Strategy 1: Develop and implement a curriculum that includes data driven, relevant and technologyenabled learning opportunities in collaboration with community and business to produce college and career-ready students.

Specific Result: 21st Century Skills – Enrich students with 21st Century Skills to become learners in a college and career ready


Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Evaluate and implement K-12 scheduling options to ensure adequate opportunities to cover depth and breadth of learning and to integrate interdisciplinary cross-curricular subjects.
/ Building Admin
Academic Office / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Students will participate in Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) as evidenced in student-centered teacher plans and administrative walk through data across all K-12 learning environments.
/ Building Admin
Academic Office
Teachers / X / X / X / X / X
  1. All students will exhibit creativity, communication, and collaboration across all K-12 learning environments, and will be evaluated through rubrics and other assessment tools.
/ Building Admin
Academic Office
Teachers / X / X / X

Strategy 1: Develop and implement a curriculum that includes data driven, relevant and technologyenabled learning opportunities in collaboration with community and business to produce college and career-ready students.

Specific Result: Technology – Embed and use technology for appropriate, purposeful, and innovative teaching, learning and assessment.

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
1. Create a BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” program that sets requirements of devices to be supported including software & hardware to be properly integrated in the Aurora District wireless network. / Academic Director
Technology Director
Principals / X
2.Revise and update the security policies and communicate to all parents the students’ rights and responsibilities in meeting the BYOD program requirements for the school year. / Academic Director
Technology Director
Teachers / X / X
3.Infuse a Digital Citizenship Plan in all grade levels to increase awareness and knowledge of digital and social media environments including safety issues and digital footprints. / Academic Director
Technology Director
Teachers / X / X / X / X / X
4. Increase teacher integration of technologies and media into their learning environments. Empower educators to connect with other professionals in social spaces and develop a professional learning network for their own growth. / Superintendent
Technology Director
Teachers / X / X / X / X / X
5. Develop a plan to increase the use of cloud-based storage for school related documents and products by staff and students. / Technology Director / X / X

Strategy 1: Develop and implement a curriculum that includes data driven, relevant and technologyenabled learning opportunities in collaboration with community and business to produce college and career-ready students.

Specific Result:Professional Development – Provide professional development opportunities including technology, curriculum, instructional strategies, and the use of assessment (data) tools.

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Create professional development programs for teachers that focus on enhancing 21st Century skills, inquiry skills, and interdisciplinary themes.
/ Curriculum Director, Building Principals / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Establish district-wide technology standards for teachers and administrators to determine and provide the level of professional development needed for the educators to achieve at least the minimum competency in technology skills.
/ Superintendent, Technology Director / X
  1. Reorganize district personnel to create the financial resources to establish an Elementary Literacy Coach to provide professional learning and support for the English/Language Arts teachers.
/ Superintendent, Curriculum Director / X
  1. Increase and restructure Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting time. (Early Release Days, Scheduled PD Days, Summer Teacher Academy)
/ Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Building Principals / X
  1. Adopt a comprehensive assessment tool and management system (Instructional Information system-IIS) and provide professional development so teachers are able to examine longitudinal student assessment data.
/ Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Technology Director / X

Strategy 1: Develop and implement a curriculum that includes data driven, relevant and technologyenabled learning opportunities in collaboration with community and business to produce college and career-ready students.

Specific Result: Global Awareness – Develop opportunities for all students to expand global awareness and community connections through a variety of avenues.

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Research, develop and implement a community connections program as a graduation requirement for high school.(such as service, non-profit, volunteer work w/an organization)
/ Guidance Counselors
HS Admin Team
Academic Office / X
  1. Create a community outreach plan for each building that will foster a greater appreciation for other individuals within the community.
/ Principals
Assistant Superintendent
Teachers / X
  1. Expand Global Language opportunities (K-12) through district-provided electronic media.
/ Guidance
Admin Team
Academic Office / X
  1. Using the K-12 technology standards for students, incorporate an interactive learning experience with other cultures.
/ Academic Office
Technology Integration Team
Building Admin
Lead Teachers / X / X / X / X / X

Strategy 1: Develop and implement a curriculum that includes data driven, relevant and technologyenabled learning opportunities in collaboration with community and business to produce college and career-ready students.

Specific Result: Education Across Continuum of Learners – Provide flexibility within the curriculum to ensure opportunities for enrichment, extension and remediation across the continuum of learners.

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Investigate the concept of building a flexible period or time during the day to offer intervention, enrichment, or content extension in order to meet student needs.
/ Building Administrators
Director of Special Education / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Design a profile (i.e., checklist, narrative) for each student to transition through grade levels and buildings, that would include learning styles, strengths & weaknesses, behaviors, and performance to be included in the Instructional Information System (IIS).
/ Technology Director
Building Administrators
School Psychologist / X / X / X
  1. Provide options, strategies and tools to support teachers in using different teaching styles and instructional modalities to enhance learning and the flexibility to assess students in multiple ways.
/ Director of Special Education
Gifted Coordinator
Academic Office
Building Principals / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Create opportunities (an elective class, extracurricular club, classroom speakers) where a variety of community members, business representatives, professionals, etc. could discuss their careers and provide information with regard to the responsibilities, skills and required education.
/ Building Principals
Counselors / X / X / X / X / X

Strategy 2: Develop and implement comprehensive and consistent plans to promote effective communication within the school district as well as with the greater community.

Specific Results: To investigate strategies to promote communication between parent and non-parent community members and the ACSD

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. To investigate the changes to the district’s current web page to make it more useful, organized, relevant and easier to navigate.*
/ District committee, PR Director , Admin member, IT / X / X
  1. To create methods to communicate with senior citizens and non-parents about events, achievements and services.
/ Superintendent
Communications Committee
Admin Team / X
  1. To build a community as well as parent e-mail list through a link on the website that allows for communication for events and services.

