Simulation Parameters

When you send me your method section, please put your anticipated results in a section at the end of the document. Call that section SIMULATION PARAMETERS.

If you are going to be doing acorrelation/regression analysis, please format your presentation of the parameters as illustrated below. You replace the values in green below with the values you wish to specify.

N = 800;This is the total sample size.

R = .38;This is value of rho in the population.

MX = 4.35;This is the mean on the X variable.

SDX = 1.33;This is the standard deviation on the X variable.

SDY = .933;This is the standard deviation on the Y variable.

Intercept=5;This is the intercept for predicting Y from X.

MIN_X =1;This is the minimum possible value of X.

MAX_X =7;This is the maximum possible value of X.

MIN_Y =4;This is the minimum possible value of Y.

MAX_Y=40;This is the maximum possible value of Y.

When I send you your data file, it will be formatted this way: Each line will contain data for one subject. The first score will be on the X variable, then there will be a blank space, and then there will be the score on the Y variable.

If you are going to be doing at test or an ANOVA, please give me for each group (identified as group 1, group 2, et cetera) parameters formatted as below. You replace the values in green below with the values you wish to specify.


n = 783;This is number of scores in the group.

MY = 4.35;This is the mean on the Y variable in that group.

SDY = .933;This is the standard deviation on the Y variable in that group.

MIN_Y =1;This is the minimum possible value of Y.

MAX_Y =7;This is the maximum possible value of Y.


Et cetera.

When I send you your data file, it will be formatted this way: Each line will contain data for one subject. The first score will be the group number, then there will be a blank space, and then there will be the score on the criterion variable.

If you are going to be doing a contingency table analysis, please give me parameters formatted as below. You replace the values in green below with the values you wish to specify.

N = 800;This is the total sample size.

X1Y1 =15;Percentage of total population that is in category 1 on the X variable and category 1 on the Y variable.

X1Y2 =45;Percentage of total population that is in category 1 on the X variable and category 2 on the Y variable.

X2Y1 =30;Percentage of total population that is in category 2 on the X variable and category 1 on the Y variable.

X2Y2 =10;Percentage of total population that is in category 2 on the X variable and category 2 on the Y variable.

Of course, you will need more than four cell percentages if you have more than 2 levels of your X and or your Y variable.

When I send you your data file, it will be formatted this way:Each line will have data for one subject. The first score on each line is the level of the X categorical variable and the second score on each line is the level of the Y categorical variable.