Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Map
Grade 3
Unit 4– (November/December) approx--5-6 weeks
(Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness)Themes & Enduring Understandings / Standards / Essential Questions / Content/Terms/
Skills / Assessment
*Individuals, Groups, Institutions- A person’s actions or a group’s actions can affect others. Those actions, whether purposeful or unintended, have consequences. Those consequences may be good or bad.
*Beliefs and Ideals- A society is where people work and live. A society has ideas and beliefs that affect the people, the government, and the money decisions within the society.
*Location- Where people live determines who is a part of their society, what jobs are available, and what opportunities they have.
*Production, Distribution, Consumption- Where people live determines what products and services are available to them. The people’s way of life determines what goods or services they want or need. / SS3H2a, b
SS3G2a, b, c, d, e
SS3E3a, b, d
SS3E4 / Broad
- Who is Frederick Douglass?
- Who is Susan B. Anthony?
- Who is Mary McLeod Bethune?
- What do the following character traits mean: diligence, justice?
- What rights do all Americans have?
- What happened in Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and Mary McLeod Bethune’s life? (timeline)
- Where and when did Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and Mary McLeod Bethune live?
- Where are the Mississippi, Ohio, Hudson, Colorado, and Rio GrandeRivers located?
- How are mountains, rivers, states, boundaries, etc…shown on a political map?
- What is a consumer?
- What is a producer?
- What is the price of a good or service?
- Review: what is currency?
- What is the difference between spending and saving?
- How did Frederick Douglass work for civil rights?
- How did Susan B. Anthony work for women’s rights?
- How did Mary McLeod Bethune change education in the US?
- How can we show the following character traits: cooperation, diligence, liberty, justice, tolerance, freedom of conscience and expression, respect for and acceptance of authority?
- How are civil, women’s, and educational rights different in other parts of the world?
- How did the lives and actions of Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and Mary McLeod Bethune’s life affect the lives and actions of others? How did they change the US?
- How did the culture of the location and time of the lives of Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and Mary McLeod Bethune affect them and what impact did it have on their cultural identification?
- Where are sources and mouths of the Mississippi, Ohio, Hudson, Colorado, and Rio GrandeRivers?
- How does the region in which a person lives affect their life? (mountains, coast, desert, river, ocean, plains, etc…)
- How are producers and consumers related?
- How are prices determined?
- How do prices affect demand?
- How do countries choose what they want to use for currency?
- What opportunity costs come with spending/saving?
- What benefits can you receive from spending/saving?
- How do you decide whether to spend or save?
- Frederick Douglass
- Susan B. Anthony
- Mary McLeod Bethune
- Rights
- Civil rights
- Women’s rights
- Education
- Diligence
- Justice
- Timeline
- Mississippi River
- Colorado River
- Ohio River
- Rio GrandeRiver
- Hudson River
- Political Map
- Boundaries
- Mountain Ranges (Rocky and Appalachian)
- Consumer
- Producer
- Price
- Marketplace
- Currency
- Spending
- Saving
- Choices
- Costs
- Benefits
- Write a paragraph from the perspective of Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, or Mary McLeod Bethune.
- Write an informational report (for writing folders) on Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, or Mary McLeod Bethune.
- Describe what the following rights mean for US citizens: civil rights, women’s rights, and education rights.
- Construct timelines about the lives of Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and Mary McLeod Bethune
- Students pick a character trait and try to demonstrate it for a period of time. Grade with rubric.
- Students will locate the rivers and mountain ranges on a map or globe
- Students will identify features of a political map
- Use stories or scenarios about spending choices and let students justify which choice they would choose (cost and benefit)
- Students should be able to describe how producers and consumers affect price of goods and services
- Students construct a description wheel (SS teacher’s guide p. 137) about making choices
- Students can act out the jacket vs. cd scenario in the SS text or write the main character a letter about why she made her choice
Balanced Literature Connection:
Shared reading - Biography big books that accompany the text
Writing Workshop –students write a letter to the main character in the jacket vs. cd story in the Social Studies textbook
Read Aloud- The Bunny Budget (p. 123F SS teacher’s guide)
- Max Malone Makes a Million by Charlotte Herman
- Owen Foote: Money Man by Stephanie Greene
- The Civil Rights Freedom Train by Bentley Boyd
- My Dream of Martin Luther King by Faith Ringgold
- If you Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King by Ellen Levine and Beth Peck
- A Dream of Freedom by Diane McWhorter
- My Map Book by Sara Fanelli
- House Mouse Senate Mouse (series) Peter Barnes and Cheryl Shaw Barnes