Pharmacy Working Group Meeting Minutes

Cambridge, MA

September 23-27, 2013

Action Items 2

Monday 23 September 2013 Q3 4

Monday 23 September 2013 Q4 6

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Q1 8

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Q2 11

Tuesday 7 May 2013 Q3 – Hosting FHIR 13

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Q4 15

Wednesday 25 September 2013 Q1 17

Wednesday 25 September 2013 Q2 – JOINT WITH SDWG – HOSTED BY SDWG – Meeting Notes only 19

Wednesday 25 September 2013 Q3 – Joint meeting with CDS – Pharmacy Hosting 21

Wednesday 25 September 2013 Q4 - CANCELLED 23

Thursday 26 September 2013 Q1 - CANCELLED 24

Thursday 26 September 2013 Q2 - CANCELLED 25

Thursday 26 September 2013 Q3 - CANCELLED 26

Thursday 26 September 2013 Q4 - CANCELLED 27

Friday 27 September 2013 Q1 28

Friday 27 September 2013 Q2 31

Action Items

Action: Melva will post the final minutes to the HL7 Pharmacy Website - COMPLETE 5

Action: During our Rx discussion on Medication Profile work in this week’s Rx WGM, it was agreed that Rx committee will provide a summary of the IHE / HL7 Rx Netherlands meeting, and we will also provide an update about what we have done since these meetings. 5

Action: Need to discuss if we need to create formal relationships with Device and Security groups related to medication specific requirements. 5

Action: Need to find out which project(s) are being taken to RCRIM. Melva to talk to Ed Tripp – COMPLETE. Will discuss further on Oct 7th Teleconference 10

Action: Schedule ISO Update for Wed Q1 for San Antonio 10

Action: Move administrative planning tasks to Wednesday Q1. 10

Action: Continue discussion of WG focus 10

Action: Tom will reach out to Austin about the possibility of working together with SDWG in creating templates before our joint meeting - COMPLETE 12

Action: Develop a framework and some principles for how we will proceed with this work using CPM and other examples 12

Action: Melva to review projects and propose date changes and those to change - COMPLETE 12

Action: Melva to submit Room Requests for January 2014 - COMPLETE 12

Action: Pharmacy WG should review FHIR Pharmacy Ballot items for follow up discussions. 14

Action: Scott will clean up Ballot Reconciliation spreadsheets and post them on the Ballot Desktop and request withdrawals - COMPLETE 16

Action: Melva to update project notes and project database 18

Action: Scott to update and publish Pharmacy CMETs (project 249) 18

Action: Submit NIBs for IDMP ballots in 2014JAN – responsible co-chair will be determined on telecon 18

Action: Scott to update Project with dates, complete MTM IG and determine ballot opportunity 18

Action: Look at developing a universal template to cover extemporaneous medications 20

Action: Pharmacy WG to provide some use cases to SDWG by October 4th. SDWG will draft narrative that will be reviewed by Pharmacy. 20

Action: Add agenda item for CDS review – Thursday Q2 in San Antonio 22

Action: Melva will talk to Wendy to remind her that we need our harmonization proposals ready for the Oct 7th meeting - COMPLETE 30

Action: John H to update his information on the Chair Teleconference Schedule. See SVN for this spreadsheet. 30

Action: Melva to send out schedule to all co-chairs - COMPLETE 30

Action: Melva to finish draft of PSS for CDA template project and forward to the list 30

Action: Melva to send Use cases to the list and then forward updated version to SDWG by October 4 - COMPLETE 30

Action: Update Medication Profile PSS to reflect the actual work (Melva 31

Monday 23 September 2013 Q3


Name / Organization / Country / Email
Nicolas Canu / PHAST / France /
Jean-Henri Duteau / Duteau Design / Canada /
Scott Robertson (Chair) / Kaiser Permanente / USA /
W Gregory / Pfizer / USA /
John Hatem (Scribe) / Oracle / USA /
Rob Hallowell / Siemens / USA /
Jean Duteau / Duteau Design Inc / CA /
Bonnie Briggs / Wolters Kluwer Health / USA /
Katherine Duteau / Duteau Design Inc / CA /
Christof Gessner / HL7 Germany/Gematik / Germany /
Quorum Met: Yes

Agenda Topics

·  Review and Finalise WGM Agenda

·  Representatives to other meetings

·  Introductions

·  Approve May 2013 WGM Meetings

·  Overview of ballot planning

·  Status of e-mail threads since last WGM

Supporting Documents

·  Agenda


Minutes/Conclusions Reached

·  All folks introduced themselves.

