UAUA Board Meeting 15 April 2017
The first meeting of the newly elected UAUS Board was held via Zoom at 14:00 CST.
In attendance: Pio Park (Elected-President); Rick Lyon (Incumbent Vice-President); Janie Whinery (Elected Treasurer); Will Sherwood (Outgoing-President) and Bruce Brown (Outgoing-Treasurer);
Excused: Joanne Strobel (Incumbent-Secretary)
The meeting was called to order by Pio Park and quorum verified. Pio volunteered to act as Secretary for the meeting;
Bruce: Will coordinate the transfer of account and dual signatory for the existing bank account with Bank of America to transfer signature cards and ATM card(s) to Pio and Janie. Existing checks will be retained since address on the check is not relevant except the signatories;
Janie: Requested list of local association to determine “members in good standing” and catch up with the local association due payments. Pio: Mentioned his local Washington State Urantia Association, dues as case in point. Will: Mentioned that Joanne Strobel had the most recent list gathered, including active and inactive local associations, as a result of the most current election.
Rick: On Pio’s question on CLP meeting (i.e. Kansas August meeting) stated 50% of attendees of the Council of Local Presidents (CLP) (current with dues paid) will set quorum. Further due to the location of the Kansas solstice location for the Scientific Urantia conference; we will determine whether CLP members who are not available to physically attend can participate via Zoom;
Will and Bruce: Minutes of the meeting on UAUS letterhead is needed for Bruce Brown (Outgoing Treasurer) to set up and coordinate the transfer of account to Pio and Janie;
Rick: Brought up filling various Chairs for the UAUS for the following Committees: Conference Committee; Membership Committee (currently by Dan Casko – since his GLMUA President obligations need a replacement); Education Committee; Publication Committee (aka Web Chair currently Chaired by Scott Brooks); Additional standing Committees that may be established by voting members of UAUS; and Ad hoc Committee (as needed temporary committee e.g. for fund raising etc.);
Will Sherwood: stated he’s been issuing quarterly UAUS newsletter with updates from UAI news letter; and since it’s just updating updates from UAI and Foundation’s newsletter feel it’s redundant; the voting members concurred;
Pio: Asked for the current approximate balance of the UAUS account: Bruce and Will stated the balance is approximately $36,865.89; Pio asked about the budget for President and VP travels – Restricted amount of $800; $25,000 donated and restricted for Conferences advance (to be repaid by the conference association); and Restricted $5,000 for various scholarships and conference attendees; Pio mentioned importance of Fund Raising to replenish this meager budget;
Pio: Asked where the minutes are filed; UrantiaUSA.com is where minutes are filed according to Will; Rick mentioned 2015 approved minutes are uploaded and the 2016 minutes need to be uploaded. Rick has a copy of those minutes;
Rick: Mentioned importance of updating local association membership dues; Janie will be provided with the list to follow up; and importance of periodic UAUS board meeting;
Pio: Motion was made that UAUS Board meetings to be held quarterly (with this one being the Q1) and subsequent meetings to be last weekend of the Quarter ending (next one on June 24th) via Zoom and official time to be CST Chicago/Indiana time of 14:00 (2pm); Motion passed unanimously;
Rick: Brought up the Committee Chairs again; Pio volunteered to email Suzanne Kelly to ask her volunteer service to Chair one of the pertinent Committees;
Pio: Inquired about upcoming conferences; May 5-6 S.E. Alabama Conference (Mark Kurtz); July Denver, CO International Conference (Fellowship); and August 21st Scientific conference in Kansas City;
Rick: 2017 CLP Annual meeting and method to be discussed with past Presidents of UAUS on April 29th joint Zoom meeting; the last CLP was held at the Joint Fellowship/UAUS San Antonio, Texas;
@ 12:03: Ed and Susan Owens (UAI and IC Secretary); David Linthicum (former UAUS President) joined the Zoom Meeting;
Susan: Commented on the activities of the South America Urantia movement; Andre Ramirez of Bogota; Antonio Schafer (European Coordinator) activities to promote Urantia in S.A.; Wilson Léon-Colombia Leadership meetings weekly for four months in 2016 culminating in 30 leaders participating; and resulting in Costa Rica applying for Association status with ISB-RC; ZOOM is a powerful tool!
Janie: mentioned Jamie of Houston, Texas who has been actively promoting Mexico readers;
Susan: Jamie Vasquez of Uruguay had 50 attendees participating for promoting Teachers and Spiritual Development;
@ 12:30pm Pio asking any further comments or questions; having none adjourned the meeting.
Submitted by: Pio Y. Park, President UAUS
For Joanne Strobel, Secretary, UAUS