Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Monday 10/16
Witches—Monty Python, Salem Research article
Introduce Essay
List and explain characteristics of a witch trial / McCarthyism, Witch Hunts—NewsELA articles
Work on Essay
Explain difference trial and hunt; apply using McCarthy case / “Witch Hunts”
News articles about “Witch Hunts”
Work on Essay
Explain and identify blame deflection. / Complete and review Essay Summary page.
Draft --Chrome books?
Homework—complete the essay. / Debrief
NewsELA on some related topic.
Turn in essay Tuesday! 10/17

Essay Writing -- Witch Hunts

What is a witch hunt? When we speak of witch hunts today, do we mean the kind of events that occurred in Salem, MA in 1692? Drawing on several of the cases we have examined, define what a witch hunt is, and explain some of the main or important reasons you think they occur. Be sure to illustrate your points with examples.

Green—Main Point (What witch trials, witch hunts and “witch hunts” are, and how people use the terms now)

Yellow—Case (Salem)

Red Explanation (give the details of the case as necessary to support your point)

Yellow—Case (McCarthy)

Red Explanation(give the details of the case as necessary to support your point)

Yellow—Case (Your Extra Case)

Red Explanation(give the details of the case as necessary to support your point)


Web Sites that will help with background on early Witch Trials in America (the colonies)…


Connecticut Witch Trials

What you should know after reading this material—

  1. When the Salem trials were, how long they lasted, etc.
  2. Names of some of the prominent individuals (and their roles) in the Salem episode.
  3. The Salemites’ explanation for what was happening (the witchcraft); contemporary alternative explanations.
  4. How the process of the trial worked, in a general way, and whether the people of Salem would have thought the process a fair one.

What you should be able to do…

Explain the nature of the witch trial process, as we understand it today.


Read NewsELA articles on McCarthy.

Complete the annotation questions (in the NewsELA article) about difference between Witch Trial and Hunt

What you should know after reading this material—

Who McCarthy was, and who he was “after”. If it wasn’t witches, why we call it a witch hunt.

What you should be able to do—

Explain the characteristics of a witch hunt, and compare it to witch trials.


Read Other “witch hunt” cases--NewsELA…or google news. Complete comprehension work.

What you should know after reading this material—

The characteristics of a “witch hunt”; what blame deflection is.

What you should be able to do—

Compare cases and identify witch trials, witch hunts and “witch hunts.”


Review Essay outline and structure

Draft Essay

Cases Summary Chart

Case / Salem / McCarthy
Unexplained Event
Target of Blame
Person Blaming
Why the blaming?
Witch Hunt?
Yes or No

Scoring Rubric Exceptional (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Work(1)

Answers the basic question; uses a good definition of witch hunt
Uses adequate example & detail (from cases)
Is organized in a coherent and interesting way
Uses writing conventions well
Is written in fluid & clear style