  1. To examine the use of other social media’s such as Facebook, Twitter, mobile apps and texting.
/ IT
Admin Team / X / X
  1. To enhance media connections to promote school activities.
/ PR Director / X
  1. To develop partnerships with community businesses.
/ Superintendent/Principals/Business Manager /

*Link page to the City web page/Rec. Dept. web page

Specific Results: To enhance communication of transitions between building to building and from other school districts to ACSD.

Action Step / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
1. Improve communication between teachers and parents to articulate curricular academic & procedural expectations. / Principals
Grade Level Chairs / X / X / X / X / X
2.To improve the level of comfort among parents, students and teachers regarding the building and grade level changes / Principals
Grade Level Chairs / X / X / X / X / X
3. To investigate ways to make the student transition between buildings more successful. / Principals
Grade Level Chairs / X / X / X / X / X
4. To explore ways to help new families to transition to ACSD no matter when they move in to the district. / PTO
Principals / X / X / X / X / X

Strategy 3: Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to insure safe, effective and efficient use of facilities and resources available to students, staff and the community.

Specific Result: District facilities (including outside spaces) will be safe and secure for all students, staff, parents, community, and outside users.

Action Plans / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Review district Crisis Plan, adjusting as needed to keep current with all laws and board policies and examine trends in school safety.
/ SRO Supt.; Bus. Mgr.;; Admin Team / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Include professional development & training procedures for implementing and communicating any changes to the crisis plan.
/ Supt.; Dir. of Bus. Affairs; SRO; Admin Team / X / X / X / X / X

3.Develop a protocol for facility use requests that is accessible on-line, transparent, and paperless in terms of the process & procedure.

/ AD; IT Dept.; Admin Team / X / X

4.Provide all users of school facilities (including grounds) with pertinent emergency information as part of the confirmation process. (i.e. Emergency contact information and procedures.)

/ Bus. Mgr.; AD; Head Custodians; SRO / X
  1. Review playground security at elementary and middle school buildings, providing appropriate communication tools for staff and volunteers both to/from the building.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Building Principals; Head Custodians; Paraprofessionals / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Review the pedestrian road crossing at Aurora-Hudson Road.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Aurora PD; Safe Rt. To Schools Committee / X
  1. Review parent (car) pick-up procedures at all buildings during dismissal.
/ Building Principals; SRO; Bus. Mgr. / X / X / X
  1. Examine parking and safety issues related to after school middle school athletic events at the Leighton Field prior to the elementary dismissal.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Supt.; AD; SRO / X / X / X
  1. Examine handicap parking availability at Aurora High School’s West (Student Lot) and North Ticket Entrance (Stadium).
/ AD; Bus. Mgr. / X
  1. Provide required training opportunities for all school personnel in defibrillator, CPR and other necessary first aide measures. (Include in employment/hiring process.)
/ Building Principals; School Nurse; Safety Committee / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Review safety procedures for elections (voting) at school buildings and adjust as necessary.
/ Building Principals; Safety Committee / X / X
  1. Review safety procedures with local fire and police (safety) officials annually.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Police & Fire Officials / X / X / X / X / X

Specific Result: District Facilities and Equipment will be maintained to maximize Energy Conservation & Employ Preventative Maintenance strategies.

Action Plans / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Explore and examine all possible energy savings measures, from outside vendors to behavior modification.
/ Bus. Mgr.; EES (Partnered with EEI and hired EES in 2012) / X
  1. Efficient use of space will be ensured by an on-line facility use request process and procedure.
/ AD; Bus. Mgr.; IT Dept. / X / X
  1. Efforts will be made to communicate appropriate upfront costs to outside users in order to establish a means of recovering operational expenses.
/ AD; Bus. Mgr.; / X / X
  1. Strive for a reduction in energy consumption and efficiency standards (i.e. Energy Star Rating) at each school building.
/ Bus. Mgr.; EES / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Maintain a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan for the district’s capital assets inventory. (i.e. Equipment, flooring, roofing, etc.)
/ Bus. Mgr. / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Provide appropriate resources to properly maintain equipment and capital assets.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Building Principals; AD / X / X / X / X / X

Specific Result: District facilities and usage will be sustained to accommodate both inside needs (enrollment) and outside users.

Action Plans / Assigned To: / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17
  1. Analyze the use of personnel to ensure efficiency in district operations
/ Supt.; Bus. Mgr.; / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Establish a joint committee between the schools and the city to promote the shared use of and need for additional recreational or multipurpose space.
/ AD; Bus. Mgr. / X
  1. Establish a steering committee to oversee the recreation and travel team usage of competition and practice space.
/ AD; Bus. Mgr. / X
  1. Provide an on-line application, submittal and confirmation process for facility use requests.
/ AD; IT Dept. / X
  1. Examine the feasibility of a district-wide wireless access system for students & staff, as well as other personnel & guests.
/ Supt.; IT Dept. / X
  1. Analyze transportation services to ensure efficiency within the department
/ Bus. Mgr. / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Provide appropriate resources to properly maintain the exterior of buildings and grounds.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Building Principals / X / X / X / X / X
  1. Examine the feasibility of improving the parking and spectator viewing areas at the Leighton Field.
/ Supt.; Bus. Mgr.; AD / X / X
  1. Explore the feasibility of adding outdoor restrooms and drinking fountains for community use on school owned property. (i.e. AHS/HMS practice fields & Leighton field).
/ Joint Committee (#2 above) / X / X
  1. Examine the possibility of a district-wide recycling program to reduce waste and promote awareness and solicit parental/community involvement.
/ Bus. Mgr.; Building Principals; Food Service; Paraprofessionals / X