2016 Personal Kiatsu® Workshop Seminar No.5, Year 2

with Calvin Tabata Sensei

Brighton Ki Centre -

Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th September 2016

** Please return booking forms as soon as possible **

Option 1 (Page 2)

Email booking info and pay fees direct into the BKS bank account.

Option 2 (Page 3)

Print and send this booking form by post and pay fee due by cheque or pay fees direct into the BKS bank account.

Option 1 - Email Booking Form

Please amend the BOOKING FORM text below, add your Name, Dojo and delete the classes/meals you are NOT taking and include the total amount you have paid into the Brighton Ki Society Bank Account. Cut paste your amended text into an email and send to:

with the subject: Seminar Booking ( {Your Name} )

Pay the total amount due into the Brighton Ki Society Events Account:

Sort Code: 12-12-68

Account Number: 10019964

Use Your Name as the Reference.

------CUT & PASTE TEXT ------

KIATSU BOOKING FORM - Sat/Sun 10th/11th Sept 2016



Please copy and paste one option from below.

1 - One Day Personal Kiatsu® Workshop. Sat 10th Sept.

Open to all Dojo Instructors and Personal Kiatsu students.

(Includes lunch) £50.00

--- OR ---

2 - Two Day Personal Kiatsu® Workshop. Sat 10th/Sun 11th Sept.

Open to Personal Kiatsu students only.

(Includes lunch on both days) £100.00

Lunch Choice: Regular, Vegetarian, Vegan, Other please specify

Saturday evening Graduation Dinner.

YES - I would like to attend the dinner.

NO - I will not be attending the dinner.


------CUT & PASTE TEXT ------

Option 2 - Print and Post Booking Form

Contact information

Name: ______

Dojo (if applicable): ______

Contact Tel or Email: ______

Personal Kiatsu workshop No. 5 ** Please select one option below.
S 1 Day Personal Kiatsu® Workshop. Sat 10th Sept.
(Includes lunch)
** Open to all Dojo Instructors and Personal Kiatsu students. / £50.00
--- OR ---
S 2 Day Personal Kiatsu® Workshop. Sat 10th & Sun 11th Sept.
(Includes lunch on both days)
** Open to Personal Kiatsu students only. / £100.00

Please indicate meal preference

S Regular

S Vegetarian

S Vegan

S Other please specify:______

Saturday evening Graduation Dinner.

We will be having a Graduation Dinner on the Saturday evening with Tabata Sensei and Copperman Sensei. The restaurant and costs will be announced nearer to the event. To help get an indication of numbers please indicate if you would like to attend the evening dinner.

S YES I would like to attend the Dinner. S NO I will not be attending the Dinner.

Post booking slip to:
Brighton Ki Society c/o, 31 Clifton Street, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 3PG.
S Include cheque made payable to: Brighton Ki Society Events.
--- OR ---
S Pay direct to Brighton Ki Society Events Account (Use your name as Reference)
Sort Code: 12-12-68
Account Number: 10019964

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