NOVEMBER 19, 2009
The regularly scheduled meeting of the DELJIS Board of Managers was held at the Veteran’s Affairs Office, Dover, DE. Mike McDonald called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m. Those in attendance included:
Voting Members Proxies
John Betts JP Court Jason Clark for DTI
Bob Denton JIC Jim Sills
Matt Jamison NCCPD
Deb Lindell DOC
Earl McClosky DOJ
Mike McDonald DSP
Staff/Interested Parties Absent
Peggy Bell DELJIS Bill Nissley PDO
Lynn Gedney DELJIS John Betts Courts
Rodney Layfield DSP/SBI
Chris Kervick CJC
John Potts Newark PD
April Schmitt DSCYF/YRS
Mike Tupman DOJ
Nicole Wilson DELJIS
Minutes from the October 22, 2009 Board of Managers meeting were reviewed. Mr. Guy Sapp made a motion to accept the minutes and was seconded by Capt. John Potts; the committee unanimously approved the minutes.
Ms. Peggy Bell opened the meeting with the access request for the New Castle County Attorney. Mr. Mike Tupman mentioned that when a decision is reached on whether the NCC Attorney is given access; there needs to be a precise written agreement stating what the access abilities will be. The Board deferred the access until next month and requested the NCC Attorney appear.
Dover Downs has also requested to gain access to the CJIS system and this was discussed throughout the members and attending parties. The boundary lines of what the agency will be able to have access to and what they will not is being placed on the December meeting as well. This way there are some more details that can be reviewed prior to giving Dover Downs the additional access that they have requested.
COTS project has been moving along with no issues at this time. Mr. Jim McMilligan, from the National Center of the Courts, had a meeting with DELJIS to discuss the current system used by the JP Courts. Ms. Bell was asked by Mike McDonald to explain Data will start in CJIS, flow to the new COTS system, and then flow back to CJIS real time. Mr. McDonald was concerned about the flow because of disposition reporting with the federal government.
· Planning Committee – there was no new news to be reported.
· Police Complaint Access Committee – Mr. McDonald reported on the importance of using the automated criminal summons. Data is collected and electronically sent to partner agencies. Additionally, two prints are taken to assist in identification.
· Policy and Procedure Committee – Mr. McClosky made a motion to have all constables reapply for access to the CJIS system. It was so moved by Mr. Sapp. In doing this reappraisal for access to CJIS will allow DELJIS Board time for a policy to be drafted to go over all generic access to the non-governmental agencies.
· Automated System Usage Systems – The statistics for the month of October and for the year-to-date numbers were reviewed and the committee agreed that the numbers were looking very good.
· Project Status Report
o Data Clear Up - numbers are attached.
o Prosecution Charging Initiative - Ms. Bell that DELJIS will be redoing this initiative. There are issues with the printing and other things making it difficult to use in the current environment. Vel-Micro will be turning all code over to DELJIS per the contract.
o Validation Project - The vendor is working with the test file for data review and clarity.
o Candle Aisle – This application is pending the install of the new message switcher.
o E-Crash – The last development meeting that took place on November 9th and all parties agreed that new enhancements would be handled at the LEUG Meeting. The program will be operational on December 28th. Any agency needing training should contact DELJIS to secure a seat.
Budget Hearing - Ms. Bell reviewed the Budget Public Hearing that was held on November 10th. DELJIS was praised by The Office of Management and Budget for what we are able to accomplish with the DELJIS surcharge.
The Board discussed what impacts any further budget cuts would have on DELJIS.
Additionally, a special thanks to all the Board members that took time out of their busy schedules to attend the hearing
Having no other business to discuss a motion was made by Captain Potts to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bob Denton. Motion carried.