Teacher: Winders/Buonamia / MATH 67 / GRADE 6 / March 8-12, 2010
UNIT: Unit 7 Understanding Solid Figures
Standards: M6M4: a. Find the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using manipulatives and constructing nets. b. Compute the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using formulae. c. Estimate the surface areas of simple geometric solids. d. Solve application problems involving surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders. M6M3: a. Determine the formula for finding the volume of cones, cylinders, right rectangular prisms and pyramids. b. Compute the volumes of cones, cylinders, right rectangular prisms and pyramids using appropriate units of measure. c. Estimate the volumes of simple geometric solids. d. Solve application problems involving the volume of fundamental solid figures.
Enduring Understandings:  Approximate volumes of simple geometric solids may be found using estimation.  Formulas may be used to determine the volume of fundamental solid figures.  Approximate units of measure should be used when computing the volumes of fundamental solid figures.  Approximate surface area of simple geometric solids may be found using estimation.  Manipulatives and the construction of nets may be used in computing the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders.  Formulas may be used to compute the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders.  Volumes of right prisms and pyramids may be compared and contrasted.  Volumes of cylinders and cones may be compared and contrasted.  Various views of solid figures may be interpreted and sketched to provide a 2 dimensional representation of a three dimensional figure.  Nets for prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones may be constructed.
UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can I construct nets for prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones? How can I interpret and sketch various views of solid figures? What kinds of problems can be solved using surface areas of right rectangular prisms and cylinders? How can I use formulas to compute the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders?
LESSON EQ: Can you identify the difference between area of a square and volume of a cube? / LESSON EQ: Can you identify the difference between area of a square and volume of a cube? / LESSON EQ: How can you find the volume of a cube with only one dimension? Volume of a right rectangular prism with two dimensions? / LESSON EQ: What is the relationship between a cone and a cylinder with one congruent base? / LESSON EQ: What is the relationship between a pyramid and a prism with one congruent base?
Warm-up: Find the surface area of a cylinder and convert units. / WARM-UP & OPENING: Question: Why did the cube cross the road to the third dimension?
Answer: The second dimension was too square.
Warm-up: Holt Course 1 Exploration 10-H / WARM-UP & OPENING: Warm-up: / WARM-UP & OPENING: Warm-up: Volume of Rectangular prism and Volume of Cylinder / WARM-UP & OPENING: Warm-up: Find volume of cylinder, find volume of cone with congruent base.
Explore volume of cubes. Find surface area of square. Multiple surface areas stacked upon each other creates a cube. Add the surface areas to find volume. Volume of cube=(surface area of base)(how many stacked or height of cube)= L x W x H / WORK SESSION: Explore volume of cones/rectangular pyramids. Students discover how many cones are inside 1 cylinder with congruent base-fill with rice. Find volume of a cylinder, divide by an appropriate number to find volume of the cone. Derive Formula. / WORK SESSION: Formative Assessment: Quiz over Surface Area and Volume. / WORK SESSION: “The Trouble with Tribbles” Exploration of the connection between measurement and volume. / WORK SESSION: Three Little Pig Builders culminating task. Students will discover the fair-market value of each house in correlation with its volume.
CLOSING: Boxing Bracelets Task DUE THURSDAY! / CLOSING. HW: Worktext p.354 / CLOSING: Early release Boxing Bracelets Task DUE THURSDAY! / CLOSING: HW: Tic, Tac, Toe handout. / CLOSING: Review of the formulas for volume that we have learned thus far.