#165-TTC-293 --

DOCKET NO. 165-TTC-293





V. +




Statement of the Case

Petitioner filed a complaint and petition for sanction

on February 12, 1993, seeking to have Respondent Hecht

declared unworthy to instruct the youth of this state

because of Respondent's sexual contact with a child that

resulted in his conviction on the offense of indecency with

a child younger than seventeen years. Respondent was

notified of the complaint against him and has not contested

or otherwise answered the charges against him.

Hearings Examiner Maggie H. Montelongo has presided

over this action pursuant to appointment by the State

Commissioner of Education. Petitioner has appeared through

Mr. Terry Johnson, Attorney at Law from Austin, Texas.

Respondent has not appeared in this cause.

On March 25, 1993, the Hearings Examiner issued a

Proposal for Decision recommending that Respondent's

teaching credentials be immediately revoked. No exceptions

to the recommendation were filed in this action.

Findings of Fact

After due consideration of the evidence and matters

officially noticed, in my capacity as State Commissioner of

Education, I make the following Findings of Fact:

1. Respondent is a natural person residing in Walker

County, Texas, who may be personally served as follows:

Herbert Thomas Hecht, Inmate #632189, Texas Department of

Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, Goree Unit, P.O.

Box 38, Huntsville, Texas 77344.

2. Respondent is the holder of Texas Teacher

Certificate Number XXX-XX-XXXX, duly issued under the

provisions of the Texas Education Code and its predecessor


3. At all times relevant hereto, Respondent was

employed as a public school teacher at Aldridge Elementary

School in the Plano Independent School District, Dallas

County, Texas.

4. Respondent was born on or about November 30, 1943,

and at all times relevant hereto was, as a matter of fact

and of law, an adult.

5. At all times relevant hereto, Student was a

public school student residing and attending school within

the State of Texas.

6. At all times relevant hereto, Student was

a public school student residing and attending school within

the State of Texas.

7. On or about June 1, 1991, in Dallas County, Texas,

and with the intent to arouse and gratify his own sexual

desire, Respondent did engage in sexual contact with Student

Lee N., by contact between the hand of the Respondent and

the genitals of said Student

8. At the time he engaged in sexual contact with Student

Lee N., Respondent knew that he was a child younger than

seventeen (17) years of age.

9. At the time he engaged in sexual contact with Student

Lee N., Respondent knew that said child was not his spouse.

10. On or about the July, 1991 term, the Grand Jury

for the 282nd Judicial District Court of Dallas County

issued True Bill of Indictment Number F91-36501-S, charging

Respondent with the felony criminal offense of Indecency

With a Child.

11. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36501-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, the Respondent did plead guilty to the

criminal offense of Indecency With a Child. Respondent was

admonished by the Court of the consequences of the said plea

and Respondent persisted in entering said plea. Respondent

in open court and in writing having waived the reading to

the charging instrument, the appearance, confrontation, and

cross-examination of witnesses, and agreed that the evidence

may be stipulated and consented to the introduction of

testimony orally, by judicial confession, by affidavits,

written statements and any other documentary evidence and

such waiver and consent having been approved by the Court in

writing and filed in the papers of the cause, and the Court

having heard Respondent's waiver of the reading of the

charging instrument, Respondent's plea thereto, the evidence

submitted, and the argument of counsel, was of the opinion

from the evidence submitted that Respondent is guilty of the

offense as set forth above.

12. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36501-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, Respondent was sentenced to a term of

imprisonment in the Institutional Division of the Texas

Department of Criminal Justice for a period of twenty (20)

years. Respondent is currently incarcerated in the Texas

Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division.

13. On or about July 31, 1991, in Dallas County,

Texas, and with the intent to arouse and gratify his own

sexual desire, Respondent did engage in sexual contact with

Student , by contact between the hand of the Respondent

and the genitals of said Student

14. On or about the July, 1991 term, the Grand Jury

for the 282nd Judicial District Court of Dallas County

issued True Bill of Indictment Number F91-36412-S, charging

Respondent with the felony criminal offense of Indecency

With a Child.

15. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36412-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, the Respondent did plead guilty to the

criminal offense of Indecency With a Child. Respondent was

admonished by the Court of the consequences of the said plea

and Respondent persisted in entering said plea. Respondent

in open court and in writing having waived the reading to

the charging instrument, the appearance, confrontation, and

cross-examination of witnesses, and agreed that the evidence

may be stipulated and consented to the introduction of

testimony orally, by judicial confession, by affidavits,

written statements and any other documentary evidence and

such waiver and consent having been approved by the Court in

writing and filed in the papers of the cause, and the Court

having heard Respondent's waiver of the reading of the

charging instrument, Respondent's plea thereto, the evidence

submitted, and the argument of counsel, was of the opinion

from the evidence submitted that Respondent is guilty of the

offense as set forth above.

16. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36412-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, Respondent was sentenced to a term of

imprisonment in the Institutional Division of the Texas

Department of Criminal Justice for a period of twenty (20)

years. Respondent is currently incarcerated in the Texas

Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division.

