Stagnate: tostaythe same and notgrowordevelop:


Structural change: changement structurel

Subsidiary: acompanythat isownedby alargercompany - filiale

Takeovers: asituationin which acompanygetscontrolof anothercompanybybuyingenough ofitsshares:

Scrapped: to scrap : to getridof something that is nolongerusefulorwanted, often usingitspartsin newways

Task: tâche

Track record: all the things that a person or organization has done in the past which shows how good they are  bilan

Underestimate: sous-estimer
vertical integration: aprocessinbusinesswhere acompanybuysanothercompanythatsuppliesit withgoodsor thatbuysgoodsfrom it inordertocontrolall theprocessesofproduction

Workforce: thegroupofpeoplewhoworkin acompany,industry,country, etc.: