Microbiology Laboratory – MCB 2000L Section 76362
Wednesdays 11:15 AM – 1:45 PM –DSCI 241
Fall 2015 (1 credit hour)SYLLABUS
Instructor: John Bacheller
Telephone #:(813) 253-7256
Skype: "bacheller.office"
Office Hours:Room DSCI 211 - (in-person, office telephone, email, course mail/message, Skype)
Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 – 9:30 AM
Monday: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Virtual Office Hours: (email, course mail/message, Skype)
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 – 10:30 AM
Additional Office Hours Available By Appointment – Check with instructor
It is expected that students will complete all on-line assignments PRIOR to the scheduled due dates (see last page of syllabus) – this includes ALL required reading and video assignments. Students who encounter content difficulties should contact the instructor for assistance, preferably before the due date.
Students are strongly encouraged to have a backup plan in case of the failure of their primary computer. Connectivity is the sole responsibility of the student.
College-level reading, and writing skills are required.
MCB-2000 – Microbiology and Human Disease – is a co-requisite to this course.
Course Description
A special fee will be charged for this course.
Course Purpose
Provide background in microbiology to satisfy requirements of two and four year allied health programs. This is a co-requisite course for MCB-2000. All students should be registered for both lecture and lab.
Textbook and Additional Required Resources
There is no required lab manual or textbook for this laboratory course.
LearnSmart Labs Access Code:
This course requires an access code for LearnSmart Labs Microbiology:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Access codes can be purchased at the HCC Dale Mabry Bookstore (check for availability and make sure you purchase the correct code for this section) or directly from the publisher during the registration process (credit card required).
The Access Code ISBN:9780077731830 (REQUIRED)
A 14 day free trial period may be requested during the registration process.
Student attendance in this laboratory course is mandatory. Students who miss a laboratory quiz will receive a grade of zero points for the missed quiz. Students who know that they will miss a laboratory session or have a need to leave prior to the scheduled end of the laboratory period should discuss this with the instructor prior to missing the lab or leaving early. Students who leave the laboratory within the two hours of the laboratory (no return), without the instructor’s prior permission, will receive a grade of zero for participation and any quizzes administered on that date.
The only acceptable record of student attendance in this course is the sign-in roster that is passed around at the beginning of class. It is the responsibility of each student to insure that they put their name on this form. Students who do not put their name on the roster will be marked absent on the official attendance roster for the course.
Instructional Methods
Biological concepts and laboratory techniques will be conveyed to students by assigned laboratory exercise readings, traditional classroom lectures, Socratic discussion, instructor demonstration, online assignments, and individual assistance. Understanding of biological concepts, processes, and techniques, as well as connections between concepts will be emphasized over rote memorization of course material.
Assessment will consist of scheduled lab quizzes, Skill Check (Midterm exam), online assignments, course participation,and an Exit Exam (Final exam). Students will be provided multiple opportunities to earn extra credit points.
Recording and/or Posting of Lecture Materials
Students shall not, without express authorization by the instructor, make or receive any recording, including but not limited to audio and video recordings, of any class, co-curricular meeting, organizational meeting, or meeting with the instructor. In addition,students do not have the instructor’s permission to post class lectures/course materials on the web.
Grading Policy
Final grades will be based on a series of online assignments and quizzes. Final grades will be calculated using the following weightedcategories:
Skill Check = 10%
Quizzes = 20%
Exit Exam = 20%
Online Assignments = 50%
100% of final grade
Scores for all Connect based assignments (LearnSmart Labs, Lab Quizzes, and the Exit Exam) are visible in Connect after the assignment is completed. Scores for all Connect based assignments will be recorded in the Canvas gradebook within 48 hours after the due date passes.
Students receive feedback for the Skill Check exam the lab meeting following the exam.
Students receive feedback during LearnSmart Lab assignments and the Connect reporting system allows students to track their learning progress by Lab or by individual Lab Learning Outcome.
Quizzes will provide students with a score when the assignment is submitted. Students will be allowed to review their answers, see the correct answer, and receive feedback one hour after the scheduled due date and time.
Grading Scale
A 100-90%
B89 - 80%
C79 - 70%
D69 - 60%
F59 - 00%
Testing Policy
Each quiz will assess LearnSmart Lab and other content from in-class lab assignments as indicated on the appropriate lab pages in MyHCC (Canvas). The “Laboratory Schedule”, located at the end of syllabus, lists the content areas covered on each quiz. The Skill Check exam will assess the student’s ability to perform lab tasks presented in class prior to the exam.
Student Tracking of Learning Progress
Students are provided with multiple opportunities to track their learning progress. Connect has a robust reporting system that analyzes student performance data from LearnSmart Lab assignments, Quizzes, and Exit Exam. Students will be provided verbal feedback on their Skill Check performance by the instructor in the class meeting one week after the Skill Check is administered.