·  The Agenda was reviewed and discussed; scribes and representatives to other groups were assigned.

·  The Minutes from the May 2013 WGM were displayed; they had been previously reviewed and discussed on conference call.

·  Jean D moved to formally accept the Minutes, John H seconded;

·  Vote: Against: 0 Abstain: 3 For: 5

Action: Melva will post the final minutes to the HL7 Pharmacy Website - COMPLETE

·  The Agenda for the Sept 2013 WGM was displayed and updated.

·  Jean D moved to accept the Agenda as updated, John H seconded.

·  Vote: Against: 0 Abstain: 3 For: 5

·  Other business

·  Christof G asked about the status of the IHE/HL7 Rx discussion since the Netherlands. We discussed his suggestion, and we have formal quarters scheduled to discuss the content we reviewed in the Netherlands.

Action: During our Rx discussion on Medication Profile work in this week’s Rx WGM, it was agreed that Rx committee will provide a summary of the IHE / HL7 Rx Netherlands meeting, and we will also provide an update about what we have done since these meetings.

·  Christof G asked about our interaction with the Device group related to Medication device requirements. Scott and Jean D both responded that we have no formal relationship with the Device WG.

·  Christof G asked about our interaction with the Security WG and we stated that we no formal relationship with the Security WG.

·  Ballot Planning

·  CMETS per Scott have passed.

·  Other ballot comments we reviewed by Jean D and we will discuss

·  Email threads on Pharmacy list serve

·  Postponed for input from Tom de Jong

·  Evaluation of Rx HOT TOPICS

·  Updates on the Rx HOT TOPICS by Jean Duteau – see Pharmacy Wiki for the most current state of these updates. Note that we are also creating links to the relevant Implementation Guidance areas of Pharmacy wiki.

Action: Need to discuss if we need to create formal relationships with Device and Security groups related to medication specific requirements.

Monday 23 September 2013 Q4


Name / Organization / Country / Email
John Hatem (Chair) / Oracle / US /
Rob Hallowell / Siemens / US /
Scott Robertson / Kaiser Permanente / US /
Bonnie Briggs / Wolters Kluwer Health / US /
Jean Duteau / Duteau Design / Canada /
Katherine Duteau / Duteau Design / Canada /
Melva Peters (scribe) / HL7 Canada / Canada /
Margaret Dittloff / CBORD / US /
Quorum Met: Yes

Agenda Topics

·  Representatives to Other WG

·  Assign roles for WG Quarters

·  Review CDS Specifications in preparation for Joint meeting with CDS

Supporting Documents

·  Agenda


Minutes/Conclusions Reached

·  Based on availability of co-chairs and agenda items, we will cancel Thursday Q1-4

·  Agenda updated for scribes where possible

·  Review of CDS Specification

·  vMR – CDS Logical Model

·  Jean reviewed the model with focus on pharmacy related content

·  It is unclear if this can be mapped to V3 models or CDA sections

·  It was discussed how to approach the discussion with CDS during the joint meeting on Wednesday

·  Overall discussion points:

·  As an implementer will need to have the mapping

·  80/20 exercise so could evaluate the FHIR Pharmacy Resources

·  Documentation of the CDS requirements for the pharmacy domain

·  Naming Conventions – difficult to understand. Using some V3 terms but do not seem to actually map. Need the definitions.

·  These ballots close October 3rd so Pharmacy is able to submit comments

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Q1


Name / Organization / Country / Email
John Hatem / Oracle / US /
Stephen Chu / NEHTA / Aus /
Tom de Jong / HL7 Netherlands / NL /
Scott Robertson (scribe) / Kaiser Permanente / US /
Christian Hay / GS1 / Switzerland /
Michael Tan / Nictiz / NL /
Christof Gessner / HL7 Germany / Germany /
Melva Peters / HL7 Canada / Can /
Rob Hallowell / Siemens / US /
W Gregory / Pfizer / US /
Quorum Met: Yes

Agenda Topics

·  ISO Work Group 6

·  ISO Dose Syntax

·  Forward Planning

·  Discussion of the focus of the Pharmacy WG going forward and possible updates to the Mission and Charter

·  Messages vs medication templates vs FHIR???

