[Zhejiang SCI-TECH University]
[December 10, 2015]


[Research and Realization of Real - time and Fast Cargo Transportation System Based on Mobile Terminal Technology]

I. Summary 2

II. Introduction 2

III. Needs/Problems 3

IV. Goals/Objectives 3

V. Procedures/Scope of Work 4

VI. Timetable 5

VII. Budget 5

VIII. Key Personnel 6

IX. Evaluation 6

X. Endorsements 6

1.  Summary

In today's society, people rely on customers to contact their own freight companies, courier companies or freight drivers of the traditional freight way time-consuming, but also many drivers missed a lot of cargo opportunities, a lot of time spent waiting for the owner above. With the widespread use of smart phones and the rapid development of mobile technology, research based on Andoid and IOS two cargo transport system is the integration of mobile technology into the freight industry innovation projects. The project will be based on "one platform, two subsystems, three service models" integrated cargo transportation solutions. "A platform", that is, an integrated web-and mobile-side cargo transport management platform. "Two subsystems", that is, according to the different service objects, the formation of service systems and operating support of the two subsystems. "Three service models", one for the owner to provide now with the goods, payment and other services, the second is for the owners to provide customers with choice, order management and navigation services, the third is for operators to provide operational and supervisory performance services. The study of the project will open a new pattern for the delivery of goods.

2.  Introduction

The results of the survey, at this stage of the way people are relying on freight transport customers to contact the freight company, courier companies or freight drivers. Ordinary logistics way cumbersome, especially short-term small amount of cargo delivery, if you express company or freight company, the cost is very high, the long time of transport of goods, and direct transport compared to no advantage at all.
In this Uber (excellent step), the number one car software popular taxi, the way people travel more and more diversified, private car owners have also found a way to make money during their leisure time. However, this is only in the passenger side, in terms of cargo such software is a blank, so the development of a software to provide efficient cargo transportation services is necessary and has market prospects.

3.  Needs/Problems

The project team members are college students, are computer-related professional, with web-and mobile-side development capabilities. Some members of the project team won the first prize of service outsourcing in Zhejiang Province, the second prize of China University Students Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Group, and have in-depth understanding of project organization and management, development process and post-maintenance, and have some actual development capability .
There is a risk in developing this project. Project design may be loopholes in the actual development process, may be designed by the software function is not comprehensive, cumbersome operation, online banking consumer safety can not be guaranteed. Therefore, we take technical staff training, seek professional guidance, pre-do adequate research activities and improve the function of the software modules to avoid risks. Project Management Possible Risks: Failure to plan in advance due to schedule not being completed as expected. Our strategy is to develop a management plan in advance, prepare the project plan, and define the organization and tasks. Market competition risk: After research and publicity can not achieve the desired results, the market than we have designed better software. Therefore, we optimize the system design for the corresponding problems, make the system more humane, increase software propaganda.

4.  Goals/Objectives

1. Improve the system module, fully meet customer needs
The project team aims to design and develop a sound cargo system: software operators to provide software background information management services for the majority of cargo owners to provide the service requested for the private car or truck drivers to receive orders for cargo services. System to achieve the same city delivery, support route query, near the vehicle query, and other business systems and applications to connect and interface functions, as much as possible to improve customer needs.
2. Improve system performance, in line with local habits
System uses the concept of customer-oriented service, learn from the drop of cars, gifted, and other successful experience of the software to facilitate the rapid way to attract customers around the country to use. Combined with China 's cultural habits, interface design more human and rational, re - integration of business processes, optimize the distribution of resources. The system provides local use habits, such as the choice of payment (online banking, Paypal), anytime, anywhere to view the order information.
3. A variety of ways of cooperation, a full range of management models
The project supports the cooperation between the operators and the carriers to realize the timely information sharing, the correct capital flow, the accurate error feedback, and provide the guarantee for the long-term cooperation and the operation of the enterprise itself. The system provides two management modules, To help operators to manage the daily operation and maintenance operations, and provide a variety of convenient features, such as diversified reporting support to help market analysis and revenue regulation, a push to push the news in a timely manner to inform customers of preferential information. 3. Archive the project file
Implementation of the project in accordance with the above five stages. During the implementation of the project team will meet regularly, the members to report their progress, according to the progress of the corresponding task allocation and adjustment to ensure that the project schedule to complete according to schedule. If you encounter problems in the implementation process is difficult to solve, the first time to report within the group, the project team to discuss, if the discussion within the group failed to solve, then seek the help of the instructor.

5.  Procedures/Scope of Work

The popularity of smart phones so that the vast majority of mobile phone users to install a wide range of mobile applications App, mobile phone App download and promotion of more ways to promote the company's software in a short time to the user, although the prevalence of various types of taxi software on the market, A huge number of users, but the software market in the freight piece of a blank, the development of the system to seize the initiative. At the same time, the scope of application of this system is very wide, as long as the user is equipped with smart phones, the installation of the system can quickly and easily use our freight function, while private cars and truck drivers through some relevant procedures can also be used The APP to accept orders and other functions.

6.  Timetable

Requirements analysis phase:
2016.1-2016.3, query relevant information or take the market research approach to understand the user's mobile phone cargo shipping software business needs, based on pre-obtained information, organize analysis of data to complete the "user needs report";

Software Design and Environment Setup Phase:
2016.3-2016.5, according to "user needs report" with UML and Rose modeling system framework to complete the design, system modeling, to determine the overall program, the background Tomcat and FTP server structures;

Development coding and testing phase:
2016.5-2016.9, mobile client program interface design; background system coding development, and background data processing to achieve, internal testing and improve the application;

Software implementation and commissioning phase:
2016.9-2016.11, the deployment of the platform server, test run in the logistics company, and promptly corrected to compensate for the problems found.

Finishing Results:
2016.11-2017.1, the promotion of freight software applications; write research reports and papers, and academic papers published. Integration of related materials, ready to end acceptance.

7.  Budget

A deposit of 2% of the transportation charge will be charged based on the specific shipment. If the promotion of fast, in a year's time profit 20w. Short-term plans require limited funding and include, on a frugal basis, the following basic costs:
1. Physical testing equipment to provide 2600 yuan;
2. Programming and development of software needs 2,000 yuan;
3. Early remote cloud services to pay 1,300 yuan / year;
4.Experimental high-speed network costs 1,500 yuan / year;
5. Genuine document purchase costs 800 yuan;
6. Other costs of 2,500 yuan.

All put together costs 10,700 yuan.

8.  Key Personnel

The key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project, as well as other personnel involved in the project.

Client / [Qi,Sun]
Sponsor / [WangJun,Chen]
Project manager / [Zhilin,Gong]
Team / [WangJun,Chen], [Zhilin,Gong], [BinFei,Yang], [XiaoHui,Liu], [YanSong,Dong]

9.  Evaluation

1 Andriod mobile client, an IOS mobile client and support the client to run the J2EE back-end;
It is planned to complete a complete system of works prior to the termination of the project, with good human-computer interaction, rapid local and cloud links, and accurate cloud processing. The completion of the platform will be able to cargo owners and freight drivers to bring great convenience.

10. Endorsements

Name: Zhejiang SCI-TECH Univertisy

Address: No.5, No.2 Main Street, Xiasha Campus, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

[Name], Project Client
Date: ______/ [Name], Project Sponsor
Date: ______/ [Name], Project Manager
Date: ______