17. On or about July 31, 1991, in Dallas County,

Texas, and with the intent to arouse and gratify his own

sexual desire, Respondent did engage in sexual contact with

Student , by contact between the hand of the

Respondent and the genitals of said Student

18. At the time he engaged in sexual contact with

Student , Respondent knew that he was a child younger

than seventeen (17) years of age.

19. At the time he engaged in sexual contact with

Student , Respondent knew that said child was not his


20. On or about the July, 1991 term, the Grand Jury

for the 282nd Judicial District Court of Dallas County

issued True Bill of Indictment Number F91-36500-S, charging

Respondent with the felony criminal offense of Indecency

With a Child.

21. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36500-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, the Respondent did plead guilty to the

criminal offense of Indecency With a Child as charged in

Indictment Number F91-36500-S. Respondent was admonished by

the Court of the consequences of the said plea and the range

of punishment prescribed by law and that the Court was not

bound by any recommendation of the prosecutor regarding

punishment, and the Respondent persisted in entering said

plea. Respondent in open court and in writing having waived

the reading of the indictment, the appearance,

confrontation, and cross-examination of witnesses, and

agreed that the evidence may be stipulated and consented to

the introduction of testimony by affidavits, written

statements of witnesses and any other documentary evidence

and such waiver and consent having been approved by the

Court in writing and filed in the papers of the cause, and

the Court having heard Respondent's waiver of the reading of

the indictment, Respondent's plea thereto, the evidence

submitted, and the argument of counsel, was of the opinion

from the evidence submitted that Respondent is guilty of the

offense of Indecency With a Child Younger than 17 years, a

2nd Degree Felony, as charged in the Indictment.

22. On or about November 5, 1992, in Cause Number

F91-36500-S before the 282nd Judicial District Court of

Dallas County, Texas, Respondent was placed on probation for

a period of ten years, such period of probation to begin and

be effective as of the 5th day of November, 1992, subject to

the terms and conditions of probation imposed by law and by

the Court and served upon the Respondent by the Clerk of the


23. At all times relevant hereto Respondent knew, or

in the exercise of reasonable professional judgment should

have known, that his conduct posed a serious risk of harm to

the well-being of the children involved, but Respondent did

pursue his course of conduct in wanton disregard of the

consequences of his actions.

24. Respondent presents a threat to the public

schoolchildren of this state and there exists imminent peril

to the public health, safety or welfare of the

schoolchildren of this state.


Respondent has demonstrated conduct that is harmful to

the safety and welfare of children and is in violation of

state laws. Respondent has also exhibited a pattern of

irremediable conduct and attitude. The facts herein warrant

the immediate revocation of Respondent's teaching


Conclusions of Law

After due consideration of the record, matters

officially noticed, and the foregoing Findings of Fact, in

my capacity as State Commissioner of Education, I make the

following Conclusions of Law:

1. The Commissioner of Education has jurisdiction over

this action pursuant to Tex. Educ. Code Ann. +11.13.

2. The State Commissioner of Education is authorized

by law to issue teaching certificates to Texas public school

teachers in accordance with Section 13.001, et seq., of the

Texas Education Code. Tex. Educ. Code +11.52(g).

3. Pursuant to Sections 13.046(a)(1) and (a)(2),

13.046(d) and 13.046(e) of the Texas Education Code, the

State Commissioner of Education has full power and authority

to suspend or cancel any teacher's certificate, or to

reprimand a teacher, upon satisfactory evidence that the

holder is conducting his school or teaching activities in

violation of the laws of this state, or upon satisfactory

evidence that the holder is a person unworthy to instruct

the youth of this state.

4. At all times relevant hereto Respondent knew, or

in the exercise of reasonable professional judgment should

have known, that his conduct posed a serious risk of harm to

the well-being of the children involved, but Respondent did

pursue his course of conduct in wanton disregard of the

consequences of his actions.

5. Respondent has dishonored the responsibilities

placed on him by the Commissioner of Education and has

corrupted that which the education profession holds most

sacred: the trust of children.

6. Pursuant to Section 13.046(a)(1) of the Texas

Education Code, and by virtue of the conduct alleged herein,

Respondent has conducted his school or teaching activities

in violation of the laws of this state.

7. Pursuant to Section 13.046(a)(2) of the Texas

Education Code and Texas Revised Civil Statute Article

6252-13c, and by reason of the conduct admitted to by

Respondent herein, Respondent is a person unworthy to

instruct the youth of this state.

8. Respondent's teaching credentials are to be

revoked immediately.


After due consideration of the record, matters

officially noticed, and the foregoing Findings of Fact and

Conclusions of Law, in my capacity as State Commissioner of

Education, it is hereby

ORDERED that Respondent's Texas Teacher Certificate

Number XXX-XX-XXXX be, and is hereby, REVOKED; and,

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Respondent immediately

surrender his copy of Texas Teacher Certificate Number

XXX-XX-XXXX to the Texas Education Agency, Division of

Educational Personnel Records; and,

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Texas Education Agency,

Division of Educational Personnel Records immediately

prepare and distribute appropriate notices notifying the

public of the revocation of Respondent's teaching

credentials; and,

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner's request be, and

is hereby, GRANTED.

SIGNED AND ISSUED this ___ day of ______,