·  Work on administrative tasks

·  Review PBS Metrics

·  Review Work Group Health

·  Project Review (3-year plan)

·  Conference call schedule

·  Out of Cycle Meeting

·  Determine room requirements for January 2014

Supporting Documents

·  Agenda


Minutes/Conclusions Reached

·  ISO Work Group 6 Update

·  ISO meeting in Sydney –October 22-24

·  Sessions will include webex connection. Not expected to be used heavily

·  Will be a webex summary session at Australia 5-5:30pm for those who cannot attend during other times

·  Agenda topics

·  17253 Requirements for electronic prescriptions. Reconciliation of CD ballot

·  17251 Dose Syntax. Restart of project. Definition of requirements for the dose syntax, not the syntax itself. NWIP passed ballot, new set of experts identified. Scott R is the lead.

·  19256 Requirements for Medicinal Product Dictionary – NWIP was approved, work begins at this meeting

·  19293 Requirements for record of the dispense. Ballot will close in approximately 2 weeks. Lead will be changing

·  19294 Data elements for identification of magistral/extemporaneous products. Ballot will close in approximately 2 weeks.

·  IDMP – 6 work items in discussion

·  Refresh of technical reports for IDMP maintenance

·  FDA Lead. Tim Baxton (EMCA) had to step back. ICH disbanding related work group

·  Ambitious calendar – NWIP planned – resolution for May 2014

·  Implementation Guides

·  ISO 11239 – Route of Administration. Based on EDQM

·  ISO 11238 – Substances. FDA lead, Health Canada to be maintainer

·  ISO 11240 – Units of Measure. Based on UCUM

·  ISO 11615 – Pharmaceutical Product Identifier

·  ISO 11616 – Medicinal Product Identifier

·  Brainstorming Session will be held in Sydney

·  Discussion of a project to look at Immunization process – simplification of immunization record – customized for low and medium income countries

·  ISO Meetings coming up: May 2014 Japan, Oct 2014 Berlin, April 2015 San Francisco

·  ISO Dose Syntax Requirements

·  Has just completed ballot to become a NWIP

·  There has been work done in the NL – Scott to ensure that he has this material as input

·  There is a new list of experts that will be working on this

·  Scott will keep the Pharmacy WG informed

·  Forward Planning Discussion

·  What should the focus of the Pharmacy WG be going forward? Messaging vs Documents vs Service (REST) vs FHIR vs V2 vs …

·  There is work going on related to pharmacy content going on in other WGs

·  Need to maintain the messages that we have

·  Focus on work that will produce templates that can be used regardless of the transport mechanism (e.g. messages, documents, etc)

·  The most important thing is the consistency between the models

·  Could develop a project to review templates for pharmacy and compare to the Consolidated CDA templates

·  Need to have standardized building blocks that can be used regardless of the transport mechanism – doesn’t have to be XML

·  Maintain all of the semantics that we have in our Pharmacy RMIM

·  Need to talk to SDWG about a way to cooperate

Minutes/Conclusions Reached

Action: Need to find out which project(s) are being taken to RCRIM. Melva to talk to Ed Tripp – COMPLETE. Will discuss further on Oct 7th Teleconference

Action: Schedule ISO Update for Wed Q1 for San Antonio

Action: Move administrative planning tasks to Wednesday Q1.

Action: Continue discussion of WG focus

Tuesday 24 September 2013 Q2


Name / Organization / Country / Email
Christof Gessner / HL7 Germany / Germany /
Melva Peters / HL7 Canada / Can /
Rob Hallowell / Siemens / US /
John Hatem / Oracle / US /
Stephen Chu / NEHTA / Aus /
Tom de Jong / HL7 Netherlands / NL /
Michael Tan / Nictiz / NL /
Quorum Met: Yes

Agenda Topics

·  Continue discussion of moving forward with Pharmacy WG Focus

Supporting Documents

·  Agenda


Minutes/Conclusions Reached

·  Moving Forward – Pharmacy Products

·  FHIR - Will continue to support the efforts

·  Messages – maintain current messages and will entertain any new or changed requirements brought forward

·  V2 – will continue

·  Pharmacy related content templates – this will become the focus going forward

·  Representation of specific content that would be transport independent

·  Mission and Charter is broad enough so won’t need any changes

·  Will need a project and we will ask Structured Document WG to co-sponsor

·  Compare current medication related CCDA templates and try to harmonize to domain models

·  New requirements – close collaboration with SDWG

·  Use a similar model to the Common Product Model work that was done

·  Topics for SDWG Joint meeting

·  How we work together working forward

·  How we produce content/templates – could we use the FHIR concept for representation

·  Approach for doing the work – need to select one to start with and use it to determine the approach

·  Room Requirements – every quarter Monday to Thursday except joint session with SDWG and Friday Q1 and Q2