Missed Assignment and Make-Up Policy
With the exception of the assignments due the first two weeks of the term, there is an eleven day window in which the student has the opportunity to submit graded online assignments (LearnSmart Labs and Quizzes). Therefore, students cannot make upmissed assignments unless they can provide documentation attesting to sickness or other extenuating circumstances beyond their personal responsibility that have caused them to miss the posted deadlines. The instructor is the sole determinant of the validity of any student make up request.
The eleven day submission window represents a ten day assignment availability period with an extra day added to cover for computer, Connect, and MyHCC issues that may occur during the first ten days of availability. Connectivity, other computer type issues, personal issues, or any other issues that occur within the final (11th) day of online assignment availability are not valid reasons for a “reset” or deadline extension. Students who wait until the final (11th) day to submit assignments risk a grade of zero points for said assignments should they encounter difficulties in submitting them.
To compensate for the no make-up policy, the course gradebook has been set to drop the lowest LearnSmart Lab grade and the lowest Quiz grade for each student. This number of dropped grades may be increased at the instructor’s discretion.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to demonstrate high ethical standards of conduct. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a grade of zero points for the assignment and possibly a grade of F for the course and/or referral to the Dean for formal disciplinary procedures.
As defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary:
Cheating– the act of deceiving or swindling; deception; fraud; to deal with dishonestly for one’s own gain. This includes use of the internet or other resources to answer question on tests and exams.
Plagiarism – to take ideas, writings, etc from another and pass them off as your own.
It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the policies of the college regarding academic integrity and to avoid violating these policies (Please review: HCC Code of Student Conduct).
Paying Back Money
Students who have received financial aid this semester should not drop or withdrawal from this class without first talking with someone in the financial aid department. Dropping or withdrawing may require you to repay the financial aid you received for this class, including all federal and state aid, both grants and loans.This is especially true for Bright Futures and Pell Grant recipients.
Accessing MyHCC
Students may access MyHCC by clicking on the “MyHCC” link at the top of the HCC Homepage or go directly to MyHCC.
Course content on MyHCC
Links to LearnSmart Lab assignments, Quizzes, and Exit Exam
Links to additional content (animations, movies, tutorials)
Course gradebook
Discussion groups
Email/message link to instructor
Technical Support
Students who require technical assistance with MyHCC, the Learning Management System used at HCC must contact the HCC Help Desk at 1-877-736-2575(Monday through Sunday, 9:00 AM –6:00 PM)orgo toHCC Live. Include your full name, the course you are enrolled in and a detailed description of the problem you encountered.
Students who require technical assistance with LearnSmart Labsmust contact the McGraw-Hill Customer Experience Group Support Center. Include your full name, the course you are enrolled in and a detailed description of the problem you encountered. Be sure to get a case number for your issue.
Students who have questions about the course assignments or other questions regarding the course content should contact the instructor.
Have a Backup Plan
Students should have a backup plan for computer failures. Computers are available for use on campus and at public libraries. Most students have friends or relatives with computers that can be used in an emergency. Students should not wait until the last possible moment to complete online assignments.
Student Behavior
It is expected that students will:
- avoid disruptive behavior in the on line environment of the course;
-avoid disrespectful or harassing behavior towards the instructor or other students;
-avoid violations of the HCC Computer Use Policy;
- avoid any other violations of the HCC Code of Student Conduct
Accessibility Statement
The instructor has endeavored to insure course accessible for all students. Students are advised to consult the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, the Canvas Accessibility Resources page, the McGraw-Hill Education Connect Accessibility page, and the Microsoft Accessibility page for alternative means of access to course information and content.
SmarThinking is a 24/7 online tutoring service to students at Hillsborough Community College providing online tutoring and increased access to quality learning tools. Students at the College only have a limited amount of time afforded to them through this service, so please use it judiciously. You will use your HawkNet user id and password to access the tutoring.
Disability Statement
Any student whose disabilities fall within American Disabilities Act (ADA) must inform the instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements for this course. To arrange for special accommodations for individuals with disabilities contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. The office is located in the Student Services Building Room 102 or call 813-259-6035.
McGraw-Hill Connect Registration
This course requires an access code for LearnSmart Labs Microbiology.
Students will register for LearnSmart Labs access the first time they open a LearnSmart lab assignment from within the course section on Canvas (MyHCC). Registration instructions are located on the LS Lab 02(Lab Safety) page and on the Start Here page.
Access codes can be purchased at the Dale Mabry HCC bookstore or can be purchased with a credit card from McGraw-Hill during the registration process.
A 14 day free trial period may be requested during the registration process.
