Please review the Call for Applications carefully before completing this form in full. If space is insufficient, please expand the form as necessary.
Principal’s Development Fund International Visitors Program 2017/18
Category 3: Queen’s Visitors to Partner Institutions of the Matariki Network of Universities
This Program supports initiatives that build new collaborations and broaden Queen’s partnerships with partner institutions of the Matariki Network of Universities (listed below). The Program provides seed funding to help initiate a research, academic, or administrative collaboration, or a “bench-marking” study. On-going projects and direct costs of research are not eligible.
Member Institutions of the Matariki Network of Universities:
Australia: University of Western Australia, Perth
Canada: Queen’s University, Kingston
Germany: Tübingen University
New Zealand: University of Otago, Dunedin
Sweden: Uppsala University
UK: Durham University
USA: Dartmouth College, Hanover
Applications for subsidies of up to $3,000 to assist Queen’s faculty and staff to travel to these partner institutions are due in the Dean’s Office of the relevant Faculty or School by April 21, 2017. Applications will be reviewed by the Dean and then forwarded to the Office of the Associate Vice-Principal (International) for final review. Funding decisions will be announced at the end of June 2017.
APPLICANTName of Applicant: / Application Date:
Department Address(s):
Faculty/School Address:
Name of Administrative Assistant to primary applicant
Phone (admin assistant)
Email (admin assistant)
Institutional Partner:
Academic/Administrative Unit:
Contact Person:
Proposed Arrival Date:
Duration of Visit:
Please outline clearly the nature and goals of the proposed visit and indicate how the visit will enhance the partnership between Queen’s and the host institution in research, teaching and/or administration. (Expand space and/or attach additional pages as necessary.) After the completion of the visit, each Queen’s faculty will be required to submit a one-page summary of the visit and its outcomes.
PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE VISITAllowable expenses for visitors may include: lowest economy return airfare; accommodation and meals not to exceed those specified in Queen’s travel policy and subsistence guidelines. Direct costs of research are not eligible. All unused funds must be returned.
To cover the full cost of the visit, additional funds from other sources may be required. A plan for obtaining such funds should be included.
Travel cost: / $
Specify mode of travel (if by automobile, approx. total km):
Accommodation: / $
Cost per night: / $
Approximate total cost for duration of visit:
Meals: / $
Breakfast: / $
Lunch: / $
Dinner: / $
Total cost for duration of visit:
Total budget for visit: / $
Funds from other sources (give details): / $
Funds requested from PDF Category 3 (this application): / $