Graded Assignments on Connect (LearnSmart Labs website):
LearnSmartLab Modules – Not timed
Quizzes – Timed assignments that must be completed in one session. Timer does not stop once a test is opened.
Exit Exam – Timed assignments that must be completed in one session. Timer does not stop once the exam is opened.
Connect assignments must be accessed from the links located within the MyHCC course section. Students should not work on these graded assignments directly from the Connect web site as this may result in assignment grades not being transferred to the course grade book.
Important Dates
First Day of ClassesAugust 17
Last Day to Drop/AddAugust 21
Labor Day HolidaySeptember 05-07Holiday – No Classes
All College DaySeptember 29 College Closed -No Classes
Last Day to WithdrawOctober 30
Veterans Day HolidayNovember 11Holiday – No Classes
Thanksgiving HolidayNovember 26-29Holiday – No Classes
Last Day of ClassesDecember 08
Web Browser Notification:
1) <Future link to Canvas browser test
2) Students are advised to turn off their browser “Pop-Up Blocker” while working on online assignments.
Privacy Statement
Students using online formats for study at HCC do so in a respectful, protectedenvironment. However, this learning environment may at times be viewed by faculty(both current and those learning to become online facilitators), Distance Learning staff,and other experts, who are working with us to maintain the highest quality onlinecourses. Please understand that this is not a secure, private environment.
Students are advised to review the Canvas Privacy Statement and the McGraw-Hill Customer Privacy Policy.
Right to Change Syllabus
If necessary, some components of this syllabus may change. However, any such changes will be announced to the students in class. The student is responsible for any and all such announced changes.
Device Compatibility
The Connect (Connect Plus) based content of this course is compatible with PC and Mac computers that meet specific system requirements. Tablet, iPad, and other mobile devices are not currently compatible with all Connect content.
Required Technical Skills
Students who register for a fully-online or hybrid course need to have regular/daily access to a computer. Online students need to be proficient in basic word processing skills, internet searching, sending email communication, and following digital prompts to complete tasks. This course utilizes Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader. Students must have access to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe PDF Reader. Students will also need to have Flash Player and Windows Media Player in order to view the animated and video content in this course.
The minimal technical skills required to successfully interact with the LearnSmart Lab assignments include basic computer navigation skills, clicking on buttons and links, clicking and dragging with the mouse, and the ability to follow digital instructions and prompts to complete a series of tasks.
General Education Outcomes
Successful completion of this course should help the student meet the following HCC general education core outcomes:
1)ability to think critically
2)ability to express themselves clearly in oral and written communication
3)ability to express themselves in quantitative terms
4)appreciation of the scientific method of inquiry and the historical and contemporary impact of science on daily life
5)ability to use technology to access, retrieve, process, and communicate information
Course Intended Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student will be able:
1) To recognize the appropriate application of the scientific method in the microbiology laboratory;
2) To demonstrate skillful and safe use of microbiology laboratory equipment.
3) To demonstrate proficiency with fundamental microbiological methods including lightmicroscopy, culture, as well as morphological and chemical characterization of selectedorganisms;
4) To collect, interpret and communicate quantitative and qualitative data generated in the laboratory;
5) To relate the observations made in the laboratory to the biology of microorganism, especially to disease process and/or diagnosis of disease in humans;
6) To effectively maintain an aseptic working environment.
Alignment of Assignments/Assessments and Course Outcomes
The LearnSmart Lab activity (formative assessment) in most Online Labs will strengthen retention of the concepts associated with the Course Intended Outcomes. For LearnSmart Labs, ALL Course Intended Outcomes for a given Lab are assessed in the LearnSmart Lab assignment for that unit. Students may track their learning progress by individual Labs and topics using the Connect Reporting system.
The writing assignments (formative assessment) in selected labs address specific General Education Outcomes and Course Intended Outcomes. Each writing assignment contains a link to the specific General Education Outcomes and Course Intended Outcomes associated with the assignment.
Each quiz (summative assessment) will assess retention of the concepts associated with each Course Intended and Unit Outcome, and the ability of the student to think critically about these concepts. Course and Lab Learning Outcomes for a given Lab are assessed in the appropriate class quiz assignment. Students may track their learning progress using the Connect Reporting system.
The Extra Credit Discussion Forum assignments (formative assessment) in selected chapters address specific General Education Outcomes. Each discussion forum assignment contains a link to the specific General Education Outcomes associated with the assignment. Please note that the extra credit discussion forum assignments are placed in Lab folders based on due dates and do not necessarily address the Course Intended Outcomes of that lab.
Laboratory Schedule
Assignments open at 12:01 AM on the open date listed on the Connect website.
All online lab assignments are due no later than11:00AM on the listed due date.
All online Quiz assignments are due no later than11:00PM on the listed due date.